Oh, please tell me how I can do it better…NOT!

***Edit: I wrote this post last night at the end of a very aggravating day, bear that in mind as you get to the end, note to self, don’t publish in irritation LOL!***

Hello friends,  here is the new and… ahem… improved Ask a Crafter.

I got a bit overwhelmed by the comments of last weeks webcam AAC (to be fair I asked people what they thought rather than say “take it or leave it”) so I decided that if everyone wants the “good camera”  then the show would be 20 minutes and I just would not answer all the questions on air, I did respond to everyone though.  As I explained in this video I am not willing to tie up my family’s computer equipment for a day to render and upload one long video.  I was happy to use a webcam and stream it live to Youtube and answer everyone’s questions and let it go as long as it may but most people couldn’t bear the loss of video quality. The third option is that I save myself the hassle and don’t do it at all.  So watch it, don’t watch it but please, don’t tell me how I could do it better. I’m done asking opinions and advice (although it keeps coming), and I am adopting the “take it or leave it” approach, it is the same philosophy I have with cooking in fact and it certainly curbs the whining, well, my whining anyway LOL! I’ll see you next time and as always happy crafting!

87 thoughts on “Oh, please tell me how I can do it better…NOT!

  1. Wow…
    I feel pretty strange after reading this post.
    I didn’t leave a response or an opinion about AAC when asked, and today I came up with a great idea. Very positive and time saving. A way to go long, no computer tie up and no webcam.
    But. as a regular listener, subscriber, I feel that was a smackdown.
    Take it or leave if. That’s such a punitive, mean thing to read.
    I’ll have to think about if.
    AAC was far better, and shorter with you alone or you and Lorraine.
    You are the “crafter’ we ask questions to, and Kathy might be sweet, but she is so camera shy she looks miserable to be there.
    Oh no I gave my opinion.


      1. Hi Amber,
        The Frugal Crafter is my favorite YouTube channel and I also really enjoy Lindsay’s blog.
        Lindsay has great skill and the ability to teach a project start to finish in a fantastically entertaining way, day in and day out.
        Her watercolor lessons are my favorite, and inspired me to get the 72 Inktense pencil set, which are incredible.
        If I didn’t appreciate her and wasn’t such a fan of hers I wouldn’t care enough to comment.
        It just seems so out of character to read “take it or leave it” in response to her subbies leaving comments that she asked for.


    1. Kathy is a sweetheart for giving her free time to help Lindsay out. She could just as easily not participate, thus causing there to be fewer answered questions in the twenty minute window. Give her a chance to get more comfortable with the camera or don’t watch until Lorraine returns.

      I, for one, welcome your opinion. I hope you will respect mine just the same.


    2. Brent–I can tell by your reply to Amber that you enjoy Lyndsey, her channel and her blog. I’m not sure why you think ‘take it’ or ‘leave it’ is punitive or mean because it’s not. It’s direct and to the point–perhaps you are not used to people being direct and to the point? Whatever the case may be, my intent is to be helpful. And suggest that you might consider making an apology to Lyndsey and Kathy about the last part of your comment. It would be a nice thing to do. Mending fences is wise as well as practical. And it would show your appreciation.


      1. @Dinahsoar – I cannot help it, and I need to reply here – you are so special. Lindsey is an artsy communicator ergo the delightful way she gives us practical and inspirational videos. She is my favorite go to source – and I am still scouring through her past posts and videos for creative and informative ideas.

        I live in Southern Bavaria – far from any craft store shopping opportunities. Almost all of my purchases are from online sources. I find it agonizing to be stuck with a limited access to many of the things that crafters in the U.S. take for granted. The UK is different – I do not pay import taxes because of the EU, but shipping can sometimes eat my sack lunch! Michaels and Hobby Lobby are ancient dreams for me.

        I have often marveled at the amount of videos Lindsay puts out, but then I wonder how the heck does she clean, do laundry, shop, cook, attend craft shows, AND take time to think of us in a 24 hour period. . . Yes, busy people get the job done. I too was busy, but I gave myself the gift of two cleaning ladies once a week. I cannot even begin to imagine life with three children, a doting husband, the outside work for other entities and coming home to a house that must be kept clean, a stove, and all the other stuff. Mind boggling.

