Have you ever got sick of your hobby?

Hi friends! I apologise for not having a sketchbook Sunday for you today. We celebrate Christmas and we are hosting Christmas Eve this year and traveling on Christmas Day so we have a lot of prep to do today. In addition to store-bought gifts I have been working on secret handmade things as well so even though I am creating like crazy I can’t share the results yet;) This video was made in response too an epiphany while I was working on my yearly scrapbook calendar I make for my parents each year. I used to scrapbook all the time and I really enjoyed it. As I was fighting with my printer that decided to no longer accept heavyweight photo paper and searching the far corners of my computer and phone (my kids phones and facebook friends photos) for enough 2018 photos to fill the 12 page calendar scrapbook I longed for the day when we had one device that took pictures and then we picked up the stack of photos, such as they were, at the photo lab. There wasn’t the endless amount of options for taking photos, editing, enlarging, and printing. What we had was “good enough” and it was certainly a lot more efficient and fun!

As I was working on selecting, resizing and editing my photos I was listening to a “best products” of 2018 video and they were talking about a new tool that was just the same as another tool we all have and have been using for years but it had a different grip and color so it was so worth adding to out hoard and it hit me! This is what has been bugging me about cardmaking!

  • The same tools and products rebranded as “new”
  • Super specific “life changing” tools and supplies that do only 1 thing (non-versatile) that you need to store, find and remember what you bought it for. These items take up space and take longer to find and use than any time they are theoretically supposed to save.
  • Constant churn of supply releases. New stamps released every month only to be discontinued the next moth so people feel like you need to get it while you can. I reminds me of fast fashion. Rubber stamps are designed to pretty much last forever but many people (myself included) have stamps that have only been used once and some that have never met an ink pad!
  • Slightly different versions of the same thing such as nesting frame dies with stitching, double stitching, wavy stitching, (stitching holes) changes up year upon year so you never quite feel “on trend” and the collector aspect of the hobby makes you feel like you should add each new version to your stash. There is also “full set syndrome” where you feel the need to own every color in a product line or every peice of a collection.

The #1 thing that annoys me though is the planned obsolescence of items that can theoretically last forever. If I buy a stamp (I really like stamps!) and use it on a project to share with you and then you can’t find it because it has been discontinued you might get upset with me that you can’t find it so I feel bad using the older stuff but on the other hand I like the stuff I already have more than many of the new things and I also think you can substitute images and supplies for what you have and prefer, otherwise all our cards will look the same and what fun is that?  I will discuss that and more in today’s video.

What do you think? Have you been feeling the same thing? I have to admit I also felt a bit horrified that I could be contributing to this feeling in others by reviewing products and in my tutorials. If I have made you feel overwhelmed instead of inspired I apologise. Please know that the work you make is enough. You are enough. Sometimes I feel that companies market on the premise that you are missing out and who you are and what you have is not good enough but let me set the record straight. You are enough. No stamp, die or watercolor set will make you a better artist. It is within you and anyone who makes you doubt that is wrong. Hobbies are meant to enjoy, art is there to inspire and taking part in these activities should foster a sense of growth and challenge yourself to improve and gain mastery and satisfaction. Shopping and collecting can be fun, no doubt, and as makers we see the potential in everything. In an age where it is so easy to add to our stash we must be vigilant to make sure it does not subtract from out creativity. Did any of this make sense to you? Maybe I am the only one who has had these feelings lately and if so it’s probably good because I don’t want others to be overwhelmed but if you were feeling like this I hope it helped. Happy crafting!

99 thoughts on “Have you ever got sick of your hobby?

  1. Well said and I totally agree. I have over the years bought so much stuff thinking I can be just like the artist who is teaching me by buying what they use, then I realized I will never do how they do it with the same result, I was set up for disappointment. I am my own artist with my own style and am happy to watch my style evolve, now all I have to do is use up all I bought, lol, that may take a century.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I apppreciate your candor.I love your reviews and do get swayed but I have never been disappointed..like Fara..above I sometimes feel mabe I will bet better using this product..(no)..but I am having fun playing with watercolors..I am the same with baking..and crochet etc..Have I ever got sick of a hobby? Yes ..stained glass..the mess..the set up..all of it..So I tucked everything away.Listed it for sale a few yrs back..all my equipment and a young man contacted me to buy it for his fiancé for Christmas.When he came to the door.It was a brisk icy wintery day..I looked at his sweet face and just said :Take it all..for free”.I have never felt better about a sale.:)So that’s my story..
    Thanks for everything you share.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. I am in agreement with you Lindsay! If there isn’t joy in what we do, why do it at all and though some tools are necessary, the retailers come up with new things so they can make a living. What you stated here is true for everything, like you said, fashion and of course home gadgets, homes, cars, everything. If life is not filled with peace and joy within from the Giver of it, no amount of stuff will bring that to a person. It is such a gift to just enjoy art no matter what level we are at (novice like me :)). I do have to say that your channel has encouraged me to do things besides watercolor and am glad you review and use different tools and mediums. My newest one is inktense but since watching you I have worked with acrylic and pastel. Like you though, watercolor is my favorite! Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you and yours!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Lindsay, you hit the nail on the head! Marketers like to convince potential customers they will be less than everyone else if they don’t have the latest/greatest. There is a constant stream of new products that will make me be better, faster, more creative and it’s so easy to buy them (curse you Amazon LOL). Finally, I realized I can (like you’ve said over and over) use what I have and it will be just fine – I don’t have to buy the newest products out there. I’ll become a better artist by doing, not by buying. (Except for an occasional lapse when there’s intriguing new watercolor paints or paper – but I don’t buy every single one!)

    BTW, your site is my go-to site for learning – you’re a natural teacher. Thanks for all you do.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours – safe journey and a healthy, prosperous New Year!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I think that you have nailed it on the head perfectly. 😇💕.

