DIY String Ornaments!

Hi Friends! Looking for a last minute ornament idea to decorate the tree with? Who are we kidding, we all have to-do lists a mile long right? Well, let me introduce you to the zen like relaxation that only comes from wrapping a balloon with string…

OK, there my be some stress when the string slides off or when your kids drip glue all over the place but I still reckon it is way less stressful than baking. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

11 thoughts on “DIY String Ornaments!

    1. the sponges, they were given to me from a friend who is a nurse, they come as part of a supply kit they get at the hospital but they never use them so they toss them.


  1. Some of my favorite ornaments given to me involved string, glue, and glitter. Merry Christmas!🎅🎅 and I love when you throw in that Maine phrase “reckon”. You always make me smile.


    1. Coloring the string before doing the project works, too. Food coloring in enough water to saturate the string will color the string perfectly without being toxic. Once the string is colored, proceed with the project. There is no need for the colored string to dry first. Annette “:O)


        1. Lindsay, I just saw your snowman earrings. I want a pair! Please! I like the little guys with the black hats, but am fine if you send me the blue hatted snowmen. You can send me a PayPal invoice to my private email address or send me the total and I will have my bank mail you a check so there are no fees. Love everything you make. Annette “:O)


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