        All I can say is we have one very talented artsy lady on our side, and how she chooses to run the professional portion of her life is not ours to decide. I’m happy to sit and devour that which she chooses to dish up. No disrespect intended!

        Like I told my two boys at the dinner table – “I do not put junk on the dinner table – my HomeEc teacher Mom taught me better. However, you will take two bites of anything and everything I put on the table, and your Papa and I have agreed on these terms. That’s the new rule. Any questions? End of discussion.”

        I would say the same to those who love to moan and groan – I have seen exactly three videos that I was not interested in – and that out of how many? It’s 467 videos! With 22.5 thousand subscribed viewers, there are bound to be some who found one or two that just didn’t fit their needs for that particular day. Never the less, it was what Lindsay found necessary – either by request or some other inspiration – for that particular day.

        As for Brent – Sweetie, you too are special in more ways than you know. God love ya darlin’, as my Irish born mentor always said to me – and I do miss her . . . Like any good mentor, she always kept me on the straight and narrow. Halos do, after all, tend to slip occasionally. Now THAT’S a big LOL~~~ mine is always getting hung up on my earrings.

        End of 478 word tome. Well, it was well under 1,000! pqh


    3. Hi Brent, I feel badly for anyone coming in at the end of this ordeal, I forget that not all of my blog readers read the comments on the videos although I encourage it because often my readers have excellent tips and advice for each other. Well, the process of making the long ask a crafter was fun but the hours of rendering it and uploading it were not, it literally took 12 hours or more to upload the 45 minute show, sometimes the computer would crash and I had to start all over, it was wearing on me. The reason a 20 minute show works is that my camera will only record 20 minutes at a time and I can upload it directly to youtube and not tie up anything, set it and forget it as Ron Ronco used to say. When asked my readers said they wanted a long show, the longer the better so I went to the webcam to record it into youtube live, it was great, or so I thought, I did not feel rushed, everyones question got answered but so many people complained about the lower video quality, people who have never commend before commented to complain. That felt like a smack down to me so i understand how you feel. I decided to just have high quality video for 20 minutes, I did not ask opinions (there is no way to please everyone) and yet people complained saying they want the longer high quality video, or that I seemed rushed and 2 people were upset that I looked at my timer, I was just trying to fit the questions I picked in. I am sorry I offended you. I have been feeling like a ping-pong ball these last two weeks trying to please everyone and when I think I found something that works there is always someone else with a complaint about it. And it is just this series of videos, it is one video that takes all this time that people love and want me to do but I get such grief over it. I probably should not have vented my frustrations but I really wanted to not have 50 people telling me what I should do every day and NONE of them being the same thing LOL!


    4. Normally I don’t comment to someone else’s comments as I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I do have to say good for Lindsay, she is not only the Frugal Crafter, but a Mother and a Wife, a teacher and a friend and to take up all her time with doing all the videos that she does along with everything else she does in her day, she doesn’t need to take even more time uploading super long videos. I hate the negative comments because she gives so much to us on her YouTube channel and her blog and her community. So maybe you should be satisfied with what she can give and not slam her for her choices.


  2. You are doing everyone, everyone a favor by doing what you do – there should be no complaints! I know there are many out there that do appreciated you and your vast knowledge, your wonderful personality, and most of all your endless talents. But there will always be those that are never satisfied. So I agree with your final word on this matter – take it or leave it! (Well actually there are five words). Love you Lindsay! Hugs Julie


  3. Love your work and presentation and dedication to share and I think you are awesome as well as talented. Warm Regards Lynette Powell

    Sent from Lynette’s iPad



  4. Hey Lindsay. Sorry you feel put upon by the comments. I think it’s because you have a sweet spirit & are so open, folks feel like they know you so they take license & tell you what to do. Me, I’m grateful for all your efforts, your willingness to share in whatever format. So let go of the frustration with all the bossy pants & just do what feels right. But puleeese don’t stop filming AAC! Still shaking my Pom poms for you!


  5. Oh Lindsay please don’t let a few opinions get you down. The thing about opinions, everyone has one. I appreciate all the time you take to show us so much as I am a visual learner any questions answered on AAC are just icing on a delicious cake. FWIW I really like the new format good camera 20 minute format. I found you focused and on point as well as informative and entertaining. Kathy is doing a great job. BTW my blog post for January 31st is titled “Crafting with Lindsay the Frugalcrafter – bird of paradise”. Thanks for being such an inspiration.


