Another Epic Crash!

Hi friends! Have you ever heard of the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day? Well, substitute Alexander for Lindsay and that was yesterday in a nutshell. I had so much computer work to do yesterday that I didn’t get down to my studio until after 2pm and there was an epic flood! The sump pump stopped working and there were inches of water on the floor. Luckily I just did a pretty thorough cleaning 2 weeks ago so it was not that bad, and I keep everything valuable off the floor just in case. I did leave a bolt of fabric leaning up against a shelf and that wicked up the water pretty good but other than that I had wet socks and mild irritation to deal with. I got the pump working and the cellar draining and I started to film, when another event took place.  I like to make use of all of the vertical space I can so stuff is stacked to the celling. I was cranking an embossing folder through my die cut machine and the wiggling of the machine sent a stack of boxes tumbling on top of me, luckily they were filled with sponge brushes and crochet snowflakes but something heavy hit my hand and I am typing with a bruised pinky finger. The agony. One of the boxes knocked over and broke the bulb in my tabletop filming light too. So after I finish this blog post I will go down and deal with glass shards and any puddles that did not drain on their own. This little ordeal reminds me of the epic crash of last week when the “super rugged shelf I found on the side of the road” gave up the ghost and came off the wall taking dozens of canvasses and pan pastels with it. Luckily only one pan pastel was injured and today I will show you how to fix it!


Tip, if you want a prettier surface on the pastel then lay a piece of cheesecloth on the pan of wet pastel and use a smaller jar to tamp it down so it looks nice like the others. It will still work fine either way. I did not want to waste any pastel that might stick to the cloth, and I did not have any right on hand so this was fine for non-picky me.

These recent events have had me rethinking my craft-hoarding tendencies AND my carpentry skills. It’s kinda like the universe is trying to tell me something…

What do you think? Are you a craft hoarder or do you only keep the bare minimum of supplies around? My problem seems to come from the found objects and packaging I save to upcycle into cool awesome stuff. What is your crafting weakness? Let me know in the comments below, let’s support each other and our wonderful craft hording tendencies LOL! Wait, maybe not hahaha:) Until the next epic crash, happy crafting!


79 thoughts on “Another Epic Crash!

  1. Lindsey, I have to admit that I’m a craft hoarder. I have a very small craft room and you have to squeeze through to get to the table which is covered with all kinds of small stuff. I dream of a large craft room with a place for everything and everything in its place.


  2. Hello Lindsay,

    I had so many of days like that at college they are over ow thankfully having some good times now. By the way I am thinking of offering art classes to children at my local library or village hall any good advice i need to think about before putting my mind to doing these classes? I look forward to your next Tutoail 🙂
    Take Care!
    Gracie (Shackleton)
    from facebook 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Lindsay I’m so sorry to hear about your mess!! I, personally, ADORE how you’re so DIY with your storage and crafting abilities – you have inspired me in so many ways to take a different look at what I use and how I use it. I love how organic your space feels, it’s not all clean and tidy because a true artist is at work every day. I am a novice paper crafter and I started out by buying all those cheap stamp sets at Michael’s when they were on clearance so now I’m looking at those with a critical eye as some of them aren’t the best quality (or are geared for a holiday that I don’t typically make a of cards for). I get overwhelmed with too many supplies so I’m trying to make do with what I have and being SUPER picky over what I buy. Your videos help me with that goal! I have one little set of plastic drawers for crafting supplies currently and I’d like to keep it that way – until I can have my own crafting corner with a peg board and shelves!!


  4. Omg! Glad you’re okay. I love to recycle also and I’ve had my share of avalanches. I take those moments as reminder of what i have and reignite a project i could do with a new technique from your tutorials 😉. Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration 🌺


  5. Lindsay, you’re missing out on getting thumbs up when you only attach the video.

    I’d love to give you a thumbs up, but we can only do that on YouTube. Without the link to YouTube we have to spend time opening a YouTube tab, then going to your YouTube channel, then finding this video, then giving you the thumbs up.

