DIY Card Candy & 2-Step Stampin’ Tip!

Remember how I said I couldn’t bear to part with any of the scraps from my Kiyoshi Basic Grey papers? Well, I have nothing left but a few megar scraps and I had to put them to use on a card/bookmark set. I was down to my ugliest scraps but I still love it!

I even punched circles and flowers out of the wee scraps and embossed them with a ball end stylus to make 3-D embellishments:


Here is a quick video to show you how:

Here is a photo for those of you who don’t like to watch videos:


Now, I have a gripe with this stamp set, it was the $5 special from Stampin’ up this month, I went to a SU party and decided to get it, I figured “$5, what the heck?” But these buggers are hard to line up, not to mention the solid stamp is larger than the outline…I’m not a perfectionist but that irked me! So, Here is what I did to make the best of the situation. I picked a point on each of the stamps and made a mark on the edge with permanent marker, I made sure the mark was in the same place for its corresponding outline/shadow. Now when I stamp I can be pretty sure the images will line up.


Another tip is after inking the shadow stamp I rock the edges on a scrap of paper to erase the outside edge of ink making the colored area fit in the outline better. See the nasty inky outline on the card vs the softer more lined up images from the bookmark.

I also bought the cheveron embossing folder at the SU! party, I really like it too! I’ll be sharing the other couple of things I bought later, til then happy crafting!

7 thoughts on “DIY Card Candy & 2-Step Stampin’ Tip!

  1. I purchased the same set at a SU party recently and I thank you soooo much for that tip on marking them to line up. Thank you sooooo much. This is why I love your blog. HUGS!!


    1. you are SO welcome:)Thewre is nothing worse then spending $$ (even if it is only $5) on someting and not being able to use it:)


  2. i went to a SU party too….did you have to spend a certain
    $$ for the 5.00 special…it was not mentioned at the time i placed my order??? just wondering


    1. yes, you had to spend $50 which was too easy to do LOL! Your demo should have mentioned it, you could have teamed up with a friend and spent $50 to get the set.


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