  6. Enjoyed this video, although I like the longer ones also, but certainly understand your reluctance to spend all of the time involved in getting it ready (orig. method). I am overwhelmed with your crafting knowledge, and your presentation just gives me a lift! Thanks!


  7. Wow. Mixed feelings about your post. First, have loved your videos, long tho they’ve been. They were shorter and more concise when you were solo. Take it or leave it attitude is fine, if you don’t care about those that would choose to leave it…. and that then begs the question of why you are doing this??? You have much to offer and are appreciated by your followers…. but…I, for one, would not choose to follow the webcam format. Hope you continue!


    1. that was the general consensus, the webcam was not well liked so I am back to the good camera but for 20 minutes to please the most people but i had so any complaints that 20 minutes is too short, I was irritated and reacting to the strain of not being able to please everyone. I should have waited until I was in a better mood to blog I guess:)


    2. Diane, I think it’s sad that you think you would leave if Lindsay did her AAC on the webcam. As long as you can hear the questions and answers, you don’t need the pristine image that the camcorder gives. Doing the tutorial videos needs the sharp image, but just answering questions doesn’t…heck, I would be happy to just have an audio AAC file, although I would miss the fun of watching the interaction between Lindsay, Kathy and Lorainne.


      1. Thank was so sweet to hear Bejay, I thought about doing a podcast and I did a few years back but it gets expensive once a lot of people start to listen to it and as I said before I do this for fun and for free:) Honestly I am surprised people sit and watch, I also figured they just listened, especialy to the long shows, I am an audiobook junkie so I prefer to listen than to watch.


        1. Lindsay, do you realise how much joy and laughter you bring to your devoted followers? You have a veritable hoard of Frugal Fanatics. There’s really only ONE person you need to please, and that is YOURSELF!
          Keep on doing what you do for us, I’m sure that you must get new viewers every day. I have to say that because of you I’m actually going to try to draw something…but don’t hold your breath for a picture as I may fail miserably. The point is, you make things fun to learn, and you do it in such a way that people like me can understand just what you’re saying and doing.
          I even tried out your way of making a flip card…DISASTER…but I kept trying. I used card to begin with but the die still cut right through. Then I found a scrap piece of perspex sheet, cut a couple of bits from it and…YAY…a flip card. I wouldn’t have even bothered to try it without your video…I need to try and make an “I’m a Lindsay Fan” badge…or perhaps you can do a video on that. Luv ya xx


  8. Oh dear Ms L, l do feel your pain. I for one am grateful for anything and everything you do, l Work on the anything for a quiet life principle, so you do it as YOU want to. New journal thought….” Democracy is great, as long as l am in charge !”

    HUGS all round.PS Maybe you can serve cheese with their whine :-):-):-)


  9. Well there you go…theirs always a bad apple in the bunch….please just throw it away (block them) or whatever you choose…just please don’t punish us for their short givens…they are not the major minority here we are your faithful followers…and I;m sure you know a few…we love what you do and learn so much for you…so I feel good in whatever is best for you and your family…


  10. Lindsey…..you rock! I love ask a crafter! And however you do it is awsome! Please thank both Lorraine and Kathy! You girls have inspired me to try things I didn’t think I could do. Thanks so much!


  11. Darn it! I was having a bad day (actually a bad couple weeks) when I watched the webcam version. I was watching on the big screen so every flutter, stammer and oddity was exaggerated. I hope I didn’t share some insane meltdown! I imagine if people replied right away & negatively that they were just thrown for a loop & unprepared for the contrast in technical quality. Hey! If we had a vote (LOL) I’d say 20 minutes evvvveryday with the nice camera or as many hours as you could sit still in front of the webcam on Wednesdays. We love you! We appreciate you! AAC is all about you helping us! Lorraine is HILARIOUS! And Kathy has patiently stepped up (after we demanded she be seen) & shared valuable ideas. Don’t let the grouchy pants get you down. We want more! Do whatever makes you happy! I for one enjoy flopping on the couch with a bowl of popcorn once a week, passing the time with like minds, learning something new or devining inspiration and definitely laughing my butt off! AAC would be sorely missed!! Can you do a craft with photos? I love to take pictures & put them in art journals but could use some fresh ideas. Multimedia-like!! I’ve used markers on them, wrote words & thought bubbles on them, cut them, matted them with card stock, etc. Just know you’ll have some creative ideas to push me thru my artist’s block … I LOVE AAC!!! HUGG!


