Inktober Day 6…7…8… eh, who’s counting?

Hi Friends!  I totally skipped Inktober Friday and I did not go with the Inktober prompt yesterday, instead I am honoring 2 viewer requests: 1. Draw a Pumpkin and 2. Use Inktense pencils:


You can see my process in today’s video!

Supplies I used:

OK, now for my excuses reasons I did not have an inktober sketch Friday or today. Friday it took all I had to get the live show up and going and the kids were off school (4 day Columbus weekend) and today I did actually sketch but I wasn’t in my filming location (because that was strewed with various supplies for a card tutorial coming up this week) and honestly the sketch is not totally done but perhaps I will snap a pic of in the morning and post it to Instagram. Look at me, falling of the wagon and making excuses already LOL! The kids are off tomorrow too and we just bought paint to repaint the girls bedrooms so I am not holding out hope that I will get tomorrow’s Inktober done either but you never know. I’ll be painting something either way:) Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!


15 thoughts on “Inktober Day 6…7…8… eh, who’s counting?

  1. I love your pumpkin drawings and paintings!

    I have the same kind of pumpkin in white or rather, a very very light cream color. I’ve tried to paint it a couple of times but always ended up with far too many colors reflecting on it from other objects nearby like curtains or my clothes. I’d like to watch you paint a white pumpkin to see what I’m doing wrong. My art teacher always jokes I must have taken LSD before I come to classes.


  2. Your ability to sketch absolutely amazes me! You are so good pulling the shape into place! I am learning…little bits by little bits…and always encouraged to keep trying when I watch you work! Thank you so much for the wonderful instructions you give. ♥


  3. Thanks for being human and falling off the wagon with Inktober! Lol. I think it is a wonderful idea to try and do that every day, as I think my trying to journal and draw every day is also. But every time I miss, (and I just started I in October too) I feel guilty. So maybe we all need to cut ourselves some slack and do the best we can. We can’t control everything and sometimes it is just best to let something go for a day. Your ink drawings have been great and very creative, but they shouldn’t be one more pressure for you. Enjoy your day!


    1. I agree, it’s like being on a diet and someone brings a cake to work and you have a slice, there is no point in eating a bunch of junk after that, so what, you had a slice of cake, you didn’t eat the whole thing, enjoy the cake and get back on track:) Art is like that too, what good is giving up if you miss a day, no ones perfect:)


  4. Lindsay, I am always so amazed at your painting and thank you so much for sharing your skills. I put your videos on while I am working in my craft area (our garage) and even if I am working on others projects you are a great companion to listen to while I crafting. I love that you do so many different craft and painting projects, keep your videos coming.


  5. Lindsay, your creative imagination amazes me! I’m trying to improve my watercoloring and my drawing ability, but looking at some colors on a page and seeing something interesting to make eludes me. I enjoy your videos and learn something from them. Thank you for sharing your creativity and talents.


  6. Lindsay, I have been looking for the new Darice markers you discussed in an earlier video. I haven’t been able to find it. Would you please email the information on where to purchase them to my email below.?

    I need to throw away all my old markers and get new. these are the ones I want to buy.
    Thank you

    PS I don’t blog or anything savvy like that so email is about my only speed.


  7. You certainly don’t need to apologize for anything! Wow, you post so many wonderful videos all the time! The pumpkin is so awesome! I am going to attempt painting it. Inktober should be fun, not stressful. You have plenty on your plate already!
    Thanks for all you do!!


  8. Love the pumpkin, of course I love everything you do but I have one question. What exactly are “paint over pens”? I know they are the Jane Davenport pens which are hard to get from Micheals but, does anyone else make them?


    1. they are a mette acrylic felt tip pen. They most remind me of chalk markers. I have seen a very similar pack in with paints when I was at michaels, the colors are different but they look the same. I like the felt tips as they don’t seem to clog


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