    I have always been one to chooses to Recycle, Repurpose, Upcycle, before I buy any new items.

    For example, the cartons that pop come in, I am recycling into journals and notebooks and the smaller pieces I add paper to and use as a sentiment tag on cards.

    Old towels get cut up to use as cleaning rags or salvaged into a bath mat.

    Old clothing can get made into bags, quilts or even pin cushions. Sweaters can be made into mittens or even used as a cardigan.

    I’m still being Creative and having fun, while still saving money 😁.

    I’m still trying to get my own blog going but it was forced into hibernation mode at the moment due to my retriggering my Closed Head Traumatic Brain Injury. But I am not going to give up. Right now, I am in a season of healing and growth.

    My plans are for creating a Crafters Supplies Swap with a Contest for each swap. The Crafters are to create two projects for each swap and the most creative wins the prize for that swap. This way it helps others to destash and others who have less to be able to build up their own stash.

    Have a wonderful blessed time with Family members this Christmas and I am praying for you to be abundantly blessed in the coming year. 💕😇🙏.

    Merry Christmas!

    Kindest Regards,
    Karen M Roth
    aka Masquerading Crafter

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Thank you Lindsay!! You are absolutely correct. I have felt overwhelmed for a while but still continued on with “collecting everything new” and needed. I have finally realized as you say the creativeness is in me not in “things” and I don’t need the latest and greatest. Now if I buy something, I think about it for a couple weeks before I make the purchase, and it is usually something I will use over and over. Not just once. I have been a crafter for many years and everything old becomes new again if you wait long enough. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Well said Lindsay! This is one of the reasons I have followed you for so long. You do inspire me with your techniques and curiosity and then I sometimes try it with what I have in my stash. Sometimes I don’t but I am always entertained. I have a friend who follows all the trends and cannot afford it and rarely uses what she buys. It’s sad to watch that. When I first started I had nothing in the way of tools and it was so enjoyable. Had a lot of fun finding things to fussy cut to what I needed. I.e. I gathered a bunch of leaves and traced them to make design I wanted. Very challenging but end result was so satisfying. Now a lot of the supply stores are closing down in my area and new stuff has to be ordered online. That in itself is frustrating. Please keep you tubing so honestly. I love it and appreciate it more than you know.

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  8. I remember, several years ago, watching a how-to video and hearing the creator say “you will want this, you don’t want your cards to look so last year” (I paraphrase.) I was angered by this statement. The point of the card is not which dies you use or new stamps but rather the sentiment and the feelings behind it. I agree Lindsay. Thanks for a well written article. I think you (perhaps unexpectedly) given a number of us permission to use our own supplies no longer how old they are.

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  9. I feel the SAME Lindsay!!! You expressed it well. You can get so overwhelmed with trying to store and find things, you don’t even feel like creating anymore. What we HAVE is enough and what we ARE is enough too. Happy Holidays, EVERYONE!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Oh my goodness. I totally relate to this. I hate that companies have gone to a super progressive schedule of releasing new products every month. It was just a few years ago and there was only new products a couple times a year. This schedule is just too much for me and it frustrates me so much. They don’t even give us tome to play with the stuff we have before new ones comes out. And bring a creative person it is so hard to ignore the new stuff when you see such pretty things being shown to you with the new stuff.

    But in the end I feel like they are heading for a burn out. I feel like I can never catch up. I truly have said many times, I wish they all would take a year or two off so I can catch up and play with the stuff I have boughten and have no time to play with yet. I am beginning to think the rate at which they bring new stuff out is going to be a reason why they push people away from this hobby soon. They are making it stressful!! Rather than fun.

    It is easy for those working in this field to create new stuff all day long and move on to new exciting stuff every month. For those of us who don’t have enough time in the day it starts to make us feel lost!

    Thank you for posting this. I could probably go on for a couple more paragraphs about this topic but I won’t take over your comment section with my rambling.

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    1. I know a designer for a UK company and no it is not easy for them to design new products all day. The pressure from the company is immense and she is finding it actually hinders her creativity. Remember when she draws a stamp and die set it has to be different from anything already on the market, meet the criteria set by the company and still be the quality design she in known for. Under that pressure how long could anyone keep enjoying their work


  11. what a timely and poignant post, Lindsey you really struck a chord with me. Sometimes I feel like I spend more time watching product reviews than using my actual art supplies. Thanks for encouraging me to enjoy all the options I already have in my craft room. Merry Christmas and enjoy your family time

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  12. Your sure called that one right Lindsay. I used to tend to buy, buy and some of the things never got used. I have discontinued that bad habit and have purged a lot. This year I needed to make some quick tags for some gifts. Instead of grabbing any of my big sets of marker, I grabbed my trusty Memento ones. I think I have maybe and a dozen and had enough colors to stamp and color what I needed to. It was so simple and so stress free and I really enjoyed it. I think it may be time to purge again since maybe less really is more. Thank you for being such an inspiration and keep those videos coming. Christmas Blessings to you and your family.

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  13. You are so right! So often I will see a video and “have to have” that item. I have so much stuff now that I never use, and no room for more. In the last six months I have been reining myself in. I have craft supplies for crafts I no longer do and would love to donate them to someone who would use them. Though I can’t find anyone who does counted cross stitch these days. So, I still ask everywhere for someone to donate to and have forced myself to use what I have. And you are right about we are good crafters/artists. We just need to learn to not be so darn hard on ourselves. Thanks for you kind words and have a wonderful holiday season.

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  14. Wow Lindsay, you are so correct! If we just assess what we have, many of us can come to the conclusion that it is time to put on the brakes! Thank you for being so honest.
    Have a safe happy time this Christmas, and a healthy happy New Year!