  12. Lindsay, I adore AAC and thank you for kindly sharing your knowledge with us. I have benefitted from asking you a couple of questions and they were both answered with useful information. That being said, when you ask people’s opinion you need to be prepared for people sharing their opinion. I am sure many of the commenters did not mean to insult you, be demanding, or leave you with a bad taste.

    This is your vision and I am happily onboard with whatever you decide to do. If people have a problem with your decision then they need to start a collection to buy you a second computer so that your family doesn’t have to suffer for our gain.


    1. Hahaha, thank you Travis, Yes I asked about the webcam so I had it coming there, So I went back to the good camera but I could no longer tie up the family computer. I specifically did not ask any opinions on the 20 minute decision because I didn’t want the complaints but oh, well, what are you going to do eh? I thing when you ask an opinion once it opens the floodgates, I was trying to please everyone and just ended up frustrated to the point of crabbing at everyone.


  13. I had an idea you would open a can of worms with that idea. I say, do what you do the way that you do it & let the chips fall where they may. I think you do a great job & I have learned a lot from you. It is impossible to make everyone happy. Keep up the good work. I give you 10 thumbs up for the effort, alone:) LindyLu


  14. Love your videos and your willingness to share ideas, tips, and techniques with us. I also approve of your approach on this matter. You can’t please everyone, and you shouldn’t have to! 🙂 After all, crafting is a pleasure, not a burden. Thank you for all you do!


  15. Have you heard the joke about the mom who said she always gave her family two choices for meals? “Take it” or “leave it”. I love that. And I love your videos and your generosity.


  16. One of my dad’s favorite sayings was “Give ’em an inch and they’ll take a mile.” I don’t understand how people can find fault with something you do day in and day out, teaching us (one of your many talents, BTW) so many things we’d have never dreamed would work or would even have tried if it wasn’t for your encouragement and great teaching and frugality. In the case of the longer AAC videos, I use that time to do other things-either craft or do some light cleaning or answer some quick emails or spend some time on Pinterest or just sit and enjoy a cuppa. I don’t often have time to leave comments on your You Tube channel, especially if I’m not signed in to YT already (I can be lazy, yes I can), but I try to when I am signed in. The irony is that we are doing other things while you’re spending your precious time making videos for us, which means you’re NOT doing something else. Its very title Ask a Crafter implies that it is a question and answer show, not a demonstration of a technique that needs to be viewed. To those who complain, I’d like to tell them to try doing an instructional and highly entertaining video just once and maybe they’ll understand. You do it day in and day out, always with a smile and a vivaciousness I can only envy. And, might I add, you take the time to look good. How many of us even put on makeup if we’re not going somewhere? Not I anymore. It’s one of the things I decided to let go of in order to make more time in my day. Family and personal needs come first. I’m totally with you on the “take it or leave it” stance. I’m with ya all the way. Just don’t stop!!!!! 😉 Thanks, too, to Kathy and Lorraine for lending a helping hand. They are both great and have talents of their own to share.


  17. Lindsey I love ask a crafter and happily watch it each week, please don’t let some sour grapes ruin your sunny disposition. Just remember opinions are like butts, everyone has one, but they normally stink.
    I have a question that I hope you can help with. I painted some canvas shoes for my daughters for Christmas and my youngest loves her Starwars ones so much that she wears them daily, only problem is Yoda is starting to kinda flake, besides just patching up the acrylic paint, is there something I can do to make it permanent? I had sprayed an acrylic sealer over it, but I’m not thinking it helped any. I’d like to fix it before my other daughter’s Pokemon shoes have the same issue. Thanks again for all that you do, you’re awesome.


  18. Hi Lynsey, I was sorry to hear you had comments to do better. I am happy to watch/listen to you on either webcam or video. Some people just think they are helping, when in fact it is hurtful. Keep up the good work, I learn so much from you.