    So, again, please provide us with the YouTube link so that you can get all the thumbs ups!

    I hope that made sense.

    Great tip, BTW!


    1. There is a YouTube logo in the bottom right-hand corner of the video. Just click on that and you’ll be take directly to the video on YouTube. Click the like button there.


  6. Wow! You had multiple epic crashes but you are a real trouper and got through them with a great attitude. I love that about you…your upbeat attitude that keeps us inspired to keep plugging along no matter what life brings us.

    I have accumulated lots of embellishments that I’ll probably never use because my style has changed. If I wanted something specific I probably couldn’t find it. So a good clearing out would be a good week’s work and then I’d be free of lots of those items. Thanks for the idea. Hope today is much better for you.


  7. Oh, wow! So sorry! I am a little like you, I always think I can repurpose things, so I hoard, I mean save too many things! I hope you were able to get things cleaned up quickly.


  8. Yes, I’m definitely a craft hoarder! Repurposing finds from the berm of other people’s trash, second hand stores finds, and other articles that I should just toss. It’s just ridiculous or just plain genius!


  9. One thing leads to another – that’s my mantra! So have had many days like that, the good thing is Lots of stuff gets taken care of in the process. We have two sump pumps in our basement, my workspace is on the high side, but storage – not so much. Wow, glad you survived. Double sump pump trouble and they always go at different times. Take care and love your blogs.


  10. Obviously I have never seen your house or yard except what you’ve shown us from time to time. But it sounds like you need a “she shed” to house your stuff. And it would probably be a lot easier to heat and cool! You could even blog about it for Lowes or Home Depot! Lol. Glad you were able to clear up the disaster ok.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. One of the fun things about any hobby is buying/trying out new things. I don’t hoard recyclable items so much, but I am a sucker for buying new supplies to try. Pan pastels and Luminance colored pencils are two of my most recent purchases. (Love the pan pastels in pearlescent colors; not so thrilled with the Caran d’Ache Luminance 6901 set.)

    I agree with the above comment–your positive attitude got you through this mess with flying colors!



  12. Lindsay, I’m so glad you’re OK! Definitely an Alexander kind of day. Born to Depression era parents, hoarding is something I’m always working to resist. Your videos help me see I don’t need every product, (thanks!) but how do I resist cheap and free?! I’m with Mickee.. Just ridiculous or just plain genius! So true!


  13. Lindsay,
    You are an awesome woman. I agree with other commenters that you need a studio/space now. Just in the few years I’ve followed, I see significant growth and business development in your work. The sump pump and vertical stacks may be telling you to honor that with an agreeable space.

    Yes, I have outgrown materials I still keep and an addiction for new product. Did someone comment there are pearlescent pan colors now?!


  14. If you believe bad things happen in three’s, you are home free! While not everyone has a basement or has ever found it flooded, we can all relate to the curve ball sent your way. I knew you would find the up side and you did. I don’t know how you do it! Yes I have a smaller space. I am not putting crafting things in my basement. I have to go through the cereal boxes and other things I tuck away. In my mind I am fighting it though. My baby step will be to trim off the flaps and stack it. I will limit the amount by the container I choose to store it—or the shelf space to stack it. Right now I am buying more than I am putting together and making. I slowed down due to health and I need to find a better way to market. All my sales have gone to a non-profit. Thank you for all you do to help crafters like myself.


  15. You poor thing. Sounds like you need to soak in a bubble bath and sip some wine or a cup of herbal tea. You are such a hard worker. Nothing stops you. ALexander is one of my favorite books. So the moral of the story is that Alexander needed people to help him——-I think you are ready to hire an assistant. I will say a prayer that things calm down in Maine. Take care of yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I am definitely a hoarder of crafting supplies. In the event of an Apocalypse (or the upcoming Presidential election), I want to be assured that I can close myself up in my Craft Room with enough yarn and painting supplies to survive!


