Organizing ideas for crafters {and a tour of my craftroom!}

Howdy! I have been picking away at my craftroom for the past few weeks…a shelf here, a drawer there, purge, shuffle, move this, donate that and best of all fall in love with all my old supplies I have forgotten about! Sometimes I think we get overwhelmed by all of our fabulous stuff  to create with that it keeps us from being creative. Here is a video tour of my crafting space, I apologize for the unedited version, my video software was not working today so I uploaded it to youtube as is. That said, enjoy the video 🙂

Here are some photos of my craft room if you want another look:

Lindsay’s Organization Tips:

  1. Don’t get overwhelmed. Tackle one bit at a time. Got 15 minutes? Clean out a drawer. Got an hour, clean that desk. You’ll be surprised how the time adds up!
  2. Don’t buy anything or bring anything new to your studio while you are cleaning/organizing unless it is for cleaning and organizing. Bags of new supplies will only add to the chaos. Vow not to spend a dime on crafting stuff until your craft area is clean and organized.
  3. It’s OK to give away! I know it is hard to get rid of stuff you paid good money for but really are you going to use all of the 5-year-old paper and stickers in your stash? If you are by all means keep it, but, if you are not I bet there are teachers, scout leaders and senior citizens who would love your cast offs. If you don’t love it anymore don’t keep it, it will only make you feel bad that you bought it to begin with.
  4. Don’t shop for storage until you have cleaned, purged and sorted your stuff, otherwise you will end up with bins and shelves that do not fit your stash. You can stroll down the storage isle at the store for sure to get ideas just don’t purchase until you know what you have.
  5. Shop your stash. While you are organizing look at all the treasures you have collected over the years, I bet there are some “gotta have it” stamps that never saw ink and paper that “is too special to use on just anything” in your stash that you have forgotten about. Now is your chance to use it! When you are confronted by the latest trend or “gotta have it!” product ask yourself these 2 questions: “Can I get the look with something I already have?” and “Do I like this better than the stuff I already have”   If the answer to these is “no” then wait a week, if it is still  on your mind, only then, consider purchasing it.
  6. Maintain, take 15 minutes after each project to tidy up!

So, no matter if you have a card table in the corner of your bedroom, a fancy scrapbook studio or a corner of the basement to call your own you can make it an organized paradise!

Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

9 thoughts on “Organizing ideas for crafters {and a tour of my craftroom!}

  1. You have some very practical tips that I may take you up on. I’m in process of turning my craft room into a craft room/preschool area. Lots of purging and donating are going to happen. I’m so glad somebody else out there has already started and is being so encouraging about getting the rest of us motivated to start. Great post!



  2. Wonderful organizational tips, and now that I see your stash I no longer feel guilty about mine, lol. I fully intend to show my dh. You also have some awesome finds! I love the magnetic boxes! ~Diane


  3. Lindsay’s craft room is awesome – I’ve had the pleasure of being in it! Thanks for the tips and encouragement – I really need to finish up the organization in my craft room and start loving it again!


  4. WOW!!!! ORGANIZATION is KEY!!!!!!!!!! You’ve done a SUPER JOB with your craft room!!!!! I can ALSO tell, you not only do crafts but, ART!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


  5. OMG, I love your craft area. I love how everything is within easy reach and lol, yup, you’ve got as much stuff as I’ve got ..wait with all the paints…. you’ve got more.

    Your tips are spot on….. I’m still trying to organize and arrange my stuff so that it ‘works’ for me…sigh.


  6. Love your craft room Lindsay! So many great ideas too. After seeing this, I have some metal file cabinets I’m going to put to good use now too! Thanks for giving us the tour and so many great ideas.


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