CRAFTmasWeek 2! Ornaments!

Hi friends! I’ve had a heck of a day, my live ornament painting broadcast had some technical difficulties so I recreated one of the ornaments into a nice edited video for you!


This video is a collaboration with Steve at Woodworking for Mere Mortals, he made a tutorial of 7 wooden ornaments! They are great for beginners too so please check them  out even if you are not a woodworker. You can see his tutorial here, don’t forget to tell him Lindsay sent you!

Here is my video! (the good one LOL!)

This video is also sponsored by Jerry’s Artarama
Supplies for this class:
Turner Acryl Gouache Set
Surface: Art Bites in 6″x6″ and 3″x3″
Xacto knife and snowflake stencil

And in case you want to see the live stream train wreak you can find it here. Otherwise, let’s not speak of it again LOL! Really though it was a rough day, my little Rosie chicken passed away this morning. She went quick, she seemed really happy and comfortable but she did not have the desire to eat or drink much. She just fell over and that was that. I am thankful that she was not suffering, we did our best. I’m ready to weekend, how about you? I hope you find some time to create and enjoy time with family! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

14 thoughts on “CRAFTmasWeek 2! Ornaments!

  1. So very sorry to hear about your little chick! I know she is happy in chick heaven. You have inspired me so much…can’t thank you enough. Happy holidays to all!!


  2. oh so sad. Sorry about Rosie. What a coincidence our fur baby named Rosie just passed not long ago also. No matter what the animal they are a part of our family and it is sad to see them leave us.


  3. So sorry to hear about Rosie. I think you did more for her than many would have done and she knew she was lived. What a kind person and great role model you are. I watched most of the live video. You held it together well, both you and Sarah. Real troopers, the two of you. Thanks.


  4. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    Your ornaments are lovely. Thank you for sharing.

    So sorry to hear about Rosie. You and your family did everything you could and I am sure Rosie knew that.

    Take care.


  5. Sorry to hear about your chicken, Rosie. It’s hard to lose our animals but you did as much as you could for her. Love this tag, going to try it. Have a good weekend. x


  6. I was also sorry to hear about Rosie.
    The Christmas ornament you made is really great.
    I love the way you did the clouds, church and tree without using stamps.


  7. So sorry you lost Rosie. It’s Saturday as I write this and it’s snowing a lot here in Wisconsin! I love your ornaments, very beautiful!


  8. Poor little Rosie. I always feel so bad when a family animal dies, but you did more than a lot of people would do. I love your peaceful painting.


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