A Coastal Watercolor & Winner Announced!

Hi friends! First today I want to announce the winner of the DIY Christmas Tree from Creativity Happens: mtmeade3 aka Reeah! You will get an email shortly from creativity Happens so you can claim your prize. Don’t worry if you did not win, you can use the coupon thefrugalcrafter for 20% off your purchase at Creativity Happens so it is a great time to start your holiday shopping!


Now, a watercolor from my trip! This is a beginner real-time tutorial so grab your brush and paint along with me!

This is a scene from Acadia National Park in Winter Harbor Maine at Schoodic point.
Watercolors (Mission gold perfect pan set)
Mimik #12 round brush
Neptune 1/4″ dagger brush
Fabriano Artistico 140# watercolor paper 9″x12″

Here is the reference photo:

Follow along and paint with me in real-time! You can do it! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

10 thoughts on “A Coastal Watercolor & Winner Announced!

  1. Congratulations to the winner! I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I am heartbroken but so very happy for her! Enjoy and make lots of memories with it!
    Love this watercolor! I love landscapes and this is so pretty! TFS!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lindsay,

    I was wondering if you are going to add the picture that you took so we can see what you painted from. I know you mentioned it on YouTube, but I don’t remember what you decided.


  3. Thank you Lindsay!! I have been in touch with Creativity Happens and I have to tell all of you that Barbara is the kindest, most generous person I’ve met in a very long time. We really hit it off and I can’t wait to take a trip over to her shop one day. We’re in the same state but at least 4.5 hours apart. Charleston, SC is a gorgeous place to visit however, if you ever get the chance to come south! 🙂 I’m going to choose the already painted, classic Christmas look. It’s my favorite. I love all that she has to offer there, if anyone gets a chance to go look at her stuff online or in person, please do 🙂
    Thanks again everyone especially Lindsay and Barbara !!
    Big Hugs!!

    Liked by 1 person

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