LIVE Painting Class Today! 12:30pm ET {Betta Fish}

Howdy friends!  It’s been a crazy week, the kids are on break so there have been sleepovers, softball practice and lazing around. The weather was so nice yesterday that my son and I took the kayaks out! We also had the water well pump bite the dust after 40 years of faithful service so I had a repair man in yesterday to replace the pump, boy, running water is something you take for granted until you don’t have it and then it is the most important thing! I am feeling so thankful:) This is what we will be painting today at 12:30pm Eastern Time(I must have water on the brain LOL!)


Sarah will be in taking your questions during the live stream as usual so it will be a fun and informative class. You can watch it live (or the replay) in the player below but if you want to chat with friends watch it on the YouTube watch page.

Supplies Sponsored by Jerry’s Artarama:
Turner watercolors

Inktense Pencils (or whatever watercolor pencils you like)

Soho Colored Pencils

140# watercolor paper

Princeton #6 cat’s Tongue (filbert) Brush

Mimik Kolinsky brushes
Water, paper towels

Reference photo by Hannah Waymack

See you at 12:30pm ET for this fun painting lesson! It should take less than an hour so I hope you can squeeze it in:) Happy crafting!


9 thoughts on “LIVE Painting Class Today! 12:30pm ET {Betta Fish}

  1. Just shared this with another group. Can’t wait to join you and Sarah, Would it be possible to know what colors are being used so I can set up before the video airs?


    1. Watercolors are turquoise and magenta (pink-red)
      Inktense 1000 (bright blue), 1550 (spring green)
      Soho colored pencils: 151 urban blue, 162 indigo, 163 blue lagoon, 164 pthalo blue, 134 magenta, 188 sap green, 101 perm. white, 203 indian yellow


  2. If I just use watercolor pencils in a watercolor painting would it still be considered a watercolor, even if parts are drawn instead of painted?

    I like both paintings but I like the first one a bit better … it makes me want to get out my paints and give it a try!


      1. Thanks!
        Sometimes watercolor pencils come in handy to add details like a line here and there or some texture. Good to know it’s “permitted”!


  3. Beautiful! A day doesn’t go by that I don’t watch a video of yours, today I saw the craft room makeover at your nieces house and a nice surprise to see hazel hanging with you girls!! Sweet!


  4. Lindsay,
    Thank you so much for these videos and blog posts. I am in the process of overcoming something very difficult in my personal life and I truly appreciate your posts and videos and positive attitude. I have been using it as a welcomed distraction. I love that you tell people to use what thy have instead of preaching to them that they need the best they can afford as they told me in art school. Thank you again, best wishes for your future!


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