8/8/2020 Sat Chat: Teen Drivers, Fancy Pastels and Colorful Mushrooms?

Hi friends! Time for this weeks Sat Chat, enjoy!

Tonight I actually tried the recipe for fried green tomatoes that was in the back of the book and I followed it to a T except I used vegetable oil instead of bacon drippings to cook them in because I am a vegetarian. The recipe didn’t call for milk or eggs so I thought it would be perfect for me to try as I only needed to change one thing. ( #veganproblems )They were OK but I probably won’t wake them again. It’s fun to try new things tho.

More Stuff I Mentioned…

  • New Watercolor Glass Class 50% off Launch Month Special, use coupon code SHINE is discount doesn’t appear automatically
  • Local King Magic Mushrooms *Demo and review coming soon, I can’t wait to play with these **Also, Lisa gave me a 20% off coupon code: tfcyt20 for any regular price products at Local King Rubber Stamps, they have wicked good stuff. ***As promised, this is their YouTube channel, Lisa is so fun, you’ll love her demos!
  • Oh My Gosh! The Sennelier oil pastels are amazing. I played with them today and they are like painting with lipstick. I totally recommend.I’ll share more on Sketchbook Sunday tomorrow:)
  • Clearance SOHO photo paper,there is the sampler pack of 6 sheets of letter size for $1 and they have a variety sizes/sheet packs but the best deal is the 20 packs of letter size. The 200 packs actually cost more per sheet, go figure. Still a great deal and the quality is excellent. Too bad they are getting rid of this product.

Til next time happy crafting!

2 thoughts on “8/8/2020 Sat Chat: Teen Drivers, Fancy Pastels and Colorful Mushrooms?

  1. It’s still so hot and humid in Tennessee, so no going outside, but as a Kentucky girl I just have to say fried green tomatoes are the best! My mom would slice them up (don’t peel) and put them in cold salted water and refrigerate for a few hours. Dip them in corn meal ( white is our preference) and fry in oil until golden. Sprinkle more salt on them while they are hot. Lots of recipes out there but that’s the way I grew up with them. I totally agree about treasure those memories while you have them. The last family summer we had with my son we let him go to Maine with friends for six weeks and when he came back we had our last family vacation to the Gulf. So many precious memories and pictures. Time is fleeting and so squeeze it all in. And don’t even ask my daughter about my horrible driving lessons. I wore a hole in the floorboard braking. If I had it to do over I would have hired a driving instructor. I think her three wrecks prove I was not a good instructor. On a lighter note it was only the car and insurance premiums that suffered damage….and the points on her license. 😂 your girls sound like they are amazing drivers. You are a marvel!


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