LIVE Watercolor Lesson by Request!

Hi friends! We will be live again today at 12:30 pm ET for a free watercolor lesson! I asked you what you wanted me to paint in the live show last week and it was a landslide vote for the magnolias (that I did in the short video last week) in watercolors.

DCF 1.0
DCF 1.0

You can watch the live stream or the replay in the player below but if you want to chat with us live be sure to watch from the YouTube watch page.

Sponsored by Jerry’s Artarama

Turner watercolors

Watercolor Pencils

140# watercolor paper

Mimik Kolinsky brushes

Water, paper towels

Reference Photo by Eloise Mace from Paint My Photo

I am using a more professional set up today, it should make the video sharper and clearer then ever before, Wish me luck and happy crafting!

PS if you have a request for what medium I should use next week leave it in the comments below!

12 thoughts on “LIVE Watercolor Lesson by Request!

  1. Lindsay,

    As a new subscriber I love everything that you do and everything about you!
    Keep crafting, cause I’ll keep watching!


  2. Great lesson! I always learn something… Quick question: what tape do you use around the paper? I’ve tried the tape from the hardware store for masking walls for painting, but the “blue stuff” causes issues when I pull it away from the paper, making me unhappy. Thanks!


    1. Be sure your painting is completely dry. Pull it away slowly at an angle. There might be a tutorial on it, just google how to remove masking tape from around the edges of a painting. Hope this helps.


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