  17. I am glad you didn’t get seriously hurt, Lindsay! And the flooding – been there a few times myself 🙂 I am a craft/art supply hoarder, although thanks to you I am actually using my precious supplies more! I am constantly reorganizing my “studio” (aka spare room over garage), as I figure out better storage solutions that keep everything accessible.


  18. Oh my! Never a dull moment in the studio, but then that’s why we all love your videos and posts 😁 Hope your poor pinky heals quick, your basement drys fast and your supplies stay fresh and clean 💜 as for craft supply hoarding….I have to take a hard line with myself and purge often or I’d be on a TV show. Got a spare room right now that could use a massive one, but all the crafty things are not in there, so I tend to ignore it, ha.


  19. Hi Lindsay,

    I am so sorry you are dealing with Murphy’s law. Kick him to the curb, lol. But please don’t send him back

    I think all crafty, artistic people are somewhat hoarders. We see treasures where others see junk. It piles up bit by bit and then, one day, bam. It is so hard to get rid of anything because, one day…….*sigh
    Just there are not enough days to do it all.

    If you are purging any watercolour stuff, please send it my way, lol. I am new to watercolour. Just bought my Inktense pencils and watersoft pencils too. I thought it would be an inexpensive hobby, lol. But like all crafts, it isn’t and the Canadian dollar is not worth much lately. I bought inexpensive at first and that was a big mistake, it costs so much more than if I had just bought the good ones in the first place. So I have to watch what I spend.

    Anyway, I appreciate your tutorials greatly and would love more intense ones. I just wish I had known about tutorials on you tube before I started buying. Lol


  20. Oh Lindsay…I think that this is a moment to think about expanding/moving your studio space. You poor thing, this is becoming a habit…don’t want to hear of any more crashes though. You have had your share for this year I think. So glad it wasn’t any worse. Your patience is to be applauded..I would have thrown a right wobbler that’s for sure! lol.. Take care Lindsay. 🙂


  21. As my brother tells me when I’ve had a bad day, “Cheer up, things will get worse.” Dealing with grace should help prepare you for dealing with a catastrophic event while teaching your kids by example. When I moved into my new home I had a carpenter put up MANY shelves going up the wall. The cost was the large metal brackets that were to hold really heavy loads and the wood planks and of course the labor. Wasn’t really expensive but they are worth their weight in gold. I hate spending money on the practical stuff (glue, envelopes, boxes, etc.) but sometimes it’s just the best way even if it’s not pretty. I said once I moved in I would add paint and trim but it’s been 10 years and I still love them naked and uninspiring. So sorry for your Alexander day.


  22. Oh Lindsay Wow! I am sure happy you were not badly injured. I am a craft collector (ahem!) and although I have the best intentions, I honestly keep collecting…however, I, like you, am very organized about it. Unfortunately, no one else in my world (Steve, my son, etc.) seems to appreciate the craft castles I build all around my working area when I’m on a roll…however-I am a happy girl. It is beautiful to me, and if I had more room…hmmm, who needs a back yard anyway =) Ha. Take care and don’t get hurt!


  23. Definately a hoarder. I have scads of paper and Hunky Dory papers are a downfall. Watercolors and pencils also and markers. Plus toilet paper and paper towel rolls to make albums etc. etc. etc.


  24. am sorry to hear about all that stress, how about looking some old metal shelving from a car maintenance or engineering company that are getting rid of them. p.s.please don’t work below any thing that is free standing or loose I.E. things on shelves


  25. Well hoarder I am, sadly. Especially yarn. I just keep thinking that the “preppers” are saving the necessities, and I am saving yarn just in case the lights go out! 🙂
    All that aside, you should take a look at the Yarn Harlot’s Blog, if you haven’t already. She has some pretty hysterical things that happen to her. Well, not hysterical to her, but when she writes about them, hysterical to us.


