Paint this Snowy Scene with me!

Hi friends! Last week I shot a video for Instagram during my snowy walk after an icestorm. The trees were all coated with ice and it was beautiful. Many folks asked me to paint a scene from it. Sadly I didn’t take any still photos but I did snag a screenshot from my Instagram video!

Classy huh LOL! Between that and my memory (I walk this route several times a week), I was able to paint it and it was such fun. I hope you will join me and paint along to the video below! Feel free to pause the video if you need to and skip past any parts that do not interest you.

Supplies: I am going to use a smattering of products but feel free to substitute (affiliate links used)

I also wanted to mention that I am offering yearly collections of past Critique Club tutorials in my Teachable school. These are real-time, in-depth more advanced tutorials that were released in the Critique Club membership group. Each collection contains 24 lessons (and over 30 hours of content) and you get lifetime access. I am putting these on launch special from now through January for 50% off so if you would like to grab any of these collections you can at the lowest price. If you are a Critique Club member, don’t worry, nothing has changed for you 🙂 this is just a way for students who prefer to purchase the lessons only, as opposed to a subscription, to do that. Click on the thumbnails below for a discounted link to learn more or enroll in the class.

*Regular price $60, with coupon $30. Offer good through 1/31/22 Use coupon code LAUNCH50 if the discount doesn’t appear. *Additional sales/VAT tax may apply in some countries/states. **Each yearly archive compilation contains the 24 real-time tutorials posted in the Critique club during the specified year. Prompts and original art critiques are not included in the archives.

Thanks so much for stopping by and painting with me today. Happy New Year, be safe, and as always happy crafting!

One thought on “Paint this Snowy Scene with me!

  1. Hi Lindsay,
    Great painting!
    Wishing you and your family a HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2022.
    Take care and stay well.
    God bless.
    Linda H.


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