Feelin’ HOT, HOT, HOT!

Hi friends! Sorry if you now have that Buster Poindexter song in your head but today’s techniques are just too hot not to share! It all started when I bought a 50 cent buffet warmer at a yard-sale (Yard Sale tip, go at 3pm on a Saturday when everyone wants to get rid of crap.) I did not want to waste 50 cents so I asked them to plug it in for me to make sure it worked LOL! Yes, I am that frugal haha! And it did! I thought having a hot surface would have many uses in the craft room from using friendly plastic to batik or maybe to cuddle up with in February when my unheated craft room plummets into the 40’s…OK  I am being dramatic but I do see 50 degrees many days and it’s too cold to craft. Then I remembered seeing a heated drawing board advertised for colored pencil artists a few years ago but it was hundreds of dollars and I though, well, let’s give it a try with colored pencils!


Not bad for my first try, I used Prismacolor pencils and artstix,

Watch my video experiment!

Then I thought, what about oil pastel?


The cool thing about this is that it is a lot like encaustics! I love it and the pastels will not need fixing because the pigment is left on top and the oily residue seems to seep into the paper. The painting did not feel like it would smear on accident after it was cool. Here is that experiment:


That was fun, I hope you enjoyed my little experiments and I hope it makes you look at your junk in a new light, who knows, the next thing you find at a yard sale might make for good art! Happy crafting!

16 thoughts on “Feelin’ HOT, HOT, HOT!

  1. I bought a hot plate at an estate sales few months back to use with crayons. I waited till everything was 75%off but still paid $6. It was brand new in the box and I think it regulates the temperature pretty well. I really the colored pencil idea you did. Crayons are interesting but I haven’t done enough of it. You have just renewed my interest in experimenting more with this. Thanks. Your flower is gorgeous.


  2. Loved watching the videos! I wanted to try out the technique so I turned on the warming burner on my glass top stove! It worked like a charm!! It was a bit awkward as that burner is in the back but now that I know how amazingly well this works with the prismacolors, I’ll be on the look out for a warming tray! So fun to find a new technique for art supplies I already own! Thanks for posting these videos!!


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