Sweet Little Lovebirds Beginners Can Paint!

Hi friends! Let’t take a break from winter for the next 45 minutes and paint these sweet tropical lovebirds!

These vibrant colors were so fun to work with on a bitterly cold winter day. I hope you will give it a try!

Supplies *Affiliate links used

I hope you are having a lovely day and til next time happy painting!

3 thoughts on “Sweet Little Lovebirds Beginners Can Paint!

  1. Hi Lindsey!

    I wanted to take a minute and tell you thank you for all of your videos and enthusiasm! I have learned more about watercolors from you than anyone. I have always been an acrylic painter. For the last two years I started getting into mixed media. That was hard for me because with tole painting it’s pretty strict. I love the bright colors and freedom that mixed media offers. Along with mixed media I started doing some watercolors. They have been hard for me after acrylics but I love them.

    The fact that you have offered so much advice on projects, paints, companies that sell them, and how to even do basic sketching for the projects has been invaluable. When someone has a more limited budget, you’ve taught how to do things anyway. I love that!

    I’ve been a teacher for quite a few years now with STEM as my main background. Stress from my job and other things has caused me to have some health issues lately and I’ve really had to rethink what’s important to me. Art is therapy for me. I used to do a teaching blog and have considered doing an art blog but it’s hard work and can also cause some stress so I don’t know where that might lead. There have been many times this last year when I could only watch art videos due to being in bed and I have loved your enthusiasm and helpful attitude. Many artists are so proprietary that you are almost afraid to learn from them. I’ve never felt that way about you.

    What a talented and giving person you are! It is much appreciated and I always look forward to new material. When I am trying to figure out how to use something, I go to your information first.

    Again, thanks so much!! You are appreciated! Jeannie in New Mexico

    On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 6:57 PM The Frugal Crafter Blog wrote:

    > thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich posted: ” Hi friends! Let’t take a break > from winter for the next 45 minutes and paint these sweet tropical > lovebirds! These vibrant colors were so fun to work with on a bitterly cold > winter day. I hope you will give it a try! https://youtu.be/Je4Li” >

    Liked by 1 person

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