Blogging on my phone…

Howdy friends! I am on the road today and took some lovely flower photos in my sisters garden. What would you like to paint first?









Leave your tutorial choice in the comments below and feel free to paint from any of these pics. I am not sure if they are nice enough for paint my photo but they look good on my new phone. I hope they are useful. I also hope my phone has
spell check lol 🙂 thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

100 thoughts on “Blogging on my phone…

  1. What would I like to paint first? Well, the first thought that comes to mind is “all”, but if I can only pick one to start, I would wish to paint the daylily. I would love to learn a sumi-e technique for daylilies, but also see what you do with a watercolor technique that displays shading.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh heck to much choice, they are all super, I think the first one is the one. Thanks for your permission to paint all of them. Regards Brenda (England).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I would like the day lily as well…I just got 4 for my garden and they have the greatest names. My fave: Primal Scream…bright orange.


  4. All beautiful. I like the first one and then the seventh one. Enjoy your w/c classes very much. Your sister must have a green thumb.

    Thanks, BJ Nichol

    Sent from my iPad



  5. I don’t know any of the names – but the first one with the fence pickets included as part of the flower ;o) Hopefully you’ll see a pretty punkin on your trip to paint too ;o)


  6. Hi Lindsey, I’d love to see you paint the first one and then the other one with the fence. (I’d learn how to do the fence AND the flowers! Yeah!) Thanks so much!


  7. I love the first one – the cone flower with that rustic fence in the background – would look so great on a card! All your pictures are lovely too but that first one really caught my eye. I do also like the other one with difference flowers and the fence in the background.


  8. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    What great photos and your sister’s garden is lovely. I would appreciate if you could watercolour paint numbers 4, 6 and 7. Thank you for allowing us to use your photos for painting.
    Best wishes.


  9. I love them all. Great pics. I think the coneflower with the fence posts in the background offer an interesting visual. I will be anxious to see which one you end up painting. Thanks for all of your great tutorials.


  10. They are all great. Too bad the paint my photo website has changed so much because they would have look great on there.


  11. I love her flowers!!!! All my favorites– day lily, poppy, rudbeckia, oriental lily, and purple cone flowers! I would combine them and make an arrangement in a basket or vase. The colors all go together perfectly. If you want to choose only one picture I would choose the oriental lily and the fence.


  12. Your phone took some beautiful pictures. I will be trying to paint all of them but my favorite is the first one. P.S. Tell you sister she has a beautiful garden. I live in NYC and so much wish I had flowers growing right outside all I have is sidewalks, buses and a lot of traffic 😦


  13. I love the first picture. I also am a lover of daisies so that would be my second choice. Your sisters yard is beautiful.


  14. I love them all. The first one is my favorite though. What is it. I’m in California and we are having a major drought so flowers aren’t blooming as much. So I’m really enjoying looking at your pics and sister’s lovely garden.


  15. Definitely the first one of the purple coneflower and fence, love coneflowers and have been wondering how to paint them. Please say you’ll do them all eventually! Tell your sister her garden is beautiful. Thanks for the glimpse!


  16. Lindsay I like the Coneflower photo the most – “Zonnehoed” in Dutch” – I have a white one in my garden.


  17. I always see the wooden mannequin in the background. Could you include a tutorial on using it? I feel you could have a version that I would enjoy. Thanks. Just returned with my fair entries. Your tutorials have been great help for me. I had 2 blue, 3 red & 2 yellow ribbons , all watercolor. You are a marvelous teacher!


  18. Hi Lindsay! Your sister’s flowers are gorgeous and your pics are great! I’d definitely want to try the cone flower or the poppies (?) It’s great you FINALLY used your smartphone! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!


    1. I know, it takes getting use too but it is becoming handy. I have not committed to using it as a phone much though LOL!


  19. Impossible to choose = they’re all gorgeous. Guess I’d go for the pink poppies (?) with white edges.


  20. It has to be that beautiful pink poppy – no 2 pic. The sun seems to shine right through it and lights her petals with goodness. What a lovely garden she must have- such a pleasure to view today as it pours with rain !
    I find flowers my all time fave in crafting they creep into EVERY piece somewhere and somehow- even my sci-fi art.
    Mother Nature is truly magic…
    Love your blog- enjoy every day getting news of what your doing. Makes my day brighter ….


  21. I love them all. I didn’t even know what the pink flower was until the comments but beautiful!!! I go for the cone flower though first! YAY TFS!


  22. Hi Lindsay from Nova Scotia. I watch your utube channel daily. I think the lily or the coneflower are both beautiful.


  23. I love the color of the poppies. They are all beautiful. I have a request.
    I took a picture of a tiny watermelon growing in my garden. I was able to draw the leaves but really had trouble with the watermelon. Just painted
    the flowers in the mason jar (Stamping Class #2) Just getting ready to paint another one on a watercolor card. You are the best teacher. It turned out beautiful. Thanks Lindsay!!!


  24. They are all beautiful photos and the choice is a hard one. If made to choose on my own I would go with the first photo of the coneflower all alone against the fence. Thanks for all that you do.


  25. My vote is for the cone flower at the fence in watercolors. In time I would like for you to do them all. Is that selfish of me??? I just love to watch your videos on water coloring flowers.


  26. They’re all very pretty. I’m curious as to how to do the light outer edges of some of the poppies so I’ll pick those.


  27. The first one with the good shot of the fence behind the flower (cone?). I think I could actually paint that one. Just now working on my first attempt at painting a flower from a photo!


  28. Lovely flowers, l am going to try and paint some of them. If I had to pick one I would pick the poppy because it has a gorgeous centre.


  29. You are incredible. Love all the pics. My favorite is the first with the picket fence. Having a picket fence in the background of a watercolor would super cool. Thanks for all you do. I look forward to your videos everyday!


  30. I am drawn to draw the first one–is it a cone flower? I love all flowers so I do not really care which you do first–just do them all:)


  31. I adore poppies. I’m ex army and they are a vivid reminder. I also love lilies, my Dad passed away a few years ago and his favourite was bright orange lilies, they don’t last long after blooming, I have many photos of them and flowers in my garden but would love to see a picture on my wall that I have done…people tend to paint the same mixes of matching flowers, I think all flowers…. any chance you could do a min of lilies and poppies so that o could try do one with orange lilies and bright poppies. Thanks for whatever you do
    huggles…..Ann Littler


  32. While I love all the pictures and would love to paint each one, I vote for #2, the poppy, as it’s one of my most favorite flowers. Beautiful garden, and there’s not a flower that doesn’t need to be painted.


  33. Lindsay, Thank you for allowing us to paint these. I (think) I’m getting to where I can start selling some of my art, thanks in a big way to you. And I’d like to know if I could paint some of your pictures and sell it, would you mind? Thank you for all of your hard work. Candy aka candeekissez


  34. Hi Lindsey, I like the first one because I like the fence behind the flower, it adds depth to the picture. I will be painting this and see how it goes. And please don’t let some of these people get to you because I believe they are not pleased with themselves and this is how they release there feelings by making someone else feel bad too. Your a wonderful person and I enjoy watch all your videos. You do a very good job teaching us.


  35. I know this post is 3 months old but I’m just now getting around to looking at all of the photos…they’re gorgeous and I obviously love the ones that have become tutorials but all 6 are gorgeous!


  36. I absolutely love that you take your time videoing these tutorials. I am a beginner and I am learning so much from you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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