A Veterans Day Craft!

On  November 11th we honor those who served our country. This date commemorated the end of World War One and we share it with commonwealth countries in Europe as well. The symbol of this peace is the red poppy. This Veteran’s day (or Remembrance or Armistice Day) why not make a token of your appreciation. These lovely tag/bookmarks can be handed out to veterans in parades,veterans homes or nursing homes. There is room on the back to write a special message too. Boy and Girl Scouts might like to make some to hand out while walking in the Veterans Day Parade. You can even make up a bunch and give them to your local scout troop for this purpose!

I used stamps from Rubbernecker for the poppies and Hero Arts for the background.  You can use what you have though:) Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!


10 thoughts on “A Veterans Day Craft!

  1. Great idea….if I could only sit at my desk!!!! LOL! Knee still not bending much since the knee replacement surgery……I’m so itching to try some of your recent video tutorials!!!!!!!!! Hopefully soon! TFS Lindsay!
    Paper Hugs,


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