A Sweet Christmas Card You Can Batch Up and Send in Time for Christmas!

Hi friends! I have another card batch recipe for you tonight. I got 9 cards for this pretty patterned paper. I used an old stamp set and typical supplies you probably have on hand (or something you can make due with.) Adapt it to meet your needs and get those cards mailed! BUT that is to say only if you want to. I never want to pressure people into thinking they have to make their own Christmas Cards or send cards at all for that matter. I enjoy making my Christmas cards but there have been years when it’s just too much. Basically, if you like making cards and have time to then go for it. If you are sneaking 5 minutes of zen time with a cup of tea to enjoy a video during a hectic time that’s totally cool too. Christmas comes with a lot of joy and celebration but it can also be overwhelming and full of expectation. It’s also a hard time for many and I just want to say that you are doing great, don’t wear yourself down trying tot be perfect or please everyone. Your family and friends will love you regardless. Love yourself too. Sit back, chill for a few and watch a fun crafty video.

Cutting guide: I cut my heavyweight cream cardstock in half the long way so you get two A2 (4.25×5.5″) top fold cards per 8.5″x11″ sheet. I cut my 12″x12″ patterned paper into 9 4″x4″ squares. I cut my red cardstock to 4 1/8″x 5 3/8″ panels and then cut the red matting layer out of the center where it will be hidden by the pattern paper layer. The stamped label was cut from watercolor paper.

Supplies (Affiliate links may be used)

I hope you enjoyed this project! Take care and til next time happy crafting!

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