Let’s Get Loose with Today’s Live Painting Tutorial! 12:30pm ET!

Hi freinds! It’s Friday and that means time for a fun and free live painting class! Speaking of watercolor classes there is only a couple more days to save 48% on my Essential Tools and Techniques for Watercolor class, find out more here. This is the quick sketch I did to prepare for today’s live show:


We are going to start with a loose watercolor pencil sketch and then start flinging the paint around, sounds like fun huh? You can watch the live tutorial or replay in the player below but if you want to chat live with fellow painters or ask me any questions you will want to watch on the youtube watch page.


If you enjoy this free watercolor lesson you will probably love my watercolor course Essential Tools and Techniques for Watercolor!  


I have been asked hundreds of times to create a class that shows you the basic techniques that any painter should know to start their watercolor journey off on the right track. I have distilled all of my best tips and tricks for watercolor painting including color mixing, what paper and brushes to pick, wash and texture techniques (and even how to hold a brush) down to just over 5 hours of content packed video lessons. You can go at your own pace working through the 11 lessons in the course and have 3 completed paintings to show for your efforts when you are done. Best of all you will have the confidence knowing you have all the tools you need to attempt any painting you like in the future. To top it off I have put the class on sale for $41 (regular $79) because I turned 41 this week and it is the project I am most proud of creating this year:) The sale runs through monday the 17th, why not join the hundreds of students who are now confident watercolorists. Here is what a few of them have to say:

“Thanks so much for this class Lindsay as well as all the videos you do. You are so encouraging and motivating.” -Virginia Staib

“Lindsay, you’re the greatest! I’m pleased with the results of my still life after a second try. I’ve definitely enjoyed your in-depth course. Still need work on glass but it’s the best I’ve done. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more classes.” -Priscilla M. Ware

“I hate for this to end. I have never done watercolor before because everyone said it was so hard but you made it so enjoyable, I’ve done oil and acrylic but I think……I really like the water color. Especially how you never waste any paint! It was so much fun and relaxing. I want to learn more, more, more so I hope you will have another one.” -Sherry Sandberg

“Lindsay, I am enjoying your class so much! You have such a nice manner and make everything look easy! Your lessons are such a pleasure, it is like spending time with a fun friend who also happens to be an artist!” -Gerri Dauer

The class is broken up into two parts. In the first part we go over techniques on their own and color mixing. We also learn washes. It is important to isolate these skills so you can practise and perfect them.


In the second part of the course we put those techniques to good use as we complete three finished paintings. Learning a technique is only useful if you see how to apply it in a painting.

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In the iris painting we learn wet-in-wet wash, plastic wrap texture, scraping, glazing, shading, color mixing, masking fluid and cutting highlights.


In the landscape we learn wet-in-wet washes, lifting, layering, composition, perspective, spattering, masking with tape, side load shading, scraping, shading, color mixing and reflections.


In the still life we learn masking with masking fluid, controlled wash, wet-in-wet wash, salt texture, layering for texture, glazing, lifting, shadows, reflections and glass refractions.


You can see that many techniques are repeated in the painting lessons, that’s because application and repetition over different subject matters will help you learn where you can use those techniques on your future paintings making the techniques you learn in this class extend to your art outside of the classroom.


If you love watercolor but feel you are missing some of the foundations or you want to brush up (pun intended) on your skills and have three new paintings to show for it consider enrolling in Essential Tools and Techniques for Watercolor Today! On sale for $41 (regular $79) through July 17, 2017. The discount should show up on the page but if not use coupon code BIRTHDAY41 to get the deal. Don’t miss out, learn the essentials 48% off! Thank you so much for your support, it keeps me inspired to create tutorials everyday!

I hope you can join us live at 12:30pm Eastern Time for this fun, free & loose watercolor class!

4 thoughts on “Let’s Get Loose with Today’s Live Painting Tutorial! 12:30pm ET!

  1. Do you know why your video isn’t showing up on YouTube? I could watch it on here, but it just puzzles me as to why it’s not showing up in your videos. Thanks!


    1. I am waiting to publish it until the edit I made to take out the technical difficulty is processed. It takes a long time on longer videos. It will be on YouTube tomorrow.


  2. Do you recommend filling a palate pan with watercolor from a tube and letting it dry or do you prefer to use a fresh dab each time you paint? I have the Daniel Smith Essential set. I’ve heard a drop of glycerin is needed to keep the paint from chipping if I put it in my pans. Help, Lindsay, I’m so confused!


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