Easy Watercolor Sunset! {I almost forgot about this one!}

Hi friends! Today I have a quick and fun watercolor painting tutorial for you, a watercolor sunset. Watch the video to see how easy it is!

This painting as done in only 3 colors:

  • Alizarin Crimson (a cool red)
  • Ultramarine Blue (a warm blue)
  • Cadmium Yellow (a warm yellow)

And of course we mixed our “black”. You can find the photo I used as inspiration by Jeana Wood at Paint my Photo. I hope you try this easy painting and let me know how you do! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

11 thoughts on “Easy Watercolor Sunset! {I almost forgot about this one!}

    1. I have a question for ask a crafter: I am using Strathmore watercoor paper 140lb, cold press. It a so much buckling and when I lift out ( lets say clouds ) so much shedding. What am I doing wrong?


      1. Same thing happened to me when I was at a watercolor painting class. Instructor said it was my paper and suggested I get a better grade of paper. Good for exercises, but not for keepers. I took the plunge and bought Arches 140 cold press and haven’t looked back since. It doesn’t get ragged when rubbed or scrubbed and you can even wash off all the paint and reuse. Buckling is going to happen if you don’t pretreat the paper (soak or at least wet both sides) then stretch out to dry.


      2. To take care of buckling and warping after your are finished, let it dry completely, then carefully wet the back (spray or brush) and set something flat and heavy on to press it out as it dries. That’s my favorite route.


  1. Dear Lindsey. I love your web site I follow all your watercolor tutorials. Keep up the good work. I hope this enters me in the stamp drawing ! Hilary

    Sent from my iPad



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