Daffodil Watercolor Pencil Tutorial

Hey there friends! It has been in the single digits outside when I have gone to walk the dog this week so why don’t we warm up and paint a spring flower:

I did not realize how lovely all the colors in my regular Derwent watercolor pencils were until I swatched them out. It made choosing color for this a snap and it got me using those neglected supplies! Win Win! That’s it for me tonight, I again, am super pooped, for those of you who ask if I ever crash, rest assured I do, as soon as I sit down at night LOL! I am hoping that I can catch up on an episode of Once Upon a Time before I start sawing logs but I’m not holding out out too much hope for that. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

12 thoughts on “Daffodil Watercolor Pencil Tutorial

  1. Hi Lindsay hope you are all warm I saw there were some parts of Maine that got swamped with snow. I love earthcam.com you can see all sorts of fun places. One of the cameras showed a 12 hour time lapse. Anyway I was excited to see you do a daffodil one of my favorite flowers. Thanks for the tute, love to draw them but still petrified to try watercolors you make it look so easy and I have tried but just dont have a good hand at it.


    1. we only got about a foot of snow LOL! The chickens were not amused! Watercolor and drawing are like anything, the more you practice the better you get!


  2. mmmmm. . . watching this during a Massachusetts snowstorm! You make me feel as though I can do this, and I am planning on giving it a go after Christmas. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!


    1. I think that snow is heading our way, I volunteered at my kids school today and the teachers were giddy at the idea of a snowday tomorrow LOL!


  3. Love your artwork and your generously shared instructionals. Factor in your laughter, fun, excitement, and “go for it” attitude puts you at the very top of YouTube crafters!!!
    My partner bought me the Inktense 72 pencil set for my birthday and I absolutely live them. I bought the Graphitint 24 set soon after. They offer so much, now I’m never even thinking about my markers!
    The daffodils are great, and hold a deep meaning to me.
    My mom was terminally ill at 59 and I was 26. She lived on Vancouver Island in British Columbia and I was in Nursing school in Chicago.
    I visited as often as I could, and during her last Summer I would bring her different flowers from roadside stands in the country. You know the ones with a can to put your money in.
    Dinner plate Dahlias were our favorites. The colors, the spikiness, and the honeycomb type as well. The other patients ended up with plenty as well.
    Daffodil season had passed, but I knew she loved them as much as I did. Her wedding silverware set was a daffodil pattern.
    On my last visit, before a short trip back home to withdraw temporarily from school, I brought her in an enormous box filled with a gross of daffodil bulbs I picked up from the local nursery.
    I explained that I would have dad plant all 144 of them scattered through the back yard. In beds and in planters. That way she could look forward to them in Spring, and there would be oodles to cut for inside as well.
    Sadly she didn’t get to see them bloom, but I always hold daffodils close to my heart.
    Your painting is lovely. And it makes me think of my lively mom.


    1. That is a touching story:) You are a thoughtful son and I am sure your mother appreciated all of the flowers and the backyard filled with bulbs even if she did not get to see them bloom. I hope you enjoy painting the daffodils with your new pencils, it sounds like you have someone very thoughtful in your life too now and you deserve it:) Happy holidays:)


  4. Hi Lindsay, can you suggest some affordable brushes we could try if we want to attempt your daffodil painting? My mother has had a stroke, and my sister and I thought that it would be fun and therapeutic for us to try a watercolor painting together, but we have no brushes. I have a few watercolor pencil sets, but none have very many colors. I thought we could get by with those. My sis is coming next week and I live out in the boonies (i.e. 1-1/2 hours to the nearest craft store), so I thought maybe we could order those on-line. Your suggestions would be appreciated!


    1. Hi Janise, I did some searches for the Royal Aqualon brushes I like and this is the best idea and it comes with a box and paint: http://www.amazon.com/Royal-Langnickel-Aqualon-Watercolor-Painting/dp/B000K1SHOA the brush sets are $35. It is $5 cheaper here: http://www.consumercrafts.com/store/details/catalog/art-assorted-supply-sets/roy02304 but I put the amazon link fist because their is free shipping if you order over $35 at Amazon, I think shipping is $8 at consumer crafts.

      Look also for watercolor pencils and paper, that could get you to free shipping at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Royal-Langnickel-Watercolor-Pencil-24-Piece/dp/B000S163I4/ref=sr_1_3?s=arts-crafts&ie=UTF8&qid=1397239286&sr=1-3&keywords=watercolor+pencils and here are watercolor cards and envelopes if you want to do that, they are convenient: http://www.amazon.com/Strathmore-Watercolor-Blank-Greeting-Card/dp/B0027AAV2S/ref=sr_1_1?s=arts-crafts&ie=UTF8&qid=1397239463&sr=1-1&keywords=watercolor+cards or you can get a pad of watercolor paper. Good luck!


  5. Hi Janice, I have recently bought Raffine Watercolor Pencil Sets from the Jerrysartarama’s online store at great discount price. I am going to try your tutorial this week. Can’t wait.


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