Konmari Vlog: The Value of our STUFF!

Hi friends!  Everything I think about “stuff” I am reminded of the George Carlin bit about stuff: “My stuff is good STUFF, everyone else’s stuff is CRAP!” There is some truth to this. Studies show we value things we own much higher than things we don’t. The mere act of ownership makes us think differently about our stuff. This is why it is hard to have a yard sale and price our things (things we don’t even want mind you) for less than we think they are worth. If you are trying to declutter but getting stuck on what to do with your stuff watch this video, I think it will help.

Video! (If reading in email click over to watch the video)

So many people have asked me why I didn’t just sell the stuff I gave away after decluttering my craft room. There were many reasons, mostly I wanted it out efficiently but another reason was I’d rather give it away to someone who would appreciate it rather tan sell it for a tiny fraction of what it was worth. It’s silly really because the end result is the same whether I threw it away, gave it away or sold it but I wanted to feel good about discarding and giving stuff to friends and organizations who could use it felt best.

It is almost like I was worried about my “things” have a good home and I am not alone. Also, who wants to throw money away and when we place a value on our things (we do, even the things we no longer want) it feels like throwing money away to toss it, or like we are getting ripped off to sell it for next to nothing. In ANY of these scenarios the goal is to get rid of the excess items we don’t want so why do we get so hung up on the “stuff”?

Here is the TED-ed video that I mentioned. The Konmari method is from The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I hope you enjoyed this little vlog. Remember, It’s not about the “STUFF”…OK, maybe it is a bit. 🙂 Happy crafting!

9 thoughts on “Konmari Vlog: The Value of our STUFF!

  1. when it comes to “getting rid of my stuff”, I think value isn’t measured in dollars or cents. I’m going to give a bunch of high-quality brushes away to somebody I know who can’t afford to buy brushes like that and will treasure them. Every time I’ll see her using them I know it was the best thing to do. Selling them for a fraction of what I paid for them wouldn’t be the same thing. In fact, seeing those brushes in use will spark far more joy than the dollars I could have gotten for them!

    I’m sure you had the same experience!


    1. I wish I could say the same thing for me! Anybody can sell me anything if it’s on sale …. I always think of the 20% I saved and forget abut the 80% I spent …. 😉 !


  2. It is a double edge sword to give away or sell stuff. We went from a 3,000 a month income down to 800. And the stuff that we had gotten rid of, I wished I had back. Now I have all this time on my hands and not as much stuff to play with. I have been very frugal with what I do have, and that is actually how I found you, “frugal crafter”. Ha ha. But I get what you are saying. I am very careful about what I do buy now. And pay attention to why I want to buy something.


  3. You nailed it. For me, I found yard sales a ton of work both to get ready and to clean up, because you never sell everything at a yard sale. And to top it off, shoppers at yard sales wanted to pay nickels and dimes. I decided the yard sales weren’t worth it, and now donate my items (craft, clothing, household, whatever) to our local center for people with disabilities. They are so grateful and thrilled to get these donations. It’s heartwarming. So there’s no question that donating to worthy causes is the way to go.


  4. I have done 1 yard sale. I agree your stuff is worth more to you. The things I thought were worth more, brought nothing, or I was stuck with it in the end. The stuff I would’ve given away, brought the most. Crafting stuff never brings much, and is a lot of work for yard sales. I didn’t like people trying to haggle about my prices. I’ve just donated since then. I never go to yard sales either. I figure if they don’t want their “junk” why would I?
    I’ve had the same experience that both Lois and Pamela posted. I’ve spent money thinking I’ve saved, and I’ve gotten rid of stuff, I wish I had back, do to income decreased.
    Now, I don’t buy unless my stock is depleted. I watch and buy everything in bulk on sale, and I don’t buy until it’s gone, or used up, or broke. This works better for me.


  5. This is the first of your Konmari Vlogs that I have watched after trying to learn to watercolor from many of your Youtube videos, Lindsay. You get us! During a huge move (after 20 years and raising 3 children) from north of Boston to Spokane, WA a couple of years ago, I went through so many of the thought processes and arguments with myself that you articulate in this video. It’s all about recognizing that it’s time to part with the “potential you”, and knowing that the “actual you” is still there. It took a while, but it turns out, the actual me IS still here, and it will be for your other stuff-challenged viewers as well! Thank you.


    1. I understand the struggle because I am still struggling myself:) As long as we take more steps forward than back we will get there:)


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