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  15. IHi thanks for another great post, hoping you and your family have an enjoyable Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I have to agree that the market is flooded with”must have’ products monthly and it’s very easy to be caught up in the hype. I help my friend in his craft shop occasionally and I have to be aware that just because new products are being touted as”it” if I wait a few weeks another company will bring out a similar/better product. I have to admit your advice to “store it at the store” has really helped, and my friend sometimes let’s me borrow stamps or dies that he has used to demonstrate.

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  16. I agree completely. I was watching a couple of videos explaining why a woman needed four different sized embossing/cutting machines. I had to think she must have too much money and a huge storage space. Last year I saw some very cute stamps being used and I was going to buy them. Once I had a cart full I realized that making some cards, which I enjoy doing, was going to cost much more than buying a box from a store. I deleted the cart and opted to try drawing something similar to the stamps myself. I really enjoyed that process so much more. I could use stamps I had and add hand drawn elements. It made me happy to create something much more personal. I even, gasp, use our printer to make greetings if I can’t find something I like in my collection. It’s not perfect but it works. Thank you for letting us know we are not alone. PS you always let us know that there is a chance that some of the things you are using may no longer be available and remind us to use what we have.

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      1. I scan all the cards I make (when I remember) so I have a ideas to look back at when I blank out. I really do like making them from scratch. It’s a great way to get rid of all my practice. I’m not bad but not great and what do you do with dozens of small Christmas/Winter scenes? I love being able to make them and then send them off. Rather than hang on to them in a pile some where.


  17. You said it so well. I have really been feeling this way lately. It’s pretty sad, I think. My crafting goal for the coming year is to find a balance for myself between the wonderful new releases and creative new ways to use what I already have. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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  18. I agree with the others. I am guilty of having the full set syndrome. I also order and by the time I get it I forgot why I wanted it to begin with. I have a friend who has the same problem with collecting fabric and sewing machines and then can’t find anything.
    I have learned one thing this Christmas and that is that every card I make does not need to be a masterpiece with new stuff. I have learned from a new person that I have been following to use things I already have and keep it simple. Less stress and I don’t feel like a failure if I can’t do it as well as the person on You tube. Hopefully, this will be a good resolution going into the new year.

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    1. Do exactly the same thing. The full set and buy something I saw used on You Tube and forget how to use it. I file some of the videos on my stick drive but then never go back to see it again.


  19. I totally agree with everything you said. I have products that I don’t even remember why I bought them, that or I didn’t research it fully and wound up with something that didn’t suit my needs,( like my “neocolor 1” set-ya can’t blend the darn things!) My hubby wanted to buy me a Cricut for Christmas, but I first thought,. Where am I going to put it? How long will it take for me to figure out how to use it? Then I found out I have to pay extra for the downloads. So, I’ll fussy cut my own stuff, thank you very much. I don’t use that many die cuts, anyhow. I’ll live happily without it. Thanks for sharing, Lindsay.

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  20. I don’t understand the people who get sucked into “trendy” purchases, or multiples. I realized 3 months into stamping that I don’t need every butterfly stamp I find. I logged all my stash into Evernote so I can remind myself of what I have when I’m out shopping. I think you *can* get burnt out on a stamp set if you have used it a lot, but that’s when its time to destash it. If I do find a “better” butterfly set (or whatever) I know I need to destash an old one. I personally like when a blogger pulls out an old but popular stamp set to give me new inspiration on it. And while I don’t like the “exclusive, buy it before it runs out” concept, I love the influx of new designs and styles. I get burnt out easily and feel a stamp set was well used if it got 5 or 6 good uses. Then I can pass it on with no guilt and get something new to me. Like you, I only have dies in common shapes and a couple other versatile designs because I have a Silhouette that can cut my stamps out. I may have a variety of inks as they each serve different purposes. But I don’t feel guilty about not using one when I choose to use the other. I also don’t feel guilty for having a stash of paper, especially since I can’t run out to buy what I need from a LSS anymore, and my big box store sucks. I’m not suckered by coupons, and I have no issues waiting for a good sale instead of buying immediately for instant gratification. When I see something I think I want, it goes on a Wish List I created (again on Evernote) and I use it to as a waiting list, to see if I lose interest before I make the purchase. It also didn’t take me long to figure out my own style and talents, so I didn’t get caught up in quilling, bullet or art journaling, gel printing or mixed media. I do love learning new techniques though so I don’t feel stale and repetitive. I’m happy with the current size of my stash, and the options I have collected. I don’t feel guilty about not using every single thing on every single day. If I used every type of product I own on a card, it would be hideous! LOL So, some days I wet emboss, some days I use embossing folder to dry emboss, other days I watercolor a background. No worries, no guilt. Most days I don’t even make full cards, I make backgrounds, or stamp images to color later, or I paint or color. Then on another day I pull together pieces and make cards. I use my stash but don’t have the pressure of producing. Sorry to go on so long, but just think there is another view to “stash collections” and product releases.

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    1. I love this Karen:) You have a system and a very positive balanced outlook because you know what you like and what you can reasonably use. Good for you:)


  21. Wow, you are singing my song. I have been cross-stitching since 1978, I used to hoard kits and supplies. I moved on to basket making then to beading. I did the same there, I have all my bead. supplies. I sold my basket supplies and reduced my cross stitch kits. When I starting making cards last December, I watched every video I could to learn what to do especially yours!! You helped so so much. I started buying the basics, then I went crazy as time went by. New stamps, inks, tools, cardstock, kits, and the list goes on and on. I am on all the blog hops hoping to win prizes, pathetic, I know. Let me admit it here, I am a craft shopping addict. Is there a support group out there?? 🙂 But I know what you mean. It seems every company comes out with something shinier every month. I do enjoy not having to go out when I need something when I’m working on a project. I’m fully stocked!!

