Yes, I did stick it on backwards…{my latest art journaling adventure}

Howdy friends! After Kathy and I filmed Ask a Crafter Tuesday night we decided to hang out and craft for a bit. I have a hard time concentrating when chit-chatting so I grabbed my art journal and started doodling while we gabbed. I sketched a flower and then checked my Pintrest quote board for a fitting sentiment. I liked it so much that I thought it would be a nice card design:

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Don’t be afraid to try art journaling. I used to think that I did not have time for it. It seemed time consuming and then what would I do with all of the pages? What I have found is that an art journal is like a creative playground where you can make art without worry. It is like high quality scratch paper that ends up looking really wonderful but if not you gesso it and try again (not that it has happened to me…ahem, er that Bombay white India ink is really something though, it will cover a lot, ha ha!) My journal is the Canson XL Mixed Media pad 9″x12″ size and I am using Coloursoft Pencils by Derwent, these were provided by Oriental Trading Company where if you find a product they sell cheaper somewhere else they will beat the price by 10%, now that’s frugal! I also used letter stamps and inkpads from my stash. The large shrubbery stamp if from Lost Coast Designs. Watch the video to see how I made the card using the exact same techniques that I used on the journal page.

What do you think? Can an art journal be used as a testing ground for cards? How about paintings or scrapbook pages. I think it can! Here are close up shots of the card and page:

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In the video you might have noticed that I stuck the panel on the card backwards, luckily I was able to pull it off and flip it around before the adhesive set.  Nice save huh? 😀

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As for the quote, it really speaks to me. We spend so much of our time fretting and worrying about what we cannot change. It is so much better to focus on the good stuff. I think we attract what we put out, if we emit positive vibes and a good attitude it is returned to us. Just think about it, if you are in the grocery store and someone smiles at you for no reason you smile back, you reap what you sow. You might not be able to change a situation but you can change the way to look at it. Wow, that was deep…and all I wanted to show you today was how to make a card. Have a wonderful night, look for the joy, and til next time happy crafting!