1 Year Konmari Update & My Personal Rules!

Hi Friends! Last year I decluttered my home (and most notably my over stuffed art studio/craft room) using the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo as a guide. I ended up with a tidy home but there were other unexpected benefits to and that is what I am going to talk about today.

What I appreciate the most about going through this process was the mental clarity, reduction of anxiety and increased self-confidence it gave me. I now have more time because I have less stuff to manage. I have more creativity because the supplies I kept fueled my creativity where as before the excess dampened it. I learned to let go of “fantasy Lindsay” and just be me. I got to admit that just because I wished I liked something didn’t mean I had to like it and just because someone else likes something it doesn’t mean I will. The fact that we are all different is what makes life fun!

The decluttering of my stuff (and my schedule) helped me clarify personal rules which guide how I live my daily life. There is nothing profound here but often it is the small things you do everyday (and not the big things you do once in a while) that have the most impact on your life. As they say how you do anything is how you do everything.
Lindsay’s Rules:
1. Wear shoes (this rule comes from my dad who would often tell his lazy child to “get your feet dressed!” LOL I never feel ready for the day without proper shoes on. The FlyLady echos this rule)

2. Put first things first (This is credited to Stephen Covey from his book the 7 habits of highly effective people. You need to set your priority and focus on it before you get bogged down or distracted by non important tasks)

3. If it’s not a “heck yes!” it’s a no. (I have said yes to projects out of obligation or fear that I would miss out on opportunities if I declined anything but now I say “no” unless I am super excited about another person’s project.)

4. Don’t leave a room empty-handed. (Whenever I leave a room or an area I scan the room to see if anything there belongs where I am going…there is always something LOL!)

5. If it takes less than 5 minutes do it now. (Reply to that email, write that check, mail a birthday card, return a quick phone call. If it needs to be done and takes less than 5 minutes I just do it. This is for actually important things, not for checking Pinterest real quick:)

6. Begin with the end in mind. (Another Stephen Covey gem, before beginning any project visualise the outcome to stay focused and also to determine if the juice is worth the squeeze.)

7. Do something creative each day. (Nuff said.)

8.Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. (Lack of sleep will leave anyone irritable, sad and not at their best plus people who get more sleep live longer.)

9. Sharpen the saw. (S. Covey again here:) Spend some time each week challenging yourself to improve a skill)

1o. Be Lindsay. (This advice come from Gretchen Rubin. Don’t compare yourself to others, you don’t have to like what other people do, you don’t have to do what other people do and you don’t have to want what other people want.)

Here are the books I referenced in the video. I really found value in them and they are popular enough you can probably check them out from your library. In case you want to purchase them I have included amazon affiliate links.

Thanks for spending some time with me today and til next time happy crafting!

22 thoughts on “1 Year Konmari Update & My Personal Rules!

  1. I haven’t been good at cm eating here or on YT because of my own health issues, but I wanted to let you know how much change and growth I have seen in you this past year. You know I have followed you for years and have always loved you, but there you should be so proud of all the work you’ve done to take control of your own life and thinking and make yourself and your family happier and healthier in the process. I hope that doesn’t sound pompous or pretentious, it is meant to be an encouragement and acknowledgment that there has been such a visible change. Thank you for inspiring me, and many others as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Maureen:) I hope you are feeling better. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Take care:)


  2. Inspiration – you are truly an inspiration ie you are not afraid to tackle big tasks which mean a big improvement; you are so positive and realistic which is truly inspiring for others…. and you are generous in sharing your joy….

    Thanks for being you LINDSEY

    hugs prue

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very good points especially about being yourself and not trying to be someone else. Still working on that one lol.



  4. I like all of your “rules” except the shoe one. Not so sure that is good advice for the future. I am 69 years old and I never wear shoes in the house; this gives my feet time to be unrestrained; consequently, I have beautiful feet with no hammertoe problems unlike several of my friends.


  5. Love this, thank you , there is a lot to contemplate here, need to look over this a few times . Thanks again ,best wishes Sue Olding



  6. All very good points. Remember to put the Lord first and check on His plan and everything else will fall into place. Thank YOU for all the work you put into this site. YOU are a super star!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Lindsay- Your honesty is so refreshing. Your Youtube channel has been an incredible blessing to me. Four years ago I stumbled on your beginner watercolor tutorial for cosmos. It has been literally life-changing. I first picked up at brush at 47 years of age. I am now a full-time artist-selling my work and teaching workshops in person. I recommend your channel to all my students. I am forever grateful for you being YOU.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you! I have to declutter my craftroom now! I have so much stuff for so many crafts I’m not interested in anymore. Thank you for your inspiration!


  9. If I had a printer I print this! And post it for the month, to remind myself, it’s so easy to get distracted & sidetracked. Thanks for Simplifying & Making that list. I feel like I need to Make that chart the English “the Nanny” used to have parents make for their childrens chores. I do a lot of these things, but I’m a horrible ” collector” of stamps, paints, sprrays, smooches, crayons, pens, stencils, glitter, inks, AI inks, paper, punches, dies, die cuts, paintings, brusho, w/c markers etc. etc. But I’m not good at organizing it, oh they are in groups of things, but its maintenance. Appreciate your concise list of “rules” mine maybe different, but wouldn’t priortized it til you shared. Thank you for all your free contributions, I do purchase things using your links but I’m not a big on-line buyer. Hope to take some of your on-line watercolor courses in the future, but managing as many as I can handle at the moment. Truly want to tell you how great I think you are! As a Teacher, as an Artist, as a crafter. Dena


  10. Lindsay, thank you for your post today – it really has given me something to think about and to help me with challenges I have in my life at the moment. 🙂 I will visiting my library soon


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