  26. I don’t have pan pastels but that is a fascinating fix! So sorry about your terrible day! I had a similar thing happen with the sump pump – our sump pump failed one day, the cellar had several of inches of water and I had just come home from my brother-in-laws funeral (had to fly to Ohio) and went down to do laundry and was greeted with the water – ugh! The clean up took me all afternoon after a very long and stressful trip! Glad your art supplies weren’t damaged but it sure is daunting to face the mess!! Hugs!


  27. Oh dear, what a nightmare. I’m in the mood for a house move and decided to clear cupboards in my craft room. I have been brutal and bagged up my maybe, someday stash. Charity shop is going to get a whole pile of stuff too. I’m sure as soon as I get rid of this stuff I will wish I hadn’t. Hope the finger is soon better. Big hugs June.


  28. You definitely need a bigger, dedicated space. Maybe a Workbox or two ( )? I, myself, am downsizing. I have projects in quilting, sewing, jewelry making, crochet, etc etc and once I’m done with the projects I’ll be getting rid of the excess and only storing the tools. I’ll still be able to go back to do an occasional project in one of those areas but I’m going to concentrate on art. It seems to be my favorite at the moment. Glad you weren’t seriously injured! ❤


  29. Just one of those days, keep up the great attitude fellow craft hoarder. I once lived in a house and did my crafting in the basement. After a busted frozen pipe and a sock that got stuck in the slop sink drain where the washing machine water emptied out, we’ve had our share of floating craft supplies. After that, everything that touched the floor was put in clear plastic bins. For shelving, we invested in some heavy duty rolling stainless steel wire shelving units (from Costco and BJ’s). A lot of craft supplies are heavy, and the heft of the shelves held it all – off the ground – with no sagging. And they can easily be rolled out of the way to retrieve those wayward bits that somehow fly out of one’s hands and land behind furniture.


  30. Great job Lindsay!!!!
    I tend to see something and buy it with good intentions to use it a certain way. So I store it away for the opportunity to use it – knowing it is available when I want to use it – LOL! That’s the good news……the bad is pressing things take over and I forget that I have it and it does not get used for a LLLLLL OOOOO NNNNNNN GGGGG time! Woe is me…sigh! I could open my own store for sure!!!!!
    Paper Hugs,


  31. Okay, my comment is…… been there, done that. My craft heart is with you. You are so generous to share the ups and downs of being frugal. My frugal advice is to get a floor water alarm at the home center of your choice that will scream when just a little water is on the floor. It will not stop until it is shut off, the battery runs out. or it stepped on to make it STOP. Doesn’t cost much, but the irritation of the noise might save hours of wasted water-vaccing and cleaning. Crafting forever, cleaning whenever.


  32. I have had similar misadventures, so I can empathize with you. I have a small craft room. I too try to use the limited space wisely. I need a video on how to store ribbon! Help Lindsay!


  33. Yes I am a craft junkie, so much so that I do my work on the table or in the garage because I can’t get in my room. What is on real is that I can find any thing that I am working on. Happy


  34. Poor baby! That’s the universe telling you that you’ve been working too hard! You need a vacation.
    I am a complete hoarder when it comes to sewing, quilting, beading, crafting, and any other fiber art you can think of! I’m having trouble getting into my 1200 sq ft craft room at this point!


  35. Wow, sounds like a really bad day, hope your day has brightened up some! I am the ultimate craft hoarder, it is so hard to throw anything away, because I can see potential in everything!


  36. It seems like mishaps happen in threes–flood, boxes falling, light bulb breaking. We all have days like this, it seems. Just be thankful there wasn’t extensive water damage to all your craft supplies–that would’ve been expensive!


  37. Wow , talk about a horrible chain of events ! I think I have several weaknesses in my crafting room ie. Over crowding supplys from numerous different crafts I enjoy doing . I also save packaging so I can reuse them when shipping out things to buyers . And I do see potential in everything my family uses 🙂 . Hope your troubles go away quickly !


