This one tip can help build your crafty stash and your relationships! {Konmari Craft VLOG}

Hi friends! Wouldn’t you like to have access to more stuff without having to buy and store it? Well you can, as long as you are willing to share too. Today we are going to talk about ownership verses access. I know there are many things we want to own because we use them too often to borrow them every time but for those once in a while things borrowing can be just fine. I am lucky and have several friends who enjoy papercrafting as does my mom and sister so we borrow and lend all the time. It allows us to try new things and keep our projects fresh without breaking the bank. In today’s Konmari craft room video we will talk about owning vs borrowing stuff.


This video posted to YouTube last night and I always love to the read the comments left on these posts. They are always thoughtful, respectful and open my mind to other opinions. One theme I heard over and over was that they would like to lend and borrow more but all too often items come back broken,or they don’t come back at all. This makes me sad to hear. I think this will happen but in most cases people will treat your things better than their own (I know I do if I borrow something and I try to use it right away so I can return it and don’t forget about it!) I even had a sweet friend buy me a new die cutter platform because she thought she ruined it by putting the die in without a cutting pad. It has a scratch but I didn’t care, it still worked fine:) I guess you might not want to lend anything that would harm your friendship if anything happened to it because accidents happen and people make mistakes.ย  The loss of a thing should never cause the loss of a friendship.

So, Lindsay, how to we keep track of things we lend?

I got a great tip from my mom. Whenever you lend something out put a return address label on the item. I often get sheets of free return address stickers in the mail from charities I have given to in the past but you can order them or print them on your computer as well. That way the borrower knows it’s yours if they forget (it happens to the best of us!) and when you lend something keep a check out list just like a library so you know who has what (And you don’t drive yourself insane looking for that butterfly die you were sure you bought LOL!) I lend my crafty stuff to about 6 people so I can usually narrow it down if I need an item I lent for a project. I think the benefit outweighs the risk.

The other topic several people mentioned was that they didn’t have any crafty friends or they lived in such a rural area that supplies were hard to find. This is a bit more tricky but I bet there are more like-minded souls around than you think, or, you might be able to teach some folks your craft. You local library or church might also have scrapbooking, quilting, knitting or painting groups that you can join (or maybe you can start one!) I have enjoyed scrapbooking and painting groups at my local church, I am not a church member but they welcomed me just the same and I have started knitting and painting groups at the library. Find your tribe and if you can’t, create one by sharing you passion! I also realize that many viewers are homebound or not available to attend groups when they meet but you can find many forums and galleries online and share ideas and inspiration. I can tell you from experience the more light you put out, the more comes back to you.

I think the best thing about borrowing and lending is getting to see my friends more often, it builds the bonds of friendship and it feels good to help and we feel gratitude when we are helped. We were taught that sharing is good in kindergarten, we just need to remember that now that we are grown up. ๐Ÿ™‚

Share your thoughts in the comments below, I’d love to know what you think. Happy crafting!

16 thoughts on “This one tip can help build your crafty stash and your relationships! {Konmari Craft VLOG}

  1. I really enjoyed this vlog and especially this follow you did regarding the comments. I think many of us aren’t as blessed as you are with having so many crafty friends nearby to share with. You make some good points about trying to create your own tribe, but I do have to say that more suburban and city areas don’t seem to attract as many crafters as rural areas. I think people like to think they are “busier” somehow, although I don’t think that is necessarily true.

    You make a wonderful point about those of us who are homebound, I know for myself that the more I reach out through social media and support and follow others, the more “friends” I make. I can’t necessarily share supplies with them b cause of distance, but it helps to have others who share the same interests and passions, even if I am not lucky enough to have them right here. Also, I have found some very generous folks who go out there way to send happy mail because they know I am sick and homebound and they stamp things they know I would like, etc and send them to me to cheer me up! I try to do the same for them and it it’s always nice to get mail that isn’t a bill๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    Thanks to all the great blogs, and for the terrific ideas. Your enthusiasm is infectious!


  2. I love this, I have a friend that we share items, sure a couple days through priority mail each way saves the fact that if only needed a couple times no since in both purchasing.


  3. I have one friend that is also a card maker and we share our dies and stamps all the time. Sometimes we like the die or stamp set so much we end up buying it for ourselves for instant access; sometimes we are glad we don’t own it!!


  4. I am one of those people not able to get around. Also, have PO box so do not get junk mail. Also, do not get magazines. I am in a rural area without much to find. Thought this would be a hobby that didn’t take a lot of money. Wrong. May just have to give the idea up. I do enjoy watching others create though. Beats most of what is on TV. For that reason I choose Internet over TV as I am on Social Security and had to choose. Crafts and art are like my former TV watching. Love it.


  5. I know that you, like me, would rather give surplus supplies away rather than try to sell them. I’ve tried giving away to friends, donating to child care centers,schools, etc. only to be told that they “have enough stuff” or they wouldn’t use it. I go to many weekend crafting events with a swap/giveaway table but usually forget to bring the excess supplies.However, I noticed that at the end of the weekend, a big pile of pretty good stuff is left sitting there and is usually thrown away. I know there are swap or ISO sites online but don’t have the time to research and by the time I read the posts on the few I’ve found quickly, the item is no longer needed. Any suggestions?


    1. Donate to goodwill or salvation army maybe. A budget crafter will snag it and you support a charity. You can even get a tax recipt:)


      1. Some people who work at the Salvation Army and Goodwill help themselves to donations and so the help they might receive from payments a lot of the time do not happen. I have known someone who worked at Goodwill and friend knew someone who worked at the Salvation Army. This is true of both locations. I know you can never find anything worth having at either location in my town. I have looked. Being that this is a small area there is not the things that a lot of you seem to find at the dollar stores either. We have several different ones and two Dollar Trees. This seems to be the favorite among many for finding things to be used for art. The only thing I have ever bought at the Dollar Tree were a couple of plastic storage items. I have noticed that the bigger towns get better stuff to sale. This is unfortunate. Our money works too.


  6. I agree, when you are sharing with others it enhances your friendship. I have a friend that I used to craft with till she moved away and we shared all our stuff. Saved us both a great deal of money. We still share on occasion when it is convenient. We also die cut pieces for each other and post them. Thank goodness we also have FaceTime so we can share what we are making on a weekly basis. I don’t worry to much about stuff I lend not returning as I do pretty good losing stuff myself.


  7. Borrowing and lending is a great way to go as long as you can trust the person to take care of your property. I have a few friends that I
    do this with.


    1. I made the mistake of lending here a few times and had to go get what was loaned, books and two hot glue guns. Once some of my exe’s tools which I never heard the end of. My son loaned a computer game which took six months to get back and the girls boyfriend got it. He said, if I don’t get it you never will. Lend around here seems to mean it is now mine. I no longer deal with these people.


  8. I love your blog its a really good idea of lend and borrow which can make our relationships good. We can find an even easy way of lend and borrow in a website called Onata they are offering a huge number of services and Lend & Borrow is one of the special services. Go check their link now


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