It’s Ask a Crafter time!

Hi friends! I hope you are all having a safe and happy New Years Eve! @014 has been an awesome year for me and I can’t wait to see what 2015 brings! Thank you for sharing in the journey with me! Without further ado here is ask a crafter!

Happy new year everyone! Leave your comments and questions below and til 2015, happy crafting!

12 thoughts on “It’s Ask a Crafter time!

  1. Hi Lindsay, Cathy and Lorraine, 🙂
    Wishing you crafty ladies a HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS 2015. Thank you for all that you do to help us be FRUGAL CRAFTERS!


  2. Lindsay, here is wishing and praying to all my family, friends, and the world a great 2015 filled with health, happiness, wealth/prosperity, wisdom, peace, love and all the good things life has to offer!! blessings to all!! **Life is serene and pristine in 2015!!! (peaceful and new!) ALL GOOD THINGS IN 2015!! ** God bless us all thank you Lindsay and Kathy & Lorraine for a great year and all you do Lindsay and can’t wait for all things coming in 2015!! 🙂 blessings and love 🙂


  3. Starting today and continuing through the New Year: when something good happens, write it down and place it in a jar. On New Year’s Eve, 2015, read all your notes in the jar and celebrate your blessings. I hope you fill a gallon jar, Lindsay! Happy New Year!


  4. Happy new year to all 3 of you! Love your weekly Ask! what about some more ASK for 2015? wouldn’t that be a great resolution;-) ?


  5. Hello ladies, Happy New Years! As always the questions are great, and the answers very informative. I’d like to know if you have ever done any artwork with recycling colored bottles, wine bottle? How would you cut then, what have you made with them?


  6. Loved watching thank you ladies. A tip for the person who asked about cleaning the ink off her hands, I use a Magic Sponge, they work beautifully for removing ink off of anything! In fact I spilled some magenta bottled ink on my bluejeans while I was refilling my printer cartridges and since I was cleaning up my hands with it I decided to give it a go on my jeans (while I was wearing them, ha ha) and I was amazed that it removed the ink! I use them for everything. ~Diane


  7. Great presentation as always–super entertainment as well as informative tips. I have a question. I know there is a product called “Glue n’ Seal” by Ranger, & probably other similar ones–to brush on self made envelopes to then store and moisten at a later date when sending-so is a sealer that dries & can then be re-moistened when used. Do you have any ideas for making my own similar product (as my bottle of this product dried up super quick–not worth the $ in my opinion)? Thanks for any suggestions!


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