Let’s Paint a Beautiful Boston Terrier in Watercolor!

Hi friends! First up today, some housekeeping. To Students in my online classes: I will be away at the heirloom stamp show today through Sunday so I won’t be able to respond to comments and questions in the Teachable classroom (the computer is staying home!) Please excuse my absence over the next couple of days as I recharge my creative batteries. I will approve and respond to all comments/questions in my classes when I return. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Today I have a more advanced tutorial than I usually post on Wednesdays but if you enjoy this style of art I encourage you to try it regardless of your skill level.  If you are new to watercolor you might want to watch it through before painting along and feel free to pause the video to catch up or take breaks whenever you want. For those advance painters who would prefer a time-lapse, you can click the gear on the youtube player and speed up the video.

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Do you like these longer in-depth tutorials or would you rather I speed them up like my sketchbook Sunday videos? Let me know in the comments below! BTW I won’t have a sketchbook Sunday video this week due to my trip. I have planned a couple of videos to play in my absence tho:) Happy crafting!

15 thoughts on “Let’s Paint a Beautiful Boston Terrier in Watercolor!

  1. Oh Lindsay,
    This is the sweetest painting. You’ve done an excellent job of capturing the eyes. And this lesson is fine in length. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Definitely outside my comfort zone but a wonderful class. Plus have have two Boston Terriers at home so I was extra excited about the class. Thank you Lindsay!


  3. Why is your email from Hannah Brencher? I really enjoy your u tube vids. Thank you for all you do?

    Sent from my iPhone



  4. I have learned so much from all your tutorials long and short. I do especially enjoy the longer and more detailed ones. Thank you so much for sharing your skill and understanding of watercolor.


  5. Have a wonderful time. Recharging your creative batteries is essential. The painting is lovely… Even if my skill’s level is far from yours, I may give it a try and be fearless. After all, it’s just paper


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