Book Page Paintin’!

Howdy friends! I spent a wonderful day with my parents, sister, nephew and kids! It is Veterans Day in the US and the kids had the day off from school so it was nice to have a casual day with family. I want to thank all of the men and women in our armed services as well as their families for their sacrifice so they can keep our country safe. You are appreciated.

I had a lot of leftover book pages when I made my book safes last month and I sealed a few of the pages with mod-podge. I though they would be a nice surface to paint on, turns out they were! I really like how you can wipe them off if you make a mistake! I am using acrylic paint for these paintings, any brand will be fine. Follow along and have fun!

I hope you enjoyed the 3 quick tutorials and as always happy crafting!

7 thoughts on “Book Page Paintin’!

  1. I love to paint on book pages having done 2 large portraits in sepia but unfortunately neither painting has sold even though they are of a good standard. I like Kirsty Patterson’s book page paintings too she does some really funky ones………..


  2. Thank you for sharing! I wish you would have a giveaway for these beautiful little book pages! *hint-hint* 🙂
    I love these so much! Poppies are my favorite!
    You make it look so easy to create! I’m going to go practice my flowers right now!


  3. love your video even my husband watched them. He said you are so fun and creative. Thanks for your simplicity and all the great tips. You are very talented. Hugs from Arizona…. Angela


  4. This is awesome. I’ve actually needed (ok, ok… wanted) to paint bleeding hearts for a project, and this makes it so much easier than the tracing and then painting I was going to attempt. Plus, magnolias!!! Thank you, Lindsay!


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