  38. That really is a bad day. I only have a space in the corner of my dining room for my craft stuff so I really cannot hoard anything. I’m a little odd in that I like knowing when something has had it’s time with me and it is ready for a new home with someone else. My crafting style has changed so much over the years that it would be unrealistic for me to keep it all plus my husband would have something to say about it!


  39. Hope you are having a better day today (look for a battery back-up sump pump, we got one after a similar incident in our old house). I had most of my supplies hiding in our living room behind a screen or scattered around the house on various shelves. When my daughter went to college. I moved it into her her room. It came as a shock to see it all in one place. Such a shock that I haven’t actually shifted everything. Fortunately I am married to a tosser. He prevents the gathering of too much “I might need that someday” saving. I like to not only create cards and art but dabble in glass, wood and ceramics. Along with planting around the yard (plan not weed or maintain). Plus I do home maintenance projects that most people pay to have done. All these things need tools. I suppose it’s good that I can’t afford to buy everything I’d like to buy otherwise I’d need a second house to stock the tools. You are not alone.


  40. Oh Lindsay, bless your heart 🙂 At least you didn’t BURN YOUR HANDS OFF !!!!!!!!! Iris,SavedbyGrace


  41. When it rains it’s pour huh…hopefully you can wash your material that got soak…thank you for the tutorial on the pan pastels…hopefully I’ll never have to used but I know it will be here…
    I just clean up my room…took the iron board down..which has been up sense Dec….so I feel good…but yes I have a big drawer unit that holds a ton of stuff and it’s in there for “if I ever need it”….my probably is I misplace everything….need to work on that for sure…glad your ok…tfs


  42. I feel for you. I have had bad days, but NEVER LIKE YOURS! You have more courage than I. My response surely would have been “$^&(_*%$@%^&*” ( BUT NOT OUT LOUD.) Also, as BAD as your two days (shelf included) were, you were lucky it wasn’t worse.. Someone “UP THERE” was looking out for you!

    And, yes I am a craft hoarder too (much to my husband’s dismay.


  43. Lindsay, that sounds like a nightmare. Glad you are okay! Yes craft hoarding and shelves crashing and crushing under the weight of all your supplies – have had that happen twice. I need a warehouse with everything on one continuous shelf at waist level!


  44. What a horrible day. What I love about you is that you can laugh about it and then create a video to help us fix something broken.

    I am definitely a craft hoarder. My personal weakness is pens, pencils and markers. I also have a huge paper stash, but I use it constantly, so I don’t feel too bad about that.


  45. Love that book, but sorry you got to play it out! I am beginning to think we are all obsessive/compulsive hoarders. It doesn’t help that every time I purge, I find a use for the thing I just gave away within a week! I find I now save all kinds of things because I saw YOU use them! I could easily free up at least one drawer (large) if I just cleaned out all those random things. I hope your pinkie heals fast! Amazing how everything connects to everything else in the body.


  46. Craft hoarder here! Paper and stamps, I really need to purge some of it. Colored pencils, watercolors and brushes. I wish I had run into this blog before I bought everything that I thought I needed to try out. Now it is ribbon, my granddaughter is in need of something to keep her hair out of her eyes and I need to make her a tutu for dress-up.


  47. Oh my! Glad you’re ok! Yes, I’m a hoarder and the last several days I’ve actually been trying to lighten my stash a bit by gathering up paper, stamps and other items sitting waaaay too long! It’s hard but I’m telling myself that I won’t miss it! And then, I find things that make me think there was a reason I bought it but don’t remember the project I wanted to use it for; gosh, (I’ve got to start putting notes on things to remember) LOL! If only I had a craft room then I could keep everything, LOL!!!