  19. Oh Lindsay, I’m thinking that you got REALLY upset by the comments regarding your laid back, sitting room AAC. My only problem was that the sound wasn’t very good…but I put that down to my laptop and watched it again with my headphones on…and it was great!
    I would happily watch you livestreaming on a Wednesday. Who cares if the webcam isn’t as clear, as someone else said, it’s a Q&A, not a tutorial, so the slightly lesser quality in the picture really DOES NOT MATTER!! I actually liked the fact that you escaped from the basement into the warm to do it like that. The daily videos are better from the craft room because you have a great camcorder down there which gives fantastic close-ups of the work as you do it, but I was happy to listen to AAC through an earpiece as it saved you so much grief and computer time.
    I’ll be watching whichever way you decide to do it in the future, and once again, I’m am really sad that you got upset by some of the remarks x


  20. I for thousands love the time you take to teach us what you know. There is no one else out there that would take the time away from their lives to do that. As far as the Nay Sayers, I believe if you can’t say anything nice, DON’T say anything. We don’t want to lose all the knowledge and TIME you spend teaching us. By answering our questions you are still teaching us even if you are not demonstrating a craft idea.

    Please don’t abandon us, we need your knowledge. Besides, you, Kathy and Lorraine are so much fun to watch. You always find a way to make us laugh while we are learning.


  21. Lindsay, I’m just very grateful you take the time and trouble to do the videos at all. You choose what works for you best. I’m just here to learn. Love them all!


  22. If you ask for an opinion, you are gonna get it (no doubt about it), but at the end it’s your channel, your blog and you have to do what works for you. I’m happy that you do it (no matter how long) 🙂 Thanks for all that you do for us newbies 😉


  23. Perhaps maybe the Title of this video should have been

    Oh, please tell me how I can do it better…NOT!

    I have to admit I too was taken aback when I read that, but then I didnt get to read all the comments Lindsey received which obviously got her upset, even though she did ask for subscribers opinions on how they REALLY THOUGHT and they did possibly not as kindly as she may have thought.

    However, a good side to another comment made by myself to her video mentioning how she needed to be careful when she dissed thin dies and it happened to be a die made by Cherry Lynn’s thin doily die, because many newbies take to heart everything she says and she could be doing an injustice when she truly doesnt mean to. She got free product from Cheery Lynn, that was so sweet of Mike and BJ. Obviously, after the fact of course, others chimmed in with how they too like Cheery Lynn dies. Obviously one of them contacted Cheery Lynn about the issue and Lindsey benefited.

    So, comments are good, but, need to be taken however the person receiving them sees fit because they asked for them. Keep em toss em and do what you want its your channel. I have totally enjoyed all the videos, long and short and have crafted things I never thought I would or knew existed, for this I am grateful. Keep going Lindsey, in whatever direction YOU choose. Kathy you are an additional BENEFIT of watching too, kudos.


    1. well said Eileen. The opinions I was referring to were the ones that came on the video after I had taken everything into account, I was irritated buy the comments on the last video where I had made my decision, after taken everyones wishes into account and still people were not satisfied and telling my what I should do better. I should not have let my aggravation show as there were more factors adding to my aggravation than youtube comments LOL!


  24. I can’t believe how people think that because you choose to give of yourself that they get to tell you how to do it. I look forward to Wed. and your show long or short. Kathy and Lorraine are both great sidekicks Thanks for all you do and if the naysayers can do it better let them have their own show


  25. Lindsay, I so agree with bejay1,sue Foss,and lucyschimidt,and so many others like them..you are giving your precious time to give us FREE information and as they said,it is a q&a time not a tutorial. If you show something, it is just a quick reference not a how to do. Those people that are so judgmental and critical are the ones that would probably NOT give of their time so freely to do something like you do. it would also be like me saying” Not all your info is something that pertains to me,so why should i listen.” I listen because there is a ton of info and even if i dont use it myself i can have that knowledge to pass on to some else that needs or wants it. So do what is good for you cause like the old saying,you’ll never please everyone ,but you will still have tons of followers.
    no disrespect to Lorraine,she does a good job too but I love Kathy and her input with you.


