Easy Drawing Tip: Use a Grid!

Hello friends! First of all let me say how overwhelmed with gratefulness that many of you went over to the Frugal Crafter Community Facebook page and signed up last night. There were only a few when I want to bed and when I woke up there were over 200, it was such a nice feeling! And I just checked and it was over 500…awww, you guys…((hugs!)) 😀 Thanks so much! OK, on the the tutorial. I had an “Ask a Crafter” question from a lady who wanted some ideas on how to re-size drawings, she had thought about a projector but she wanted to know if I had any ideas. I thought this questions would be better explained in it’s own video so here it is:

The best thing about this technique is anybody can do it, even if you say you can’t draw a strait line you can do this and it will look very close to the original because you are just copying lines in a small box.  I got a great tip from a YouTube viewer who suggested that I cover the squares I was not working on to trick my brain into not looking ahead, great idea, you could cut a square the same size as the grid and lay it on top and shift as needed. I also heard from a math teacher who cuts up coloring pages and has the kids draw the contents of the square on a larger paper and they the class put the “puzzle” together. Ain’t learnin’ fun!?! This is a good exercise for me because I have drawn for so long that I start with the basic shapes then start refining but if I’m not careful I just make it up and stop looking at my reference so this makes me really look.

Before I forget, here is the link for the printable graph paper. I used a 1/2″ grid in black for my transparent sheet. I drew my picture on a 1″ grid therefore doubling the size. You can make the drawing grid as big as you like, and make it however large you want. It’s really like designing a vector…hmmm, maybe that is why it is good for math teachers, and art teachers, let’s cross curriculum this technique!

I hope you found this useful, teach it to yourself and your kids! thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

14 thoughts on “Easy Drawing Tip: Use a Grid!

  1. Thanks for those graphs Lindsay. They will be very helpful so will the drawing instructions as I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler. LOL


  2. I use my HP printer feature (in Apps) to print off the graph size I wanted and then put that page back into the printer & printed off the image onto the graph paper. Just another idea.


  3. Oh Man! I remember doing that in public school. I would careful erase all those lines and I would be thinking it made me a real artist! My brothers tried to tell me otherwise but I never listened them anyway!


  4. Oh Lindsay its me again hey I want to paint a dog wood flower would you add that to the list???? Thanks again


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