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  22. You are so right, Lindsay! I have been feeling frustrated with myself, when it is the industry’s commercial push I should take a personal position on of non-cooperation. It is ruining the fun for a lot of us, I think. Thanks for putting into words what I have been thinking.

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  23. New stamps coming out every month is tough. Stampendous is reissuing, apparently the sets that stamped around gear looing things which I have in my stash and am not using. I suppose they will be a different color! I buy a lot but have been rethinking lately if I’m going to live long enough to use up my stash. LOL Also I think stamps and die sets are getting way too expensive. I have the scan and cut too which saves a lot but the constant stream of dies and stamps is overwhellming.

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    1. it really is, I tend to purchase my stamps at stamp conventions because they have the best selection and hard to find brands. The first convention I went to was half dies and I couldn’t believe that people would buy a die to match a stamps and they are more popular now. I often work one layer with masking so I don’t cut out many but I am happy to have invested in a SnC because 1. I use it often and 2. It looks better than and is quicker than my hand cutting and 3. it cost the same as 10 die sets but can cut anything.


  24. I buy too much but not because of you. I watch all your vids, read your blog, like all you do but consider I’m learning new techniques or design fundamentals not the exact stamp, color, or paper. I couldn’t, even if I tried, to make something exactly like yours, gotta be me.

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  25. Thank you, Lindsey, so stating this so plainly. I had to give up my craft room six years ago and while I love rubber stamping, my creativity has had to be reined back to knitting and crocheting. I have felt so “left behind” by all the new techniques, etc., that I have seen, but when I stop and consider that 1) you rarely see any religious stamps, especially for Christmas, and that 2) only one or two styles of stamps are being offered, I’m thankful for what I have. Now, to just get my life to a place where I can stamp to my heart’s content again!

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  26. You are the BEST! I was feeling bad because I was posting a finished art piece on your feathers and fowl lessons when you made it available a year ago. I was feeling “behind the times”. You not only inspire us to enjoy our art, you help adjust our feelings of inadequacy for not having “it” to be us “better” artists. Thank you Lindsay, you are a blessing.


  27. I see that most comments agree, and so do I, Lindsay. My disgust came with this new “glimmer hot foil machine”. My thought was Really!!? Another machine costing over $100, taking up room, needing more expenditure for “glimmer plates”, that does what a foiler or a laminator does? I don’t get it. Stamps with cute sayings, or actual insults. If I sent one to a friend, I couldn’t see sending the same sentiment to the same person. I think my stamp and die collection is pretty complete. I don’t buy critters or “cute, since my cards are mostly for adults. Or something even a child might appreciate. You have said it for many of us. Thank you.


  28. I have experienced this myself. Especially comparing myself to other crafters. I’ve learned to be myself and embrace my own style….which is still a work in progress. Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🌲


  29. Lindsay, I appreciate your heart of concern! After reading many of the comments, I think you are 100% correct. What is unique about you is that you are humble enough to admit your concern and I so admire you for that! You are a very talented artist and I appreciate your kind heart to share your talent! Thanks again for sharing your heart! Hope you and your family have the MERRIEST CHRISTMAS and a BLESSED NEW YEAR!🎄🎁🤶🏻🎅🏼💞

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  30. Lindsay, you have always inspired me and I always enjoy your videos. You have always said use what you have but give a good option should you want to purchase something new. You have used many different supply’s and know which ones are good for the price. Don’t have to buy the most expensive products to get a nice finished project.
    I value your opinions. Thank you for all the information and knowledge you share. Merry Christmas to you and your family.


  31. I started scrapbooking 25 years ago with a pair of scissors glue construction paper and white cardstock. I would draw pictures cut them out and cut letters out that I drew. Used markers and color pencils to add color. I loved it. Then all the stuff of crafting started being sold and of course I had to have it. Now I have so much crafting stuff that I don,t know where to start. Half my stamps have not even been used but had to have it. I realized I missed drawing my pictures on my pages. I think it was so much simpler back when we had limited supplies. I know I did a lot more scrapbooking and card making when I had fewer supplies. I feel that I have to use the new stuff and I feel guilty if I don,t. Then nothing gets done and I go knit.


  32. Hi Lindsay, I’m not sick of my hobby but like “everyone else” YOU said it right. I have learned to not buy every new thing that comes out. Although I have been scrapbooking for a while I’m a beginner/intermediate scrapper. I’ve joined one kit club but I already had so much paper before kits became popular that I need to use and incorporate some of those papers with my kits. I sometimes put items in a cart on a scrapbook site and if I haven’t purchased it by the next day or two…..well I didn’t need it. I use to always walk out of a Michaels or Joan Ann’s with a bag full of scrapbooking supplies. Now I go for specific things needed (glue, tape runner, etc.). You have opened up my eyes a little more about all the new stuff that will be coming out from the 2019 CHA scrapbooking world. But I will definitely LIMIT myself to a couple of things.


  33. Thank you so much for voicing feelings I have been experiencing for some time. I subscribe to a number of YouTube crafters channels, but rarely watch them because all they want to do is show off new stuff. I am more of a technique driven person and find myself buying stuff I don’t need. I have grown more conservative in my purchases in the pasts couple of years, choosing to purchase items I know I can use in multiple ways rather than going for the latest fad. Your videos have always been a more process driven and you always make sure to point out how we can use our own supplies in similar ways that you use yours. Thank you for this! Love your videos, Lindsay!


  34. Thanks for the healthy dose of reality. I have several items that I plan to give to friends who are interested in card making. I love it but realized I would do more if I had fewer supplies to drag out for each session. I’ve become a wiser consumer, in part, thanks to your tutorial where you always say “or just use what you have”.