  26. Lindsey, You give this gift the way you want to give it and I for one don’t say thank you enough for this gift.. So thank you for this gift. Smiles, Ruth


  27. I’ll certainly take it anyway you manage to deliver it! ITS FREE! I have learned much from watching you and yes sometimes JUST LISTENING…LOL Thank you for helping me to grow as an artist in a very FRUGal way…I truly enjoy your videos Lindsey and hope you keep them going! Remember everyone has an opinion but not everyone has a filter!


  28. Good for you Lindsay—as the saying goes you cant please them all. I appreciate what you do long, short it doesn’t matter I love the knowledge I have gained by watching your how-to videos and your AAC videos. Thank you for everything you do and thank you for all the hard work you put in doing all of that!!!!


  29. If you ask for people’s opinions they are going to give them. A person can’t disagree with a persons opinion even if they doesn’t agree with their way of thinking or handling things.

    The fact that some people felt the need to give you pointers on how it could have been done better, easier or quicker shouldn’t have been taken as an insult to you but perhaps you might have learned something from your viewers the same way they do from you. As my grandmother use to say, “what is good for the goose is good for the gander.”

    I haven’t been following this but I doubt their suggestions were done in a mean spirited way or with any intention of implying that you don’t know what you are doing.


  30. Amber P. is a jerk and I stressed my opinion. Lindsay is a very sweet and kind hearted person and No one should call her a jerk. Lindsay you rock and we love you.


      1. Lindsey is right, the comment was NOT directed at her. I was frusrated that someone was being so mean to her after all she does for her fellow crafters. That person has explained himself and my comment to Lindsey said that she rocks! So Patricia you should read all the comments in their context. I was defending Lindsey, not that she needs me too…..she just ROCKS! Thanks again Lindsey for all do you and teach us.


      2. Thanks for your first reply Lindsay.
        You know I am a fairly frequent, always positive commenter on your YouTube channel, as well as privately sharing a personal story regarding the daffodil painting.
        I prefer making positive comments with specific points on said videos.
        I stay away from rambling, gushing, idolizing, mush as it doesn’t offer anything for you to work with.
        I look up to you with enormous respect, and frequently think things like “this lady should be on DIY network” or “be a craft demonstrator/on air host for QVC”.
        I’ve even contacted Derwent to look at your videos, explaining what I imagine to be a spike in US sales due to your high praise of their product.
        My comment last night was me being honest.
        Your blog didn’t at all sound like you and it honestly confused me. And I don’t think now, that your words had any meanness attached to them. Mere frustration got the best of you it sounds like.
        What I’m wrestling with today are other ‘fans of Lindsay’ @ amber p calling me a jerk and @dinahsaur wrongly assuming I am not used to “people being direct and to the point”, then proceeding to try publicly shaming me into apologizing to both you and Kathy for my being direct and to the point.
        I don’t think my comment warrants an apology as it was my honest feeling. I would absolutely apologize were I offensive.
        I would always rather speak my mind than to cross someone off my list or un-subscribe.
        And frankly, I’m already over this topic, you must feel like yanking your hair out.
        I’ve learned one thing,
        I will never express my feelings, good or bad, warranted or not, even when asked, on YouTube or any blog.
        There are too many people waiting to pounce. Writing one comment has ruined my night last night and my day today.
        I went to watch today’s video with the die cuts used in a card. But I stopped, feeling overwhelmed by all the animosity coming my way. Just too soon.
        I wish people understood to not get so furious at comments they disagree with. This is America. We are allowed to disagree. And my comment was more of a question.
        My appreciation of you has never wavered, but still the attacks.
        A HUGE TURN-OFF in my opinion.


        1. OH Brent, don’t let the turkeys get you down. I’m a Brit and even I could work out that you weren’t being mean in any way. I too said that I couldn’t hear the sound too well, but I put it down to my laptop and just plugged in my headphones. I hate top think that you’ve been made to feel that you can’t post any comments anywhere from now on. Please sleep on it and rethink about your decision in the light of day.


      3. Oh I am so sorry Amber P I quests dumb dumb me miss read. I am really very sorry! I think it is a very stressful world this day and time and I think we all have to vent at some point I know I do. Have a good rest of the day.


    1. Lindsay is right, and quick to point out that Wendy P called me a jerk.
      It was a rude thing to do on a blog,
      Were it my blog, I would have deleted that uncalled for, name calling comment.
      Not everyone can speak out both sides of their mouth that well, or soon.


