Thanks Guys! I Won Best Papercraft Tutorials! {and how I store my paints and brushes}

Hi Friends! Still sick here but better than yesterday. Luckily the basketball tourney games were rescheduled so I didn’t have to go anywhere or miss them. I barely have a voice today but I shot this paint and brush storage video the other day for you.

What do you think of the way I reorganized the brush area? I like being able to pull the little caddy around to hold my palette and water buckets. I took the drafting table that used to be there and brought it upstairs to my office to be able to work in the heat for the winter!


I also wanted to tank you so much for voting for me in the Craftsy Awards! I got 1st place in the Papercrafting Tutorials category! Thanks so much guys! It was really nice news to wake up to this morning! Have a great night and til next time happy crafting!