  35. Lindsay everything you said is so true. I’ve been crafting and arting for most of my 65 years and like the fashion world it seems ideas get recycled every twenty years. I have stuff i put away decades ago that are new again. My philosophy for fashion and crafts is to stick with the basics. I don’t do cute or on-trend, it just isn’t my style. Knowing what you like and what you will use will save money, space, and frustration in the end. So many times I have seen a stamp advertised and when I tried to order it was always sold out. That is a sign to me that there will be burn out with that design soon. Stay with the basics and exercise those creative muscles. Thank you for what you do, I can always count on your honest reviews and I enjoy learning techniques.


  36. You really hit the nail on the head! There are so many stamps and such that are really a one time type of subject matter and they’re so expensive!

    I really enjoy your blog and your positive, upbeat and practical outlook. The product reviews are really helpful, especially when you compare brands. Merry Christmas!


  37. I totally agree with you. I have too much stuff which makes it harder sometimes, to decide what I want to use. There is also the fact it is too easy to get swayed to buy something new all the time. This leads to a problem of overspending.


  38. Thank you Lindsey I appreciate greatly your comments today on “Cardmaking, ups and downs”.
    As Artists it really helps to hear we are not alone as we grow in the process of creating and communicating with our work….keeping it simple, purchasing we need and using it…that’s so important…Thank you for your creative voice.

    Have a Merry Christmas and Healthy and Prosperous New Year….


  39. Thank you Lindsey I appreciate greatly your comments today on “Cardmaking, ups and downs”.
    As Artists it really helps to hear we are not alone as we grow in the process of creating and communicating with our work….keeping it simple, purchasing we need and using it…that’s so important…Thank you for your creative voice.

    Have a Merry Christmas and Healthy and Prosperous New Year….


  40. Lindsay, I totally agree with everything you said. Also, I appreciate your honest review of any product it might be. Ironically, lately I’ve been caught up in Jane Davenport products. I have purchased some things but caught myself wanting her mermaid markers and watercolors. I have Daniel Smith watercolors, Zig and Tombow markers and much more! I stopped myself from buying hers as this is sinful! I love art and crafting… it’s a great stress reliever and medicine to the soul but it should not turn into a bad addiction! Thanks for the wake up call!


  41. Dear Lindsay and family
    I wish you and you family a truely wonderful, safe and restful Christmas and New Year.

    I have enjoyed your blogs and sessions.
    We all reach a time when you need to step back, take a breath and reassess your priorities.
    None of your followers will feel let down if you take some time off.

    We have been in drought here in north west NSW for two years and this year we have been feeding our cattle twice a day since March, however, the last month has been a bit of reprieve as we haven’t had to feed as often. The water in the dams had just about run out and we had to pump from a bore twice to put enough water for the stock. We had a small rain after this – not a lot but we are still grateful.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year
    We are expecting a hot dry summer here.
    Barbara young (Coonabarabran)

    Sent from my iPad


  42. Appreciate that you always say “use what you have.” That’s a way to be creative. I sometimes shop on line, fill up a cart and then remove all the items realizing I really don’t need them! The other thing I do is make a list of things I think I want/need but think it over for a while before I buy.


  43. I have been trying to work hard on being content with what I have and actually using what I have. It has been a challenge because it is so much easier to be discontent and have an ever growing wish list.


  44. Lindsay you work so hard all year long that you have earned one, two, or more days off. I watch your videos not to see what new thing I can buy but to get inspiration, ideas and encouragement. You provide all of that and more! Thank you for your hard work, honesty and encouragement. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  45. I just wrote Spectrum Noir about this. I bought 3 24-pack sets of alcohol markers @ Tuesday Morning showing a “made in China” 2017 trademark, I can’t find ANY info about them online. There’s a million comparative color charts for all the colors of their NEW numbered system but they aren’t correlated to the previous UNNUMBERED version, so if you want some additional colors you won’t know which new PACK to buy so as not to get duplicates.A few years ago, I was watching alot of mini album videos, many of which featured the Stampin Up/EK Success rounded tab punch which was already retired in favor of incidental, silly punches that are probably now unavailable to bring in even stupider punches. No amount of emails to SU has garned a reply about what should be a permanent STANDARD. If you want the more USEFUL tab punch now, it’s selling for up to $150 on eBay. If you read promos about CHA, this seems to be the main reason for their existence. They offer classes on developing & marketing ever newer products. Another thing I hate about ALL products these days is that packaging is printed in multiple globaloney languages making it all ridiculously, unreadably small.


  46. You are absolutely right Lindsey. I’m in the same boat. I had intended to make all my Christmas cards this year but I didn’t get round to it for one reason and another and then it was too late so I bought them instead and I’m increasingly doing that. I actually only started card making to use up some of the scrapbooking supplies I had a few years ago! I still do a little bit of scrapbooking but not nearly as much as I used to. You’ve inspired me to take a fresh look at my supplies and get crafting again. I will make it my New Year Resolution not to buy any supplies unless it is absolutely necessary this year and also to actually do something! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. x


  47. I hear you and I see myself there very often. I about every 6 months I do a cleaning in my craft room and go thru it to reorganize too. I find so much ‘new’ stuff that I don’t feel I have to buy anything. I often just search YouTube for new ways to use what I have. It can get overwhelming very quickly. Enjoy your Christmas Lindsay and thank you for everything.


  48. Thank you! You have opened my eyes. My creativity has been bogged down by the overwhelming feeling that I don’t have the right stuff. I seem to spend more time buying, sorting, storing then searching for the stuff. I need to be happy with the stuff I have because when I actually create, I am so happy!