      1. sorry Brent, That comment had gone live after I when to bed and you left a kind and well thought out reply before I even saw any of the comments. Gosh, I know how to start a controversy don’t I?


  31. Lindsay, you truly are a frugal crafting goddess and praise be for your weekly advice sessions. Its a shsme that your broadband provider does not know how internationally important your vlogs are, shame on them.
    A two part question for you now that you are the proud owner of the inktense blocks.
    1. Ive seen that the blocks can be used in printing (embossing printer foam, spraying with water, then using thr blocks to put colour down, then putting paper over and rolling over with a braier). Could you replace the paper with material, or eill thr natural stretch in the fabric prevent it from working very well? And any tips gratefully received.
    2. The jelly plate could you use the jelly plate with the inktense blocks, drawing on to it a design or to create a more tiedie effect? Or would it a. Not work or b. Stain the plate?

    As always thank you for your weekly insiration, and the laughter you bring into our crafty lives


    Ps.. even though I totally understand why, I am devistated at the shortened ask a crafter sessions. It was a brilliant excuse to not do anything and settle for an hour with popcorn, fizz and a crafty project…I just can’t manage popcorn in 20 mins! sigh…. ; (


    1. Well, I upload many videos a week and if you go to my channel and click on the most recent video it wil play each video in order newest to oldest so you can catch up on all sorts of crafting at once! I have so many videos up it will probably play for weeks!


      1. 2nd reply attempt, apologies if my other appears and im repeating myself but I think its got list in the black hole where the documents you nearly finished but forgot to save then got accidentally wiped go….

        Lindsay, I hope that you have not taken my comment in the wrong way, I had not read any of the previous posts, only on returning when I had time and reading them did I realise that this was not a normal ask you questions stream.
        I would like to make it clear that I have seen nearly all of your videos, and I have loved, laughed, sometimes cried with laughter, tried some, got too scared to try a couple, adored the captioning, wished I lived in America, wished I had an gram of what tallent you have…. but happily never burnt my hands off!!! (And the british emergency departm Ednt would likd to thank You for that mantra as well)
        You have not only kindly shared your life, your tallent and your zest, but you have also always been kind enough to help me and answer some of my dumb questions, and as a stranger in a foreign country that to me, is so very kind of you.
        I love your work and videos and you have helped me so much, not only with my crafting, but by keeping me saneish at 3am in the morning we hen im in too much pain that I cant sleep, and in honesty would like to roll up and die, but seeing someone so upbeat and driven who talks to the camera in a way that makes you feel like its you being addressed personally, well that makes me smile and uour ideas make me keep going to try them out.
        As to the length of aac I was one who agreed with the longer the better, but not at a cost to your sanity or life, I know that type of broadband and its not fun, so the popcorn will be reserved for playlist reruns (and your playlists are fabulous as its easier to find that specific video I watched at 4am but my partner would have killed me if I tried it then and there so had to wait till daybreak). And I shall look forward to any aac or new video you post with the same amount of excitement and pleasure.
        Maybe this is too much information, maybe not enough thanks, I just hope it gets my point accross, and that is that in little and large ways you have helped so many of us, and that I for one cant thank you enough. May you continue to reign as the frugal crafter queen

        One of your crafty and frugal subjects

        Ps. Sorry for bad spelling and grammar, dyslexics shouldnt be allowed at 5am on tablets with no spell check


  32. Well I am going to make just one more comment-I dont think this is what Lindsay had planned when she made her comments.
    Thank you for everything thing you do, you give so much of yourself to your family, friends, community and to us. Thank you thank you!!!!


  33. Gah I typed up a great post and the internet ate it. short version thank you very much for your time, thank you to Kathy for being brave and on camera and sorry if my comment of seeming rushed came across as a complaint. was not intended that way just an observation. I did follow up with the comment that as you get more used to your time format you would improve. love all the vids no matter the format. keep up the great work!


  34. First of all anyone who can do creative
    video’s for the country like you do is a confident, brave, strong, talented person. How many of us on this side of the camera can do what you do? You have touched us all in great ways, some of us just don’t know it yet.


