Crafting for Charity {What are your faves?}

Hi friends! Have you ever donated a hand knit hat to the hospital for newborns or made a blanket for Project Linus? Have you sold cards to benefit a charity or sent cards to Operation Write Home? There are so many opportunities to reach others with our crafts. I thought with Memorial Day and Independence Day coming up it would be nice to make a patriotic themed cards that would be suitable for a cards for soldiers type of charity. As with ANY of my projects feel free to make them and sell them for charity or otherwise. 🙂


Fun Fact: Most of the card-making magazines donate the cards that get sent to them to charity after they are published if artists do not request them back, yet another reason to submit your work! Watch the video to learn how to make this card, you might pick up a new technique!



  • Cardstock (cream, kraft, navy)
  • White glossy photo paper (or any white cardstock but it looks COOL on the photo paper!)
  • Envelopes
  • Baker’s Twine
  • Mesh Ribbon
  • Gesso (or white acrylic paint)
  • Embossing folders of your choice
  • Adhesive
  • Rubber stamps (I used the Route 66 set from Local King Rubberstamps, thanks to Lisa-the owner- for sharing her marker technique with me!)

There are many charities to send you handmade items too. I mentioned Operation Write Home which sends boxes of A2 sized cards to American soldiers stationed overseas.

Cardmaker Magazine has compiled a list of other charities you might also want to send your cards and crafts too.

Handcrafting With Love also has a huge list with lots of donation opportunities for knitters and fabric artists here but the website has not been updated in over a year so double check to make sure the organizations listed still need the items before starting a project. Always check out a charity before donating.

Let me know your favorite charity you craft for and leave it in the comments! Thanks to Papermart for sponsoring this post and til next time happy crafting!

31 thoughts on “Crafting for Charity {What are your faves?}

  1. Great patriotic card. I like to make cards for Send a Smile 4 Kids and for Caring Hearts Card Drive,


  2. Very nice card. I have donated crocheted items and sewn items to auction for college scholarship at our Tennessee Water Well Convention. It is a good feeling knowing you are helping someone. Lindsay have a good weekend.


  3. What a great reminder to share our creations with charitable organizations, Lindsay! I have donated cards to a group for hospitalized Marines over the past few years. Currently, I am slowly filling a box with cards for Operation Write Home. Cardmakers donate beautiful cards that are blank inside. These cards are sent through OWH to all of the places where Americans are deployed around the globe. Our heroes use these cards to write letters home to their families and friends. Our heroes deserve our very best cards! If anyone is interested in making cards for Operation Write Home, you will find all of the guidelines on their website. Great video today, Lindsay! ♡


  4. I make and sell a lot of my cards. All of the money goes to charity. I keep none of it. I share the money between The Samaritans UK, and our local rape crisis/ counselling centre.


  5. Operation Write Home is my favorite and I had in the past done lots of cards for them but with health issues I had to cut back on my card making and so I have been remiss in sending in cards. I hope soon I can change that but I guess time will tell. It is certainly a good cause though as I am sure so many others are too.


  6. I’m new at all this watercolor stuff, for lack of a better term. I have done acrylic painting YEARS ago. So have another question for you. How do you get the Chuck of paint to stay in the pan. I bought a new set with the palette and paints altogether and I am afraid of dumping the paint and getting the paint back in the right pan. HELP!!!


    1. that happens sometimes, with use the paints melt a bit and stick themselves in well. Or you could add a drop of honey to the pan to glue it in.


  7. Hi Lindsay: I have donated regularly to OWH over the past few years. Locally we have an organization called Touching Little Lives and I donate crocheted baby blankets, booties, hats etc. to them. These are great projects to work on during longish car trips. Lastly I have made jewelry for our local chapter of Dress for Success. It Is a wonderful feeling each time I ship off a box to these places and what a blessing to be able to give back while doing things I love!!


  8. OH, Lindsay, what a lovely card you’ve created for such a great cause! Thanks for all the fabulous & fun video tutorials you share with your readers.

    At the end of your video, you show the lovely card. It’s SO beautifully photographed with just the perfect lighting! Would it be possible for you to do a Frugal-crafter’s “How To Photograph a Card” video tutorial. I would love to know a little more about the following:
    -What you used
    -Where–(Did you create a special enclosure/box?)



      1. Lindsay, thank you so much, for the link to that wonderful post & video. I checked it out & also left you a comment there. Your generosity & helpfulness is greatly appreciated! Happy crafting!


  9. My favorite charity is Newborns In Need as I run a chapter in Somerset County in Maine and this will be my thirteenth year.


  10. Very cool that you bring awareness to charities @ military for those that craft & how to give back while making something that needs a home😎


  11. Actually donated cards to a retirement home when I got bit (by the papercrafting addiction bug) last Christmas and ended up making more cards than the number of people I knew! It was my first foray into card-making and I was hooked instantly.


  12. I have been making cards for OWH for the last few years, so glad to be able to support our troops and their families in my own small way!


  13. Our local home for disable and care home for the elderly will take any donations either cards or paper and supplies to make cards with those still able. They also like shoulder capes and lap rugs to keep drafts away and or supplies to make them. Lot of the folks are a long way from their loved ones when put in the homes here. I enjoy your videos and smile.


  14. What wordpress setup did you use for your blog or website. I am trying to set something up for myself, and I like your blog and how it looks.



  15. awesome card there… i love the motorcycle stamp… “speeding towards recovery” as encouragelmnt card… i handwrite and love it so i use my own inspiration…. but i will let u use that idea since you are so generous to share with me 2:)
    thanks for telling me about the photo paper usage i would still like to know is neenah solar white paper a glossy cardstock? cud you send a speedyt email.? i know you busy….. you probly answer me right on here but i dont know how to check back.. LOL… thanks again from my heart:)


  16. What a nice idea! They will really appreciate the cards!

    Our local scrapbook store is having their yard sale where customers bring in extra supplies and sell them towards store credit. I almost squealed when I found a Roltap! Now I have to remember which video you used it in so I can set how to use it.


  17. )Hi, I crochet baby blankets to send with the fish and chip baby vests and hats to a mission in Malawi. So far our group has made over 1500 sets and 100 blankets . To raise money to send them I have made cards, jewellery and origami boxes to sell on coffee mornings. Thanks for the inspiration for more craft goodies.


  18. Locally, the radiation & chemo treatment rooms have a table with toboggans & scarves made & donated for patients. All my hair was gone within the first 48 hours, a shock, & the donation was very much appreciated. Being suddenly bald is freezing. They also have a book case with donated wigs. This is a needed & appreciated gift, & I feel happy when my donation has been selected. These women are an almost hidden population, are too sick to be out, every positive means so much.


  19. Great idea! I’ve donated knitted shawls and lap robes to hospitalized veterans through Soldiers’ Angels, also “adopted” deployed soldiers through that organization. They also have teams of Angels who bake, send cards, sew, knit, crochet and send packages to soldiers and veterans and, on some teams, their families. I’m part of a team that “adopts” caregivers of wounded veterans, sending cards and small packages every months to these hidden heroes.


  20. One thing to keep in mind if you’re making cards to send to deployed soldiers, especially Christmas cards, is to not use any glitter or sparkly materials. Some organizations might even specify that as you don’t want the cards to reflect any light, particularly when the soldiers are in the field with possible enemies surrounding them. This card is really cute — love the little bit of red mesh.


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