DIY Bride of Frankenstein Costume! {wig, costume & makeup!}

Hello friends! Some of you die-hard frugal fans will notice that I did not post a video yesterday on my YouTube channel. I hope you forgive me because I have 3 videos today! I spent yesterday making my Halloween costume using supplies from our sponsor Papermart! My Husband and I are going to a costume party this year as Frankenstein’s Monster and the Bride of Frankenstein (Hopefully he will let me shoot a video of his costume) and so I figured I would pull it all together and film the process. I have to admit the hardest part of this entire costume was making the wig. Viewer Teresa (AKA TerryMcCrafty on instagram) suggested I use a soda bottle for the wig form, genius! I used fine black mesh tulle fabric and glitter mesh tulle in white for the hair. The fine mesh tulle sold on the bolt is super soft and full so for all of you parents who have to make Elsa from Frozen costumes this year you might want to grab some light blue! Papermart also has a 15% discount on combined fabric orders over $300 so keep that in mind for holiday crafting! Now, Let’s make a wig!

Compared to the wig the costume is a piece of cake. It is no sew and only uses one roll of 14″ burlap jute fabric. Best of all I constructed the costume in a temporary way so I can take it apart and use the burlap on other projects in the future such as burlap stretched canvas decor….that is if I can get through 2 parties without spilling something on myself LOL! That’s OK, I have an extra roll:)

And now, the makeup! I have NEVER done a makeup tutorial before. Just think, If I can do this so can you and I am simply using an inexpensive set of Halloween makeup for the discount store. I also used my normal mascara, eye and lip pencils. I know, fancy right?

So how is that for a frugal costume? $1 for the soda bottle, $13 for a roll of burlap and $6 for the makeup (and there is a ton leftover), not bad I say! Thanks to Papermart for sponsoring these videos, if you end up ordering remember that Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner so you can stock up on paper goods, gift wrap and food packaging supplies. They have so many nice things for holiday parties and gift packaging there! Thank YOU for watching, let me know if you have any questions and til next time happy crafting!

12 thoughts on “DIY Bride of Frankenstein Costume! {wig, costume & makeup!}

  1. Great job. In 1986 we made one of my daughter’s a Devil’s Bride costume. First we made a trip to the thrift store and found a perfectly hideous red dress and cape and then I made the rest from there. My neighbour saw her trying it on and rushed home to get the “perfect” final touch – a dead lily to carry. Here is a picture of her wearing it.

    We all love whipping up home made costumes too.


  2. great job on all 3 vids! hope hubby lets you take vid of his costume and maybe of the two of you at the parties! that would be cool 🙂


  3. hi, it’s brill but i was thinking if you made a kind of ‘skirt’ with the elastic and netting and the white attached, then you could just pop it on and pull the ends up to tuck into the top a lot easier. not sure i’m articulating this well enough lol i love all your ideas and frugal is always important


    1. I tried that but it did not work because it kept slipping around and took longer to readjust than just recreating it each time. Also it was too poofy to look like th bride of fankenstein. Id would have been easier though, I agree!


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