  35. I enjoy all of your videos, not only for the learning but because you exude passion and joy while you’re creating. To me, it would not be worth your doing AAC if the fun is taken out of it for you. I appreciate your sharing your arts/crafts genius, so thank you for taking the time to continue to do the series, despite all of the criticisms. I’m glad you’re doing what works best for you and your family. AAC is only a part of what you do, and I see it as a gift from you to us. That “gift” shouldn’t be an inconvenience.


  36. Lindsay, I am a huge fan. I agree wholeheartedly with your decision to keep your “Ask a Crafter” videos to 20 min or less. That’s my attention span and if I need another dose of laughter and creative ideas, I just run another video. I had no idea it took so long to upload them online- way too long. You have been more than generous of yourself and your time… Please do not feel guilty for setting a reasonable boundary. It’s a privilege to watch your videos in any format, quality and length. All the best, Doreen.


  37. Wow, have been reading a few of the comments left by people and I can only say that I think you are wonderful Lindsay. I have learned so much from your videos, and have gained so much confidence that I have found myself doing many new crafts that I would normally never have tried. As busy as you are, you continue to find the time to teach us so many new crafts. Keep doing what you’re doing as long as you enjoy it. I for one will keep on watching no matter how you choose to do your videos.


  38. People are such strange animals. I was appalled by some of the comments on the last video on Youtube. There are two ways to state an opinion, nicely and considerate or bitchy and mean…and there were way too many of the latter in my opinion. If those had been directed at me, there would have been no more Ask the Crafter videos at all so hats off to Lindsay for still providing AtC videos that I find so helpful and entertaining. She makes me laugh and I think Cathy is a sweetheart. She is what Seinfeld called “a soft talker…and nothing wrong with that!” As for Lindsay’s last comment – take it or leave it, eat it or go hungry, etc. has been my motto all my life – just ask my kids! Sometimes venting is just plain necessary. The Frugal Crafter is still my favorite Youtube channel. You rock GIRL!


  39. Lindsay, I cannot find the Crafter’s Mat from Drymate. They show it on their website (but no price listed, BTW), but when I click the button to order it, it’s not there! I’ve looked all over the web for it.

    PS — I love your videos no matter who is with you, how long they are! You are such an inspiration and so generous with your art and your tips. Thanks for everything.


    1. I checked too and it was gone, it was there a month ago, huh. Maybe they are getting rid of that size, it could be why it was cheap at Mardens.


  40. so very sorry that all this has caused you such grief!!! I do love all your videos and your crafty sense of humor…you do what is good for you, just don’t give up on us, we love watching you!!!! ❤


  41. Hi Lindsey, I just wanted to ask how you got started in the crafting business, I have just really got onto cradle making and scrapbooking and I love love love it and I’m thinking of starting a little crafting business maybe making cards to sell online or something like that but I really don’t know where to start so any tips you have would be awesome!! Oh and however you decide to put up your vids, I know I will still be watching/ listening so you do it the way you like, it is your blog after all!!
    Thanx much.
    Hannah. X


  42. Great video Lindsay…as always! Happy to hear you say you got the Cheery Lynn goodies…hope you will enjoy them…I know Mike Dywan said he took pleasure in sending them to you! Have FUN!


  43. Good for you! I was wondering how you had the energy to answer all the questions in your ask a crafter videos, plus make so many how-to vids on top of that. I’ve been enjoying your videos. Take care of yourself first, even if it means cutting back a little. You’re using your time to share with all of us and in think that’s really special. Thank you.


  44. Wow! Who needs General Hospital when you can read live drama like this comment section. Ease up people and just enjoy Lindsay’s generous time . . . no matter the time or format.


  45. I completely agree with ALL the Positive remarks. There should be NO complaints, only appreciation. When someone takes their free time to share something they love with others, why would you be so selfish as to complain. I think the only comment should be, thank you.


    1. At first I was shocked at how long the AAC video took to edit and upload, Annie, then I remembered something. I don’t have a You Tube account, but I do have a website and sometimes it takes me all day to upload something, so I’m happy for Lindsay’s sake and sanity that she’s decided to keep it at 20 minutes on the ‘good’ camera. I was happy to just listen when it was trialled on the web cam as it enabled me to get on with other stuff as the tutorials were still going to be in the craft room. I admire Lindsay so much, I’m new to paper crafting and she makes everything seem that it’s in my reach…even the painting!!!


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