    Your videos are wonderful and have helped me make good choices when considering new supplies that I have not tried. I found myself ready to invest in alcohol markers but after watching several of your videos, I chose a set starter set you liked. The set is perfect and was budget friendly.. After using the markers for a while, I found myself going back to water color makers so you saved me a small fortune! I thank you for that!

    Have a Very Merry Christmas!


  49. “Use what you have.” I don’t know how many times you have uttered those words in your videos, but I am reassured every single time I hear them. I am just starting out in watercolors and I understand why it’s great to have professional paints and all cotton paper. Countless videos by others try to convince me that I “must” have those tools to be successful. It is so refreshing to hear the words that you repeated today–“You are enough.” Wow. It goes against our consumption-oriented culture, but those powerful words need to be spoken over and over again. Thanks, Lindsay.


  50. I have felt, overwhelmed! I found myself organizing more then using! I have learned from you not to hoard “use what you have”! So I told myself this year no new stamps until you have made three cards with all the stamps you own! You said once if you can’t make three different cards from one stamp it isn’t worth buying. Maybe not exact words. It has worked pretty good but i do admit I have bought a few new ones! I will start making 3 cards from all of them in January, so i can see which ones i want to keep..You always inspire us and make us think i mean really think about what to create, purchase, and spend! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!! Thanks again for all you do!!


  51. Lindsay, you hit the nail on the head!! I wish I had the skill with words to express just exactly what you wrote! I love your videos and posts. Your reviews are welcome. You have always been a promoter of “ use what you have”. It’s nice to see some of the new products, but it doesn’t mean I have to own it all. I personally would really love to see more cards and projects made with your older stamps. I want to learn the techniques and get inspired to make my own creations — and I want to be able to do it with what I already have. Thank you so much for all you share. You are my favorite blogger and tuber! Merry Christmas to you and all your family.


  52. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Take time to rest and enjoy your wonderful family.
    Thank you for sharing your many great and amazing talents with me and others.
    God bless.
    Take care.


  53. AMEN sister! I totally agree with you about being overwhelmed. Right now I need to make three birthday cards, but my work space is too cluttered with “stuff” to feel inspired to create. I haven’t decided how to store the stuff, and fear that if it is stored I won’t remember to use it. I do try to purge often: inferior products go to my grandkids (watercolor pencils that color fine but don’t really dissolve well for watercoloring) or to the trash (cheap watercolor paint from Ross); items that are good but just not being used (gelatos) go to the annual rummage sale at my church.

    I do love my stamp positioner, though — I didn’t use my stamps before, worrying that the stamped image would be crooked or incomplete. The positioner gives me confidence to use my stamps.


  54. First off Merry Christmas lovely lady. You are absolutely my favorite blogger. You are constantly uplifting and encouraging. You inspire me.

    In reply to your posting today I say “Amen Sister”. This year I lost 3/4 ths. of all my belongings and it would be impossible to replace everything. That being said, I am dogmatic when I am selecting something.and asking myself is it versitle, is there something else that would work just as well and is it worth the $$$.Supplied with this battle plan I am sure to conquer the materialism/ marketing techniques we are subjected to and will continue to craft my little heart out. Thank you for always sharing your honest, and heartfelt thoughts,


  55. Ohhhh Lindsay if ever I have said I LOVE YOUR HEART, it pales in comparison to my saying it loudly today!

    You are so spot on with your insight and comments. You’ve always said to “use what you have” and I do, for the most part with my watercolours, but I’m building my dies and stamp supplies for card making – specifically for birthdays – and I was getting overwhelmed! 😦 I had to stop and take a good look at all those products in my shopping carts everywhere, and think about their use long term, to pare them down to those I knew would fill my needs. It was so easy to get pulled into that “close out” and “clearance” section and just want to grab them all because of the “I might need later” impulse. Luckily, I let most carts sit there a week or two and then look at them again. It helps greatly. lol

    So, thank you for your candid look at this issue and discussing it with us. ❤️


  56. Lyndsey,

    I agree about the overwhelming product overload and then discontinuing them before some folks know about or are able to save for them….it’s frustrating in many ways.

    I also agree with you that no “New and improved” version will make you a better artist/crafter. However, I know that some things are sometimes better if you have quality products verses cheap and low quality…. like with paints…some are too expensive for me, however they have better quality and such would make a painting look better. I do not yet have any higher quality watercolors so continue to practice with my cheap Fred Meyer and Michaels paints. Often I find they look sort of nice while still wet but when dry they look like chalk, or cartoonish because colors change was so drastic. As someone who is still learning this is sometimes very discouraging and so I will feel like I’m not good and should stop trying. So if they get new products in perhaps they’ll someday make a high quality paint that is more affordable or create competition and Daniel Smith, QOR, sminke etc; will lower prices for us on fixed incomes so they can generat more business. Like the Jane products… want to use her things badly because she and you make it so inspiring and look fun; however they are far out of reach….

    My other reason for replying to this blog privately is because recently you seem to be feeling overwhelmed and maybe have some winter blues. I hope you are not; but if are feeling that way- I hope you feel better soon!❤️😊. You are a wonderful teacher and so full of inspirational ideas. Your videos are always wonderful and you bring JOY and inspiration to so many.