  48. My crafting only consists of CARDS (and a rare occasional wreath). I checked my birthday list, made a list of those to whom I’d mail a card or give a card with a gift, and then decided to look in my stash of already made cards. Well I had a perfect card for each of the 20 birthdays coming up this spring/summer!
    So didn’t use even one thing from my hoarders stash of decorator papers, cardstocks, envelopes, buttons, ribbons, markers, water colors, embossing powders, etc etc.
    Hey, I am going to be 67 this year, I have to start using this stuff up before my time here on earth is over, because I have enough for at least another 25 years of cardmaking!
    I do make little packs of notecards and thank you cards to give as hostess gifts and little surprise gifts for friends, but even that won’t put a dent in my stash or my supplies.
    No, I don’t sell, as I am retired and don’t want anything resembling a J-O-B in my life.
    So….. today a nice package arrived from Consumer Crafts— more cards and envelopes, two new dies, and some embossing powder. Yes, I also have the problem, LOL!


  49. I am a craft hoarder. I see the problem as I don’t have just one type of craft that I do. I’m a Michelangelo of this era. I knit, crochet. paint, scrapbook and sew. Each has it’s own stash of supplies. I need to have my supplies visable or I forget what I have, so I then will buy more before I find finally find that I already had something. I do have enough supplies for the rest of my life. But I still have a 50% off coupon at Michaels so I still shop. But I have started going into nursing homes and teaching crafts and use up some of my stash. A win win situation. I have used some of your ideas to teach in my classes. So I hope you keep making videos and inspiring me.


  50. I’ll keep this short. YES, I AM A HOARDER, but it’s not my fault. It is the little black down arrow that shows all the supplies needed to make the card. See, not my fault =;-)


  51. I don’t like to call myself a hoarder but looking around most would disagree. I like to say I have SABLE disease. I started out in one little room as a weaver 30 years ago. After hand surgery I couldn’t do that anymore so I went to fabric and then added paper, paint, pencils and then came the inks and stamps. Of course when cutting dies came along I couldn’t live without them either. That little room got even smaller so overflow when to a ‘storage’ room in the basement. The the little room became even smaller so my husband converted the garage into a computer/crafting room and in time that wasn’t big enough so now I have an art room off the computer/craft room AND last year I finished my tree house studio!

    Oh, that SABLE disease is also known as Stashing Acquisitions Beyond Life Expectancy


      1. I reached SABLE long ago in yarn! Supposedly, if you can stand in your home, IN, being the operative word here, and be 10 feet away from any of your stash, no matter what it is. Then you are safe! 😉


      2. You can come play anytime! It’s the smallest of all my creating spaces so I pick a project that I’m going to spend a lot of time on and move all those supplies up. So far I’ve mainly worked on books that I sell. I have plenty of room up there for that. You can see the tree house studio here

        Since this video was done I now have a wonderful set of 2 tier stairs with a landing big enough for a small oval brass tub that I want to plant flowers and herbs in. My husband built me a really nice door. This summer my grandson will paint the outside and I hope to get a balcony on the front facing the Rockie Mountains to the west that I can put a rocker and small table on. I also want to go with solar this summer. I really love being up there. For some reason I’m way more creative when I’m working in the tree house. It may have something to do with the fact that I don’t have a TV blaring, phones ringing and people banging on the door. I do however have to pick my supplies wisely or I won’t have space to work. If I’m working on baby books then that is all that I will have up there along with cutting supplies. If I can make myself stick to this plan then I won’t feel so crowded.


  52. My heart goes out to you, Lindsay. So heart breaking when something like that happens. Hope you have brighter and dryer days ahead! Keep up the watercoloring. I love it!


  53. Only basic supplies in store? Boring! And tiresome when you need something that is not there and have to go out to buy just that one item. I love my stash and tools and will hold on to them, crashes or no crashes. Having said that – carpentry skills (or a helper with those skills) DO come in handy, especially for drilling holes into walls and doweling.


  54. My craft space looks like a thrift store exploded and since my craft style could be explained as the “crap to crap” style my room isn’t brag worthy, but it’s mine and it has a door so, good enough.


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