Get Ready for Wrapping With DIY Tags, Tape & Labels!

Howdy friends! Today we are going to make some fun wrapping supplies in bulk. I like to keep these in a box on my pool table with wrapping paper, scissors and ribbon so anyone in my family can wrap a present quickly!


I had an empty tissue box handy so I cut a diagonally on each edge and pushed the top into the box to make a holder for everything. I reinforced it with duct tape from the dollar tree and you can easily see everything in there. Try not to be jealous of my fanciness LOL!


You can easily make a seasons worth of tags in  an afternoon and it make a nice way to relax during a hectic week! Learn these easy and fun techniques in today’s video!

Sponsored by Rubber Stamp Tapestry. Cyber Monday Sale: 25% off Sitewide and free USA shipping on orders over $50 on 11/28/16 only.  And you can sign up for the Rubber Stamp Tapestry newsletter to get reminders of sales, project ideas and coupons!


All directions to make these handmade gift tags, labels and tape are in the video! Feel free to substitute any supplies you want and make it extra unique! Happy crafting!

Pretty Fall Tags!

Hi friends! It is beautiful, sunny unseasonably warn September day in Maine and I have a cold. I have been lounging on the couch trying with no luck to sleep so I can get this illness over with. I feel so lazy, at least I got to be creative yesterday and make these tags:


They were a lot of fun to make and easy to batch out. Watch the video to see how!



Recreate this project using the themes you like and the products you have but if you need a large quantity of really useful tags be sure to visit our sponsor Papermart! They have lots of other goodies too! Now it’s time for me to brew another pot of tea and try to steam away my head cold! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Quick Gift Tags With Layering Stamps!

Howdy friends! Wow, what a weekend, the weather was glorious! I went to the pond today and blissfully floated in the water for an hour and then read for another hour on the beach, so nice! I like the hot weather, and we have had a very pleasant summer so far but the weather has not been really hot until this week. Yesterday I took a break from the sunshine and went down to my comfy cool studio and played with some stamps.


I am using the new(ish) layering stamps and inks from Altenew. They are a fairly new company that has become really popular because of their highly detailed, easy to use layering stamps. I have another project using the butterflies here in case you missed it. I find that these allow me to create really quick projects and they are really fun to use. The key is to use a couple of shades of the same color ink, if you do not have a great selection of ink I recommend “stamping off” your medium color to get a light shade as I demonstrated in this video.


You can find the stamps and ink at Hallmark Scrapbook for a great price and the tags I used are from Papermart. So, is it hot where you live? Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Christmas tag workshop and a winner!

Hi Friends! Today I am going to show you a quick way to batch out some Christmas tags but first I need to announce the winner of the Art Neko stamp giveaway! The winner is…Faith Newkirk Harris! Congrats! I have sent you an email, reply to that to get your prize! I wanted to post a quick project tonight using some of the lovely Art Neko Christmas stamps in my collection and I wanted to use my homemade (faux Wink of Stella) glitter pens so I came up with this and hey, we all need more gift tags this time of year!

Sure these are simple but I think they are cute and useful and I really like the way the glitter pens turned out. I am glad it was able to go over the Tombow markers without smearing, that is the power of heat setting folks! Do you think they look like Wink of Stella pens? I have never used the real McCoy so you will have to let me know:) Thanks to Art Neko for providing the giveaway and thank you for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Quick Painted Christmas Tags!

Hello friends! This is a busy week for many Americans gearing up for Thanksgiving! Why not take a quick painting break and make some gift tags for Christmas?

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Here is a video demonstrating two ways to make the tree tags:

And one to show you how to do a simple pen and ink holly:

Well, I gotta run! Til next time happy crafting!

Pretty Paper Pom-Poms!

Howdy folks! Today I am going to show you how to make a paper pom-pom gift topper and tag using supplies from Papermart!

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We will use Twisted Paper Cord, Large Shipping Tags, and Bakers Twine. You will also need scissors, stamps of your choice, ink pads and hot glue. Watch the video to see how it is done!

If you want to make this project more masculine simply use other colors such as orange, brown and navy blue. This little extra adds so much to the presentation of your gift! thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Thank God I married a man who can cook!

Happy Christmas eve folks! I am just popping in with a quick post as I need to ready the house for Christmas Eve guests. My honey is making lasagna, deviled eggs and he already made veggie and chicken soup, I am making my famous rolls and veggie chili and each of my kids want to bake something. I’d say I need to supervise them in the kitchen today but really it is the other way around LOL! I’m no hero, or martyr, when it comes to holiday entertaining  if someone offers to bring something I accept, I use frozen pies (I found 2 vegan Sara Lee pies at the supermarket yesterday-Score!) because, let’s face it, Mrs. Smith and Sara Lee know a heck of a lot more about baking than I do!

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As I worked on holiday projects this year I would die-cut the scraps into tags, and I am glad I did because when it came time to wrap I couldn’t find the peel and stick variety I bought last year. I like these better any way…that does not mean I am above using office printer labels for gifts in a pinch…see…nobody’s perfect 🙂  So, folks, my advise for today is not to get hung upon the details. Christmas will come whether or not your dishes and gift tags match, if extra people come over and they have to drink from jelly jars, so what, (if you-know-who can sleep in a stable your guest will survive drinking from a Mason jar) welcome them, make room, and oh yeah, one more piece of advise; marry a man who can cook! Merry Christmas and til next time happy crafting!