We Got a Puppy!

Hi friends! Yesterday I had a booth to sell my cards and paintings at a vendor fair our town has each year for Old Home Week. I knew there would be puppies from a local rescue organization there. The kids have wanted a dog since Hazel, our golden, passed away 3 years ago. I was cautious because I had such a hard time when Hazel passed, I never really got over it. But I decided to keep an open mind and if there was a dog that was a good fit I’d consider it. I knew the woman who fostered the dogs (she was one of my daughters favorite teachers in grade school) and I knew she did a good job with them.

We haven’t named her yet, we are waiting to see what seems right for her personality. I think she is a Poppy, Clementine, Millie, Mavis or Snickers. She really responded to the name Snickers, how cute is that?

She is really smart too. She is 12 weeks old and the foster mom said she wasn’t toilet trained yet but she hasn’t had an accent.

I won’t have a Sketchbook Sunday video today and the videos might be a bit erratic over the next couple of weeks as we adapt to our new family member but it will be a fun journey! Don’t forget that today is the last day of my birthday special over at my online school. Use coupon code HB43 to save 43% on any class there through tonight! So, what would you name this pup? She is such a good dog, I can tell already! Til next time happy crafting!

86 thoughts on “We Got a Puppy!

  1. Snickers is really cute! I wanted to name our puppy Cookie! What dog does come when you say Cookie??? Well…that’s a girls name, my hubby says, ….so,,, he’s chocolate and what kind of cookie??….?
    Yeah, Chocolate “Chip” Cookie!!! So I named him Chip! Lol

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    1. Sara – I agree! Rescues ARE the very best! I’ll bet Snickers will bring Lindsay’s family much happiness!


  2. She’s a lucky pup no matter what you name her….it seems like she may have named herself already if she come to Snickers…and who can pass up a Snickers….lol!!! She’s gorgeous…here’s to years of many happy moments together!!!

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  3. So so cute. Yay! She looks like a Snickers. Cute name. I can see Poppy fitting her just by looks only but to me she does not look like the other names you listed.

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  4. How cute.  You now have a new subject.  I’m sure we are all expecting puppy paintings soon.  Maybe even if it is a picture that you paint from.  At least she won’t wiggle in the picture.  🙂

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  5. Congratulations on your new puppy! She’s adorable! I got a puppy two months ago and named her Lily. Snickers would be a cute name for your new addition.

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  6. Lucky you! I see much love in your future !
    I like short names that end in an “e” sound. Remember you are going to say it a lot!!!
    My dog, a six pound Pom, is named Tiramisu which is Italian for a “little pick me up”. Although she doesn’t especially like to be picked up! We call her Misu. (I know…breaks my rule of “e” ending name. Lol)
    She is nine and a lot of work but we love her to dead. Good luck with the training of your new best friend.

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  7. We were the same way. No, not getting another dog….. then you find the right one & your heart melts. It was meant to be. Thank you for rescuing her because she appreciates it.

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  8. Totally adorable! And I know what you mean about recovering from losing a pup – I still miss my Golden and he’s been gone 18 years! Love the name Snickers.

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  9. Lindsay she is a little beauty. She won’t replace Hazel, but will help heal your heart. Puppy energy is contagious. Snickers is adorable and if she likes it even better.
    You and your family are in my prayers. Live your life and include us when you can, no one can ask for more.

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  10. She is a lovely looking pup….and I too think Snickers is a cute name, However I just want to warn you about the rope toy. If she is a real chewer and has a tendency to swallow any of the rope it can cause a lot of problems for her digestive system and has even been known to cause death in dogs. Just want to give you a heads up. Good luck and enjoy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. wow, there have been 3 comments about that, I never heard of that. I will remove the toy!


      1. The best chew toy for a dog are bully sticks. Rawhide is horrible! The way they make it will give you the chills. And pieces can be bitten off and cause digestive problems.