    Lisa Burns

    Sent from my iPad



  57. Oh my! It’s like you read my mind Lindsay! I have been going thru the same thing most of of 2018! I have a small online papercraft type store and we do local shows and the pressure to keep up with trends is immense! Every time I order the ‘new’ stuff, MORE gets released! It’s impossible to keep up and no one person can possibly use all of it. So many inks, stamps, dies and color mediums – they are all amazing products, but you are on point! The message is a sense of urgency – ‘you must buy it now before it’s gone’ and ‘you probably have one of these but check out this one, it’s so much better than the one you have’. And seeing the same stamp set on 37 YT channels is hard sometimes. I strive to search for more creators that do less main stream stuff. I love your videos! You aren’t ‘pushing’ us to buy buy buy. You always say ‘use what you have’ and that is s great message! You show us new products and help us make informed choices. I love your format. Thank you for being you and Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🎄☃️


  58. I absolutely agree with you. Sometimes it’s just so overwhelming to have SO much stuff, SO many stamps and dies, I don’t even know where to start. I read so many design team members blogs from several companies and of course they’re promoting the newest thing and their designs are so pretty, it makes me want that new thing. I feel like I don’t have any creativity of my own left, I just copy other people’s designs and change the colors or something small. I have learned over the years to really look at a stamp or die and think about whether I am willing to put in the effort to color the image or apply glue to tiny areas of a die cut, and the answer is usually no.
    I tend to make more cards for a particular occasion like Christmas or Halloween because I have a much smaller collection of images and dies for those holidays. I don’t have a blog anymore, and don’t regret that decision, and I don’t send many all occasion/thinking of you cards, but I do use them for writing to my pen pals, so I’ve been trying to get more creative with what I already have for those cards.
    When I was shopping for Christmas gifts this year, it finally hit me why I don’t enjoy it anymore. TOO many choices, whether it’s toys, clothes, electronics, whatever – there is just too much to choose from that it’s overwhelming and I find it stressful.
    I think for 2019 I will make an effort to be comfortable with my own style of card making and enjoy what I see on the blogs, but instead of CASEing someone else’s design, come up with my own. Any maybe even unsubscribe from some of them *gasp*! I can always find them again if I want to, right? I have rambled on long enough and I want to thank you for saying exactly what I’ve been feeling about the industry.

    Merry Christmas and all the best for 2019!


  59. Amen Lindsay. I get overwhelmed and panicky. And can’t seem to organize and find all my stuff when I need it. I have started to become very selective and discipline myself to use the stuff I have. Its all wonderful and your techniques apply to all kinds of designs and supplies. Thank you. Have a grat Christmas and New Year.


  60. Thanks for all you do for all of us Lindsay. Merry Christmas and the happist of New Years as you inspire us again and again.


  61. I was feeling the same way very recently and was relieved to have it stated so sicingtly by you. It is depressing to think that these stamp companies only want to sell , sell, sell! I became a demonstrator and wanted to make beautiful cards to send to friends and family but got lured into the constant cycle of retiring items and new catalogue every year. You have to sell soo much and buy soo much, then before you know it you are trying to talk your friends and neighbors into buying more! I am ready to get off this treadmill and truley use and enjoy what I do have which is Plenty. Thank you for stating and confirming what I was feeling. I don’t feel like I’m the only person who feeels this way


  62. I get frustrated trying to find some supplies. I get frustrated on new products being released but it’s six months before it get in Canada. The companies that advertise “buy it now” or it will be gone drives me bonkers. Feels like a “hard” sell to me. I know there are a lot of stamp companies now, but yes it’s beginning to feel more like a collection than useful items


  63. You hit the spot!! Thanks for stating this so well. I really want to just be free to create without all the pressure! Thanks!!!


  64. Totally hit the spot
    Thanks for stating this so well.
    I really would love to free myself to create without the pressure.


  65. Wow Lindsay, you sure make a lot of sense! I went to my first craft retreat 5 years ago and now have thousands of dollars worth of craft supplies. As people have mentioned, there are actually two different hobbies going on… one is collecting stuff and the other is making stuff. I am really really good at collecting but not so much at making. It’s so embarrassing that my husband had to purchase Christmas cards from the store because I did not get any cards made in time to send them. There is no excuse, I am retired and certainly had the time available. It is also embarrassing at the amount of stamps and dies I have that I will probably never use. But, I have trouble getting rid of any because I have hoarding tendencies where I’m afraid I might need it some day.

    Earlier this year, I had given myself the goal to only purchase what is absolutely necessary, as per your guidance in the video. I did not do well holding to that goal this past year. Your video has given me new resolve and incentive to have a stronger will to hold to my “no buy” goal for the coming year. You provided very good “think first before hitting the buy button“ tips that will help me overcome the “oooh another pretty shiny object, must have” urges.

    But… I have also discovered that there is a third hobby, that of learning how to make stuff. Yes, I spend hours each day searching through Pinterest and craft blogger sites for card ideas and watching tons of YouTube videos for techniques. I have an electronic crafting inventory application (Evernote) where I keep track of all my stuff. I also document each of the techniques I found to be of interest thus building my extensive library of “how to make stuff”. So, even if I don’t buy anything new next year, I am now so overwhelmed with the many techniques I want to try that I don’t know where to start!

    Oh, and I actually have a fourth hobby…. that of organizing and storing my stuff. I have a whole bedroom dedicated to my craft stuff, and it is full. As I mentioned, I have an electronic inventory app, Evernote. I spend at least an hour a day updating my inventory items, such as adding links to new pages that show creating a card with that item or adding pictures of cards that were made with that item. I also visit sites and watch videos on how to organize your stuff, from labels to containers to shelving and beyond.

    So my plan for the coming year is not just to stop buying stuff, but to actually start getting down to making stuff. Wish me luck 😁


  66. Oh, you are so right on! I have spent a week organizing my beads, sorting containers, getting my gelli painting area set up .. and then .. unable to get going with creating. Glad I am not alone with this issue. Yes, I love the”hunt” for new materials and then the letdown when I get home. Thanks for this blog .. I don’t need to go shopping, I have way more than enough!!!!


