STUFF: What to Keep, Buy or Declutter from Your Life {My 4 “H” Method}

Hi friends!  I have been decluttering my home for 6 months and it’s no surprise my craft area was (and still is) the most thing-dense area. I must say that I have a more reasonable amount of things and it really feels good to pass on some of my hoard to schools, friends and the thrift shops. Today I want to talk about the things we keep. The things that add value to our lives. The things that make us happier, smarter and more secure (and I’m not talking about the false sense of security of all of the “just in case” back up stuff (I think that actually causes us more anxiety.) I believe in investing our time and money in what I call the 4 “H”s: Head, Heart, Health and Home. Fore more on that please watch (or listen to while you do something else like craft, declutter or paint) today’s video.


It can be painful to part with things especially if we think about what they cost but by focusing on investing in the things that matter most it can make letting go of things that are not serving us easier.

My 4 “H”s of Investment

All of your possessions require an investment. You have to pay for them, maintain them, clean them, store them, put batteries in them, feed them and think about them. Paying for the things we own does not end when we get them home so we need to make wise choices about how they might affect us long-term. Before buying ask yourself if it benefits your…

  • Head: Education, learning something new, taking a class, reading a book (you can then pass the book on because the knowledge is in your head!) Learning a new hobby or perfecting it also helps your brain so if you are using those hobby supplies then keep them! They are likely to put you in a good mood as well.
  • Heart: Friendships & family.  A board game that you get joy from playing with your family is a keeper! So is a table with plenty of chairs for your friends. Does this object nurture your relationships? If so it is a good investment to buy or keep.
  • Health: Does this make you more healthy, a yoga mat you use everyday is worth a place in your home but the dumbbells gathering dust iare not.
  • Home: Keeping tools or other items that you use to maintain your home is a great investment, a house appreciates in value if taken care of so invest time there. Discard things that do not add value to your life and clutter up your home. A house full of clutter can make you sick as well because it can be so hard to clean and dust everything, you could even get mice or bugs which can make you sick.

My husband got me the book “Goodbye Things” by Fumio Sasaki and I loved it. It is a bit herky-jerky to read in the beginning but smooths out. I’ve also listened to some of the audiobook while I was working on a project. I love how the advice is practical and the 50 tips/chapters were punchy and short so I could read one, get inspired and tackle another project and at the end of the book is a recap of the chapters in list form to jog your memory. As much as I LOVED “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo I think Goodbye Things is a bit more practical. The author was a hoarder who changed his ways whereas Marie Kondo was always a minimalist. It’s good to see different points of view. For me the “does it spark joy” was a great place to start (I’m referencing the“Life Changing” book) but now I am realizing that I like a lot of things and it is not enough of a reason to keep or buy something. Imagine going to the craft store and buying everything that “sparked joy” LOL! I’d need a bigger house and fatter wallet and in the end I’m sure I wouldn’t be a lick happier. Now I can like things but store them at the store OR like something I have but give it to someone who can use it more than I will. I’m not perfect, I still have more than I need but I am finally feeling the sense of peace and balance I have been craving. I hope you got some value out of this vlog today. I will have fun batch of cards tutorial for you tomorrow, til then happy crafting!


6 thoughts on “STUFF: What to Keep, Buy or Declutter from Your Life {My 4 “H” Method}

  1. Awesome vlog Lindsey and let me tell you that the advice passed on to others like myself is priceless!! I have been working on the very same thing as you but mostly household stuff is what I need to part with. I have since slowed way down on craft buying and storing in store instead. The result is a fatter checking account…LOL It is brilliant and we all know it but we need to practice it. It definitely is freeing! Have a wonderful day!!


  2. I have a friend who insists that we spend the first half of our life acquiring things and the second half getting rid of them. That’s also been my experience. The big problem for me are family things. The older you get, the more loved ones you lose and the more they wanted you to have. I’m the end of the line for one side of my family, a husband, and many beloved friends. Some things I’ve taken pictures of and let the items go. I’ve cut large swatches from precious clothing and tossed the rest. Some idiot author convinced me years ago to throw away my yearbooks and I’ve regretted it since. I was unable to have children and my family is gone now. I’ve lived a full life but there are few left who remember. I’ve begun art journals and they bring me joy. I can ditch the nightmarish stuff like it never happened. It’s also helped that nasty case of PTSD I live with.The joy and laughter are there for me to pick up and read anytime. Some of the pain is there in my journals. I can greet it, but I don’t have to invite it in, serve it coffee and entertain it. My art and writing will outlive me. It will probably wind up in the landfill someday but that’s okay. I’ll be in Deadville by then surrounded by people I love, with 2 legs instead of one. No more wheelchair and dancing with joy. I’ll have whole new journals to write and hopefully I’ll be able to paint with my whole being. Don’t let them con you, hang on to the things that matter to you, and you have no need to explain! BTW, feel free to delete this. It’s a little intense, but real. From Lou.


  3. This makes a lot of sense. Just the act of stopping and really thinking about a purchase/keep makes sense. I will try to keep these points in mind. Thanks for sharing.


  4. I have found your declutter video’s inspiring. I was replacing the carpet in my craft room and with your advice spent 2 exhausting weeks clearing out by stash. I had 12 reels of florist ribbon in a box, I offered them to a friend who declined my offer so I handed them into my local florist right away, she was delighted to have them to help her business. I found 4x400g balls of baby aran yarn I didn’t even know I had, so I am crocheting baby blankets for future baby gifts.I am in my mid 50’s and am now starting to declutter and buy less stuff as I just don’t need it anymore. I am now enjoying making my Christmas cards on a clear desk and not having to take over other rooms. I usually use my husbands “man cave” as a wrapping room for christmas gifts but I am hoping to use my craft room this year. I can’t thank you enough, your videos have come along at the right time for me, the stars must have aligned for a moment 🙂


  5. Great job on your de-cluttering. I have been doing that for years before these books came out, so whatever works. I downsized from a 4-bed house to a 2-bed house and was forced to declutter even more! Travelling around South America and walking the Camino de Santiago with only your rucksack with all of your belongings teaches you what is important. Who cares if you wear the same clothes over and over, as long as they are clean! And there is no point in keeping clothes in your closet that you ‘might’ fit into one day. I don’t have time to sell small stuff on ebay, so I just give to one charity shop and they get extra tax relief. I don’t give to any other charities, so that is my donation. I also don’t want to leave a lot of stuff behind for my kids to deal with when I’m gone, so that is another reason to limit my ‘things’. Far better to have experiences than stuff. Keep up the good work.


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