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  11. This is wonderful news. Maybe some puppy tutorials in our future? I never got over losing our Nemothesidekick (he has his own FB page) who was a golden retriever and became a therapy dog and kids in a nearby library read to him every week. He is forever in my heart and I swore I’d ever get another dog….3 years later and we now have TWO!! There’s always room in our hearts for dog love. Very happy for you and your family. Hide the shoes.

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  12. Seems to me she has chosen her name if she answers to Snickers. Congrats on your new baby! She will never replace your other dog but will do a wonderful job of filling the void she left in your hearts. Enjoy!

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  13. Congratulations! Snickers (since she responded to it) looks very alert and is that a hint of mischief I see in her eye? lol
    I’m looking forward to the pet crafts and of course, your fabulous art work that you’ll do for and about Snickers! Enjoy! 🙂

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  14. congrats on the new puppy!!! I vote for snickers 🙂 be careful with the rope toy, recently there have been posts on face book regarding these types of toys that the dogs are swallowing the strings and they are getting tangled in the ;intestines which have resulted in major surgeries and some deaths. Better safe than sorry I say. She is adorable

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Your new puppy is precious!

    Just a word of caution:
    Rope toys are NOT good as the threads can be ingested and wrap around the dogs intestinal tract. I got this from our breeder who has been breeding for over 20 years.

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  16. I love the name Snickers! I’m so glad you got another puppy, they help with the loss of a previous pet. Our Yorkie Cricket (male) passed it was really hard on us also. We now have Fantasia and Magic. Female and male so much love and fun….both Yorkies. They grow up so fast just like children enjoy her puppy years….youtube can wait.🙂

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  17. Leerburg.com has so many great fee videos and articles on living with a puppy. Especially one that looks like there is some sort of working/herding breed in there somewhere.

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  18. Awww!!! How WONDERFUL! I am so happy for you and your family Lindsay!!! I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet…they are members of the family….But I think you’re ready to share your home and love with this new, ADORABLE baby!!! A new beginning…a new adventure…and wonderful new memories to make! Congrats again and much love to you and your furbaby!!! 😊♥️🐶

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  19. Congratulations! Dogs complete us and keep us humble.

    On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 9:23 AM The Frugal Crafter Blog wrote:

    > thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich posted: ” Hi friends! Yesterday I had a > booth to sell my cards and paintings at a vendor fair our town has each > year for Old Home Week. I knew there would be puppies from a local rescue > organization there. The kids have wanted a dog since Hazel, our golden, > passe” >

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I would go with Snickers. I like unusual names like this for dogs. And the dog already relates to it. She’s a cutie!
    My grand daughter got a new Australian sheep dog puppy. I said I
    liked the name Fluffy.

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  21. Yeah!! A new puppy. She is so sweet and will rescue you right back. They say a rescue is grateful because they know. I had a German Shephard pup and I named her “Snickers” because she always seemed happy. Yours does too. Enjoy her.

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  22. ohmygosh how wonderful!!!!!! I know it’s soooo hard to get over the death of a pet….I don’t think you over get over it!!! I’ve lost two cat’s in 3 years they were 19 and 18 and we have 1 old girl left who is 20 after this round I think it’s hurts so bad losing them this is it! Can’t get any more and face this hurt again. It’s good there is always has room for more love congrats on this sweet sweet girl. I love that you have got her from a rescue!! I like cutie clementine or Snicker-doodle she is the color of a Snicker Bar. She’s going to be big look at those paws! Can’t wait to see portraits!!!!! Love your video I have learned soooo much! Thx a bunch!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Oh my, how sweet! We have not had the fun of naming our dogs. Both were rescues. Our current dog is Lily. It was Lilia when we got her, but we shortened it. I like Snickers or Poppy. Actually, all the names you picked are cute! Enjoy!

