A Quick and Cute Halloween Favor & I was on TV!!!!

Hi friends! Yesterday I was on TV!!!! More on that in a minute, first here is a cute Halloween favor you can make with supplies you probably already have at home:

So the reason I wanted to share that tutorial today is because I also got to share it during my interview on the local ABC/FOX affiliate stations in Bangor, Maine. I could not manage to embed the video here but you can watch it here on the FOX22/ABC7 Website.

How cool is that?!? My apologies to my friends on Facebook who had to endure my excitement of this all day. I just can’t help it! Thanks so much for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

43 thoughts on “A Quick and Cute Halloween Favor & I was on TV!!!!

  1. Bravo, Lindsay! You are a fabulous and generous crafter and deserve the publicity. I second the comment one of your other fans made: I, too, can hardly wait until you have your own TV show. The ‘new’ Carol Duvall!!


  2. How wonderful that they put you on television, but I wish they had given you more credit that, “it all began 4 years ago”. Congratulations Lindsay on all you have achieved and all you continue to achieve.


  3. Congratulations! I enjoy your videos very much! I am from Kentucky, but did visit Bar Harbor this summer. I found your videos about a week after we returned. You have a beautiful state. It’s always a joy to see what you are painting from your region.

    Kindest Regards,

    Julie Lewis


  4. Like this very much. Do not do Facebook. Am an old lady. Question: Where do you get a roll of seam binding ribbon????????? Please advise.


    1. I got mine online at sewtrue.com but I’m not sure they still carry it. Try amazon and etsy. Hug Snug is a good brand. Usually a 100 yard roll is $10


  5. Lindsay, I dont think anyone is at all upset with you being excited about being on TV!! we are all so proud of you and happy too 🙂 you are our friend, crafting buddy, teacher, etc! so excited (clapping, yay!!) hope this is just a first for you! you deserve it 🙂 CONGRATS!


  6. Oh how exciting!!!! I super excited for you…you just might get your own TV show…and better than any craft show out there…past and present….thank you Lindsey for always thinking of us …


  7. Excellent interview Lindsay! 😀
    Pleeaase promise that if you ever do, do a TV show that you’ll be able to embed or link it so that other countries get to watch it too?! :/ Just like we do on YouTube 😀 We would hate to start missing out on your creativity 😀 On an unselfish note – How cOOl if you did!!! 😀 😀


  8. Congratulations! You GO, girl! You are awesome…72,000 subscribers – WOW! What an inspiration you are to all of us. You so deserve a little chunk of the spotlight Lindsey, I’m sure your friends were so happy to share your joy and excitement, no apologies needed! *hugs* and ‘happy crafting’!


  9. congratulations, Lindsay. what well deserved recognition to what you give to the craft community (and to OSA!!!) Barb


  10. Lindsay you will have your own show one day for sure!! You give everyone the opportunity to enjoy creating in so many ways in areas that we may never have been able to afford. More importantly… passing on the gift to others so they can create gives them a sense of worth and achievement. Your Frugal Crafting gives us the opportunity to use other resources but also it adds to our own self value and if we pass on whatever we have made to family, friends or charity it passes on friendship and love to someone else. Thanks heaps! You are genuinely gifted.


  11. Wahoo, Lindsay!! I am so proud of you!! Like so many, I feel like I know you, and you are a friend with whom I share a love and enjoyment of all kinds of crafts. I hope this is the first of many opportunities for you to step up and shine!


  12. Lindsay I am so proud of you! You deserve the recognition. I am a daily follower and you alone have taught me to watercolor and so many other things. In our home…you are one of the family and I talk to my husband about you as if I knew you personally. I am always saying Lindsay said this or did this today…lol. Anyway…congrats on the TV interview. Your fans are very happy for you and we wish you only the best and much more success.


  13. Loved the TV interview. You deserve all the recognition you get for being so kind and generous sharer of your talents .


  14. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    CONGRATULATIONS!! You are so talented and wonderful for sharing your many talents with us. I tell everyone to watch your videos. Wishing you continued success in all your endeavours.


  15. I’ll tell you what I think! I think you are the bomb! How great is that! Not everyone gets an opportunity like this. Congratulations on your TV interview. I love it.


  16. Congratulations, Lindsay!!!! I’m absolutely certain tv is in your future. I’m still hoping for Dancing With the Stars. {smile} Well done, young lady!


  17. WTG Lindsay! I’ve been a fan of yours for a few years now and love your videos! I learn so much from you. Thank you for all the time you put into teaching us. 🙂


  18. I would love to see you on your own cable show too! Congrats on the recognition, you have deserved to get noticed for a long time now! I watched the clip, you looked fabulous and you did not appear to be nervous at all either. Your TV persona was as awesome as your videos. ~Diane


  19. Lindsay, Just watched your interview. It looked great. I also remember Carol Duvall and would love to have you doing a similar program.


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