Paper Tassel DIY (another use for deli or tissue paper!)

Hi friends! Remember that awesome deal I got last year on deli paper? 5000 sheets of 12″x12″ deli paper for $15 and free shipping. Well, I have about 4,700 sheets left so I thought I should take a stab of another way to use some of it and viola! Paper tassels! Watch the video to see how easy it is. Oh, and if you do not have the abundance of deli paper I have tissue paper will work just fine 🙂


The good news is that I have used up a few more sheets of deli paper…the bad news is that it only takes 1/2 a sheet to make a tassel. Anyone need 9,400 paper tassels? Just kidding. I am not opening a paper tassel business. Anyone else can feel free to run with that idea though! 😀 I am telling you, 5,000 sheets of deli paper is A LOT! I have even resorted to wrapping sandwiches with the stuff. crazy huh? So, how do you think I should use up some more of that deli paper? Leave your ideas in the comments below because I need some LOL! Oh, if you are looking for the DIY spray ink tutorial I mentioned in the video it’s here. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

28 thoughts on “Paper Tassel DIY (another use for deli or tissue paper!)

  1. Hi loved them the way are but they also look like the start of some interesting little dolls–or maybe something at Christmas time? You make my day Lindsay

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the deli wrap for gelli plate monoprints. The prints can be used to wrap small gifts or as tissue paper in gift bags.
    It can also be used to separate burger patties that you plan to freeze.


  3. Hi Lindsay, you have given me the greatest idea with those tassels. I have a craftshow coming up in August and I think I’ll make some of them to string in front of my white table cover. I was thinking about ribbons at first, like all the way to the floor, but this would be great to just give it a little color and attraction.


  4. You could also make flowers, origami – 1000 cranes! Little kites, collage paper, or how about garland or buntings? Christmas tree chains, snowflakes, wreaths…You’d have to get a little clever and creative, but I think you could really go to town with it. And wrapping sandwiches – that’s an epic idea, Lindsey!!!


  5. How about selling a bunch to me? Seriously I cannot find deli paper here in the dinky little town I live in,,,not even our butcher. Go figure. so if you ever want to sell some of your golden stash, let me know, 🙂


  6. Yes, me too, Lindsey – I’d buy a box of 1000 sheets or however many are in a box. I can’t find the 12×12 size here. I think what I get at Costco is 10×12. Let me know!


  7. I just looked up deli paper to find out what it is – I am in the UK. I ended up watching your art journal page using deli paper! I have used tissue paper that way for the background. Going to try my wax paper roll with this technique too.

    By the way I would imagine deli paper makes great tracing paper!


  8. Thanks, Lindsay, for this cute idea! I have a suggestion for the spraying-inside-the-box technique: Why not cover the bottom of the box with a sheet of deli paper? It would collect all that lush excess spray-paint and thus become the beginning of a new project …


  9. Hi Lindsay, why not sell some to get rid of it. I would gladly purchase some from you. Spread the creativity love! Lol


  10. I wish I had the problem of too much deli paper. I am in Canada and can’t find deli paper. Don’t even know exactly what it is like. Would parchment paper be a substitute? Is deli shiny and waxy on one side and dull/matt and dry on the other?


  11. Sweet! I love the colors. First I thought you had colored deli sheets. 🙂 I prefer the one you made with the scissors. I will check the DIY spray tutorial out. I save packaging materials on and off (they are similar to these deli sheets)… I like to cut doilies out of them to use on packaging or cards.


    1. I’m not sure what deli paper is, but perhaps it is like parchment paper. Maybe you could cut it and emboss it in an embossing folder to use on cards, cut it with dies or punches, color on it with colored pencils or crayons. Would it hold up to using embossing powders and a heat gun on it? Is it sheer enough to use an overlay on a card? Just spraying a sheet would make nice gift wrapping paper. Little treat bags could be made from it if glue will stick to it or perhaps washi tape.


  12. If it is similar to glassine paper, you could make merchandise-type bags (flat or gusseted). I use them to package several cards w/envelopes for gifts. You could also use similar to vellum for shaker windows, etc. though not as stiff as vellum.


  13. “Roll roll Roll in the Hay” is from Mel Brooks’ 1974 horror parody classic, “Young Frankenstein.”
    Love the tassle. You can scrunch and roll into a birdnest? I have used it to make flowers. I actually enjoy the sound of the paper and so does my cat who will fetch it when I roll up a piece. I scrunched a lot for the flowers for added texture.
    I watch you everyday! I like to try new things and you are very creative.
    You have given me the courage to put paint to paper too. “It’s only paper, people!”


  14. I thought of stamping on them and using the paper to wrap, too. But you could also use the stamped paper as a background on a card. Howe about using some on a multi media project or in your art journal?


  15. I, too, have a lifetime supply of deli paper and am looking for ways to use it. I’m thinking these tassels would make a great July 4 garland if sprayed red, white and blue. I use deli paper to protect my craft table when I’m painting, then I use the painted deli paper in collages. Works with spray paint, watercolors and acrylics. I use deli paper to wrap up seasonal decorations for storage. I slide them between skillets so protect the stick free surface on the bottom one. They make a quickie liner for a shelf or drawer (could paint them first to make them prettier).


    1. Thank you, Mendy – I just ordered a box. I wasn’t a Sam’s Club member but they allow you to create a guest account, so that worked out great. Merci Beaucoup!


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