DIY Stencil Paste & a Valentine!

Good evening friends! I just got back from the kids’ school where we went to the family Valentine dance. It was packed with children dressed to the nines, it was k-4th grade so it was really fun, the kids danced and did not worry about “looking cool” they just had fun! Here is a fun little Valentine I  made this week with my DIY stencil paste:

DCF 1.0

Stencil paste can be pricey! But I found a cheap alternative that can be colored any color you like using ordinary acrylic pant, have a look. Please note, it is really fun spreading out the paste and playing with it, but 2 or 3 swipes across the stencil should really do the trick. (Do as i say, not as I do LOL!)

I got this 6 oz tube of latex caulking for 99 cents at Mardens but I checked at Lowes online and they have a 10.1 oz tube for $1.50 (you need a caulking gun to dispense it though) or a 5.5 squeeze tube for $2.78, that is a still a bargain when a 4.5 oz can of stencil paste is $9 and you can make it any color you want. Score! This is a case where cheaper is better, unless you want black or clear stay away from the silicone caulking which is pricier. Clear would be cool for glittering and black would be nice to leave black or maybe dust some pearl-ex on but if you want the most versatile, quick drying and economical stuff get the cheapest white latex (might be called acrylic) paintable caulking you can find and start creating some bodacious 3D stencil artwork! I hope you enjoyed today’s frugal find and til next time happy crafting!

30 thoughts on “DIY Stencil Paste & a Valentine!

  1. That’s a great idea, especially when stencil paste costs so much. I also heard that you can mix gesso and corn starch together to make embossing paste. Have you ever heard of that, or tried it? I haven’t tried it yet myself.


  2. I bought a jar of the paste at Michaels and used a coupon. Still it was 10.99 a jar. I got a tube at my local hardware for the 2.78. So I’ll pull down those stencils and give it a whirl. I love that house mouse stamp you used. Need instruction on how to color them. Got a bunch in a craft garage sale for 50 cents to a dollar.


    1. that was a steal! I used warm gray 3 and 5, I went around the edges with the #5 then colored the entire mouse with #3 to blend. I did the same with 2 shades of brown on the other.


      1. I’ll have to stick with Spectrum Noir and the Sharpies I have.I just found a little bottle of Adirondack mixitive Pearl. Is that for pearlizing your paint or alcohol ink or spray? I am so bad I don’t even know when I bought it. You are the best go to I know. Thanks for all you do.


    2. it is for mixing in with alcohol ink for polished stone, do not spray apply, you can paint it over an image too:) Or use it to color metal, glass or plastic.


  3. I loved your video today and didn’t have the latex caulking paste you used and have to drive over 25miles to a store to buy it so my hubby suggested spackling compound, (lightweight) that he had in his workshop, and it works also, it can be colored also and it dries fast, and the 1 pint at Low’s cost $7.52 .
    I love your site and can’t wait to get my first morning coffee and turn on the computer to see what you have come up with next. I just wish when saying your emails some in the title would come up stating what it’s is about instead of just the date without discription of what that days blog is all about, I have started renaming and putting in what it is about when hitting the “save” button. Again love, love, love your site.


    1. huh, that is odd, I wonder if it is because you are not a wordpress user, I subscribe to my blog so I can see how it comes and I always get the title of my post and not a date in the title…maybe if you sighed up for a free wordpress account and follow that way it would show the title, it would be easier than renaming everything and it might make it easier for other wordpress blogs you follow. Anyway I am thrilled you like my blog and enjoy it with your coffee in the morning:) Have fun spackling:)


  4. Thank you! I just got some caulking and was going to try your tips from earlier videos. So this instructional one was just what I needed to give it a whirl, had a blast with this product and it works really nicely. Thank you for another fun tutorial and ….from one Willy Wonka fan to another: “A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.”


    1. I think I would let it dry then replace the stencil and inking it and embossing powder it, heating the paste might make it bubble if it were wet.


  5. Thanks for the tutorial! This is the simplest stencil paste DIY I’ve been able to find by far.. no messy glue mixing 🙂

    I’ve been looking at some tutorials using store bought translucent paste and the results are beautiful and glassy…I’m wondering if you have tried clear caulk with this type of project? I’m not sure how it would dry. Might it be to matte? I’ve only ever used the white caulk.

    I just ordered a bunch of stencils online. I think I might have to try both white and clear when I get them. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Thanks again for the great videos!



    1. if anyone reads down this far I wanted to let you know that the clear caulk works awesome! It was clear and shiny. The only thing is that it stayed pretty sticky. I think I’m going to cover it with some mica powder!


  6. hmm.. for some reason I can’t reply… so I’ll just add it down here 🙂
    It was latex based. It started out white but turned clear as it dried. I haven’t really played with it to much so I don’t know how well it would take paint. Time to experiment I think


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