  67. I’m new to your channel but I totally agree with you. I get that a lot of these designers use the crafting hobby as a job so pushing new products is how they are paid with affiliated links. But it has gotten out of hand. I started off with a few things and my collection has GROWN–a lot of it consisting of the ‘greatest” new tool only to find that in a few years, the tool evolves into something better (like the original stampamajig which helped me stamp straight, but has since evolved into the Misti, which I HAD to have, and then now to the even better Tim Holtz stamping platform–I now have ALL three when I use just one). SO I’m learning to wait before I give in and buy stuff I don’t need or I’ve also started to investigate to see if a new tool is in fact a new tool and not something used in another industry and repackaged, relabeled and marked up for the cardmaking industry (like those new ink blending brushes that are the same make-up brushes sold on Amazon for a fraction of the price or the magnetic bowls (found in any hardware store) or the microfiber cloths (that you can buy at Bed Bath for $9 for 10). (and don’t get me started on the STAMPS–I do have tons of “critter” stamps, etc etc..some still in their packages). I’ve realized that the cards I make are for people who don’t craft so have no idea what the “latest” stamps are–they just appreciate the time it took to make it. So this year, I’m going to start to be way more selective and I’ve made it a goal to use all the stuff I haven’t even opened yet. The prices on the stamps and dies have also gone up significantly. I understand people’s anger toward sites like Ali Express but I also understand why someone who is on a limited income would turn to them. Crafting brings joy and helps people who suffer from debilitating emotional issues and if the only way they can do that is by buying from Ali, then I don’t judge them. Shelling out $30-50 for a stamp/die set is a hardship for a lot of people. I think a lot of people are villified on social media and through youtube comments just for wanting to take part in something that makes them happy. Should companies do what they can to prevent designs from being stolen? Absolutely but maybe they can also work on lowering the price point so people don’t feel the need to buy knockoffs. Knockoffs are a part of every single industry..it’s a losing battle. Anyway, that’s just my opinion. I appreciated your video and I’m sure you speak for a lot of people.


    1. you made some good points. I still use my stampamajig, it still works great so why not? That is frustrating when you buy one thing and then something very similar but a little cuter or better comes out, it can lead to buying nearly the same thing over and over again. I hope there is some balance. I don’t like people having hoards of stuff that they feel bad about and not using, it’s sad. I did a craft fair with a friend who sews to make some extra money a few years ago and she felt like she needed to get all new fabric because she didn’t think people would want to buy doll clothes with older fabric. I said nobody will know or care how old the fabric is. We are way too critical of our work.

      Liked by 1 person

  68. Good thoughts! So much product out there…beginning to look the same…and so many new releases it is overwhelming…..time to shop in my own craft room.


  69. This is such a good topic and clearly spells out the issues that many of us have. Crafting is such a creative world and it sure doesn’t take long for the burden of accumulation to take over. I look forward to starting to use up my fabric supply .. and I did donate some lovely new fabric to a local sewing store so it would finally get used up.


  70. I agree wholeheartedly with your reasons for feeling funky lately. I just posted a few of my frustrations with having become a shopper/collector in place of “stamper” without realizing it. You have inspired me to get back to stamping and using supplies I have on hand. I hope you will take a moment to read my post!


  71. Your comments apply to the quilting industry as well where quilters are ashamed to use a fabric that was popular 2 or more years ago. Throw in the snob effect and we have another layer to add to the expensive stash accumulation problem. A large percentage of quilters won’t buy fabrics from a discount store like Joanns because it’s not a well know fabric company like Moda. Even if they find brand name fabrics that are discounted they will not buy it because they fell there is something wrong with it. The same applies to knitting. You don’t dare tell anyone you use inexpensive brand needles or yarn with acyril. The latter is often referred as garbage yarn by the large number of bullies in our crafting communities. So very sad that a hobby is plagued with these unnecessary demons.

    Liked by 1 person

  72. I have just gotten back into making greeting cards because I was so involved in retiring from 30 years teaching, cleaning out a 101 yr old house where at least some of my family had lived for 70 years and cleaning, cleaning and cleaning (4 bedrooms, 4 floors), endless waiting to find a senior apt building and waiting for the house to sell. I had to really downsize because I was into quilting and stamping. Stupidly I gave all my stamping materials to my nieces assuming that if I had some room I could get some things back and do a little. When I discovered many seniors didn’t have any hobbies, I offered to teach small groups some stamping techniques. No one wanted to let me have some of my supplies back.
    As I have been discovering how many new things are on the market…they all look so full of possibilities, I WANT TO TRY SOME OF EVERYTHING! I haven’t curbed my desire, bought a lot, and now face many bills. But some people have caught onto the wonder of what they can create! It is well worth it. Boredom is with my quilting!!! As a teacher, seeing joy on the faces of people empowered by your sharing will and has never bored me.


  73. I feel the less I have results in my being more creative with what I already have…and also more peaceful with less to clutter up simple decision-making& the house for God’s sake. Before I retired I spent money like water on every new techy crafting tool, paint, yarn, device, you name it & ending up not being original & trying to copy others to keep up with trends ! Now I am on a fixed income & I do with what I have & found that my work is much more personal & creative. I started to meditate on chakras & I paint with the colors & visions that come from my meditations making my paintings more abstract & personal from my limited stash. I LOVE MY CRAFT MORE NOW BECAUSE IT IS TRULY ORIGINAL & I DON’T HAVE THE PRESSURE TO BUY EVERY NEW THING THAT HITS THE MARKET! Namaste fellow crafters!


  74. I couldn’t agree with you more on all that you mentioned. You have made me feel much better about not giving into to the urgent rush to go out and purchase certain things for fear they will be discontinued. Plus, there are those times quite frankly, when I don’t really have the budget for more stuff, but feel “out of the loop” if I don’t get it anyway. Thank you for saying what so desperately needed to be said. I am inspired by your genuineness. A weight has been lifted from my shoulders thanks to your video. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


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