I’m Fabulous!!!

Lookie what I got today:

You think that’s cool, look what else I got today:

Samples from the Gorilla Glue company, Score!
Samples from the Gorilla Glue company, Score!

I’ve never tried Gorila Glue before, I picked it up at the hardware store once but never bought it…I guess I’m attracted to sparkly pink packages. But when the Gorilla Glue company contacted me about trying their products I said “Sure” (heck yeah, free samples…bring it on!) I think I’ll try the super glue on a jewelery project, I’ve had crappy luck with other brands “super glues” they chip or brake but GG’s has rubber particles in it and it is thicker so I’m anxious to use it! I’ll let you know how it works. Thanks again to Gorilla Glue for sending me the boatload of product to use! Did you see the T-Shirt under the stash, I’ll give it to my hubby cuz he is going to be sooooo jealous when he sees what I got in the mail today. And I’m totally altering that box!

OK back to me being fabulous…OK not me the blog…I am supposed to list 5 obsessions, here goes:

My Cricut, nuf said.

Sci-Fi TV shows, I psyched that Battlestar Galatica came out on DVD yesterday and the LOST season premiere is only 2 weeks away! Oh and how about Dr Horrible’s Sing along blog…too bad I couldn’t nominate him, Got the idea?

Dancing with the Stars, I watch the show, I have the Wii game and I do the workout tapes I LOVE IT!!! Wow, I watch way to much TV!

Rubber Stamps: I love them, use them collect them, make them but rarely ever do I part with one.

And I have to copy Shirley (she gave me this award by the way) Coffee, especially Starbucks soymilk latte, no foam. Yum-O!

I get to pick some other fab bloggers to highlight and keep on the tradition of the blog version of chain mail…. Here they are in no particular order:

Jen She rocks Cricut Design Studio making lots of freebies, most with the George cart so anyone with a cricut can use them!

Cheri Her paper crafts are lovely, check her out!

Scott and Martin they own Vintage Image Craft and spend a few minutes at their blog and website and you’ll know why I love the images they offer, freebies too!

Darlene speaking of vintage you should see the stuff she makes with the Crafty Secrets Vintage stamps, beautiful!

Melissa She rocks, her crafts are beautiful, get ready to be inspired!

Thanks for stopping by and listing to my ramble, happy crafting!

6 thoughts on “I’m Fabulous!!!

  1. Wow, Lindsay! Thanks. I am so humbled. I luv gorilla glue, btw! It is my go to glue when nothing else will hold it together. Have fun with that package of goodies. Can’t wait to see the creatively altered box.


  2. HEY GIRL! Thanks a $Million$ for the award! Very nice of you. Second time received in a week. :o) Let me know how the Gorilla glue works out with the jewelry. Seems like the only time I have ever used it was years ago when my hubby needed to glue the sole of his Birks back onto the cork base of his shoe. LOL


  3. Thank you very much for the award Lindsay! I really appreciate that! You ROCK!!

    WOW! How exciting to receive such a great package in the mail!! I love that glue too! It’s awesome! Can’t wait to see what you do with the packaging it came in!!

    Thanks again!

    Hugs, Melissa


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