Let’s Paint a Peony in Watercolor Pencils!

Hello friends! Tonight I have a fun watercolor pencil tutorial for you. You can use any brand you like but I am using a few of my new Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils from Faber Castell. They preform very much like the Inktense pencils by Derwent but really you can use whatever brand you like! Follow along with the video and have fun!

So when you see a complex picture break it down to lines and marks and have fun with it. If it doesn’t turn out, just toss it or flip it over and paint on the back. You can find the reference photo by Lilian Bell at Paint My Photo. That’s it for me tonight! Thanks for visiting and til next time happy crafting!

14 thoughts on “Let’s Paint a Peony in Watercolor Pencils!

  1. Please don’t speed up very much! We love listening to you talk us thru these, and also when you throw in little comments about your family.


  2. Lindsay, I’ve been inspired by you to set up a small Studio space in my unfinished basement! What a happy place to make cards, scrapbook, watercolor, and art journal! Since it gets chilly downstairs in the winter, I’m wondering if there are any supplies you recommend storing upstairs, away from the winter cold? Can’t wait to paint a peony along with you! Just love your long videos and family stories, too! Thanks so much! Happy Autumn days, Lindsay! ♡


    1. As long as it is not below 32F everything is fine. I live in Maine and my cellar studio getd sown to 50 at the coldest and all is well (except for the chilly artist)

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  3. Hi Lindsey, please don’t ever change anything about your tutorials. I enjoy watching you paint and with the live talking. You bring me a lot of joy in my day with your sunny personality. Keep up the wonderful sharing of your talents. Linda Dean


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