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  24. I can’t think of a better bday present than a new puppy named Snickers. I lost my beloved Lilypug two years ago. I think you’re very wise to have waited for the right puppy at the right time. My husband couldn’t deal with the quiet so we had a new pug in a week and I’m just now starting to really bond with her. It was just too early for me. But my husband adores her and I’m now beginning to see some of the more subtle personality traits that I couldn’t or wouldn’t see before. She isn’t exactly a subtle girl. She thinks she’s a Jack Russell and she doesn’t like the word no. She has lots of spunk when she is barking from behind our legs at the armadillos or horses or loud noises. She loves TV and sits at attention like she thinks in the military. Have fun with your Snickers. I know your kids must be over the moon

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Hi Lindsay,
    CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family on adopting a new family member. Whatever name you give her will be appropriate for her.
    She is beautiful and is so blessed to be part of your family and you and your family are blessed to have her.
    Each pet that we own will have a special part in our heart as will your new family member.
    She will bring so much joy and love to you and your family.
    Take care.
    Linda H.

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  26. Congrats! She looks adorable. Enjoy!! I rescued a puppy 2 years ago and we named her Millie so I vote for that. Although I like Clementine also.

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  27. Enjoy her! She’s a cute Snickers! I can’t wait to see you do a watercolor of her. I have a grandpuppy that is a Great Dane. I don’t know how to begin painting a dog…although that flower dog you did was adorable.

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  28. Snickers!… he looks like a Snickers… such a cute name… just saying… and… CONGRATULATIONS!!!!… pamela


  29. Congratulations on the new puppy! She is so cute! Is she a shepherd mix? We have a German shepherd and she is the best dog we’ve ever had. She’s such a happy dog and loves the whole family. Really smart too. You will enjoy your walks with her!

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    1. I think so but she was a rescue so we only know for sure the mom is part collie and golden but she sure looks like a German shepherd. We had German Shepards growing up and they were so smart and well behaved.

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    2. I think so but she was a rescue so we only know for sure the mom is part collie and golden but she sure looks like a German shepherd. We had German Shepards growing up and they were so smart and well behaved.


  30. How wonderful Lindsay – Coco, Lucy and Millie Moo, (my three little doggies) all say hello to your new beautiful puppy – maybe the subject of a future sketchbook Sunday?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhh, I love the name Lucy, I might have to run that by the family too! I can’t wait o paint my baby:)


  31. She is just too cute!! I think Snickers is perfect cuz she looks like she laughs a lot, + she’s the caramel of the candy + i bet she is soooo sweet!! What fun you are going to have with this cutie. She’s going to grow into those paws and be a pretty girl.. Happy days!!

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  32. congratulations! I know it is hard to get a new dog when an old one dies. I am glad you made the decision to adopt. I like “Snickers”. She has the dark brown of the chocolate, the beige of the caramel, and the white of the nougat. Plus, she’s kind of nutty. 🙂

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  33. She’s a sweetie! I think Snickers is perfect! One thing I’ve learned over the years is that longer names (over 2 syllables) always get shortened in the course of use. Sometimes even 2 syllables. Our granddaughter named her puppy “Nettle” but they always call her Nettie now….Clementine would probably end up “Clem”. Lol! You’ll enjoy her regardless of what you name her. She looks mostly Shepherd, and they’re really smart dogs – she’ll likely be easy to train.

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  34. You’re New Puppy is so darn Cute!! I Love the name Snickers. lol Her coloring sure looks like a Snickers. 😉🙂
    Totally understand about getting familiar w/ the new addition. Do your Lives & videos when your schedule allows. I’ll be here whenever you post.😉🙂
    Take Care Lindsay & Snickers 🐶.. hugz, Jill🤗😊🤗😊tfs

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  35. What a beautiful puppy she is! Snickers is a real cute name, but all you mentioned are cute, as well. She’s the color of snickerdoodles. Good luck with her. You never get over losing a dog, but time helps. A puppy needs your love and that helps, as well. God bless.

    Vivian a.k.a mawmawvee

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  36. Well happy belated birthday !! Our birthdays must be pretty close cuz mine was 14th. Love watching your videos thanks for doing what you do

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