Yes, I did stick it on backwards…{my latest art journaling adventure}

Howdy friends! After Kathy and I filmed Ask a Crafter Tuesday night we decided to hang out and craft for a bit. I have a hard time concentrating when chit-chatting so I grabbed my art journal and started doodling while we gabbed. I sketched a flower and then checked my Pintrest quote board for a fitting sentiment. I liked it so much that I thought it would be a nice card design:

DCF 1.0

Don’t be afraid to try art journaling. I used to think that I did not have time for it. It seemed time consuming and then what would I do with all of the pages? What I have found is that an art journal is like a creative playground where you can make art without worry. It is like high quality scratch paper that ends up looking really wonderful but if not you gesso it and try again (not that it has happened to me…ahem, er that Bombay white India ink is really something though, it will cover a lot, ha ha!) My journal is the Canson XL Mixed Media pad 9″x12″ size and I am using Coloursoft Pencils by Derwent, these were provided by Oriental Trading Company where if you find a product they sell cheaper somewhere else they will beat the price by 10%, now that’s frugal! I also used letter stamps and inkpads from my stash. The large shrubbery stamp if from Lost Coast Designs. Watch the video to see how I made the card using the exact same techniques that I used on the journal page.

What do you think? Can an art journal be used as a testing ground for cards? How about paintings or scrapbook pages. I think it can! Here are close up shots of the card and page:

DCF 1.0

In the video you might have noticed that I stuck the panel on the card backwards, luckily I was able to pull it off and flip it around before the adhesive set.  Nice save huh? 😀

DCF 1.0

As for the quote, it really speaks to me. We spend so much of our time fretting and worrying about what we cannot change. It is so much better to focus on the good stuff. I think we attract what we put out, if we emit positive vibes and a good attitude it is returned to us. Just think about it, if you are in the grocery store and someone smiles at you for no reason you smile back, you reap what you sow. You might not be able to change a situation but you can change the way to look at it. Wow, that was deep…and all I wanted to show you today was how to make a card. Have a wonderful night, look for the joy, and til next time happy crafting!

24 thoughts on “Yes, I did stick it on backwards…{my latest art journaling adventure}

  1. Hi Lindsay,
    I found a bottle of Liquatex air brush medium on sale so I bought it thinking I could use it for something. Do you have any suggestions? Can I use it to thin acrylic paints? Make acrylic inks? I can’t seem to find any info that is not specific to airbrushing.Thanks!


  2. Very nice! By the way I loved your bead article in Scrap & Stamp Arts Magazine. The detailed instructions and the really good color photos were great! We are neighbors, kind of, my card is on page 46!


  3. Your work is amazing, maybe an art journal is what I need to try. I must have 200 cards made and just sitting around waiting to be sent. But I can’t seem to stop coloring! Help I’m addicted!!!


  4. Hi my love Lindsay, beautiful as always! Love the quote, love the art journal and love the card. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Love Ya’ Patricia


  5. Lindsay, just wanted you to know how special you are……… you are such a delightful and inspirational person with such a great personality, you have ruined watching most any others on you tube!!!! before I ‘discovered you’ i watched some fairly talented people, but not all should do you tube videos, just sayin’ not trying to be rude…….. you are a rare one indeed… creative, funny, engaging, … the real mccoy!!! others, i wonder, if they ever watch before submitting………not good….. even when you ‘mess up’ which is great teaching for all, but you do it with such grace and humor! never boring…… … i just wanted you to know you are a really talented person, and i for one, just enjoy all you do. so a million thanks to you! God bless you and i wish you much continued success! Dont ever change a big fan of yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I always thought as you did about art journaling, but I may change my mind. I can see where trying out things would be a breeding ground for card inspiration.

    Quite by accident and without any intention I’ve found that the paper I use to test my stamps before stamping onto a project will have some wonderful composition. Often multiples, because I reuse it several times before tossing. And what is really surprising is that when I test stamp I give no thought to anything.

    I thought the card was backwards–haha…I’ve done it myself. Very nice card and art journal page.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love that quote …& needed it right now too. What I love most is your relaxed approach to your art. I’m learning to relax & quell that inner critic & perfectionism that gets in the way & your attitude & approach helps so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I loved the flower! Never crossed my mind to use white on top of another color. All these little things you show or tell us, I write down in my Craft Tips spiral notebook. So helpful and many thanks!
    I have a tip I can share with everyone that I saw somewhere on Pinterest. Use a sturdy rubberband to hold the single letter stamps in line when combined for a word. Ink them as one unit then stamp. Nice and straight. Works like a charm every time!
    I need one of those mats with a grid to help me line up text then I’d be in business. I usually eyeball it okay, but run into probs when I have a lot of text to stamp.


  9. I love your work! It’s great inspitation for me and it get me started painting after a lot of years!!! THANK YOU!!!
    I visit your blog almost every day. I usually try the same projects on the weekend and my dauhter make her own version too!!! My only problem is that I can’t buy this great stuff because they don’t ship international. (I leave in Greece)
    Anyway, I know an online shop that has the Derwent Coloursoft Pencil Set of 12 on half price.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I love colored pencils and watercolor pencils! I have really enjoyed your tutorials on this medium. I use Derwent pencils…I have all the kinds that they make! Colorsoft will be perfect for this.


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