Let’s Paint a Hibiscus in Watercolor!

Hi Friends! It is a balmy 43 degrees in Maine today, I hope that is a sign of things to come. We had a pretty cold couple of days this week and my studio got down to 48 degrees (that’s Fahrenheit folks!) So to combat that nonsense I turned on all my lights, cranked up the under table space heater and put some tropical scented wax tarts in my wax melter and pretended that I was painting someplace tropical. I have a good imagination. The fact that I was wearing 2 sweaters, my fleece studio coat, leggings, jeans and wool socks did not help my creative imagery but painting a bright and bold tropical flower did!

DCF 1.0

I used this beautiful photo or a hibiscus flower by Katrina on Paint My Photo as a reference. I was just what I needed! I sketched the flower with a black fine tipped paint pen by Posca but any waterproof pen like a sharpie or micron would be fine too. Watch the video to see how it is done.

I once read that the famous artist Jackson Pollack worked in an unheated shed he used as a studio in New York. I think of that often when I want to complain about my chilly workspace! 😀 Have a great night, thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

21 thoughts on “Let’s Paint a Hibiscus in Watercolor!

  1. Lindsay, here in my New Zealand garden, I have an hibiscus flowering that is exactly like that! I love this painting, and though I have never painted before, I am going to try this. You are so talented!


  2. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    Thank you so much for showing us how to paint such a beautiful hibiscus. Love the colours of the petals, they would certainly brighten up a dreary day. Keep warm!!
    Best wishes.


  3. This Is Gorgeous! I have such a weakness for Hibiscus (living on Kauai) you make watercolor look so easy! I just make a puddle of yuck!
    I love watching you everyday!!


  4. Beautiful. I, too, may grab some paints and try this. You make it look so easy. God has blessed you with a wonderful talent and I thank you for sharing it with us.


  5. I love it. I’m am new to watercolor and every time I sit to get started I get so intimidated. Don’t know why. I’ve seen most if all not all your watercolor videos and your so inspiring. You make it look so easy. Thank you for all the beautiful paintings and videos. I need to be like Nike and Just Do It!


  6. you are really amazing! I just tried to do this and WOW……….I need A LOT more practice! You make it look so easy it’s deceiving! But thanks so much for posting your videos!


  7. This painting is beautiful. Quick question: Do you think this would be better to try on yupo on or traditional watercolor paper; I looked into buying some of the paper you used and it only comes in sheets whereas I could buy a pad of yupo at blick.


    1. you are better off painting this on regular watercolor paper than Yupo if you want this look because this still feels like paper and dries in a reasonable time.


  8. Hello Deah, that’s how you said it, my Maine friend! BTW, it took me a long time to pronounce that crazy color…Quin ak cro dome. That’s how we folks in Idaho say it. Fun video. I am going to give it a try, for you make watercolor looks so easy! Thank you so much


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