Do you want free paper-crafting templates?

Of corse you do! I used a free template from Stampington to make this funky little bird and they have lots of great templates free for the taking here.

Bird made using a "Tempting Template"
Bird made using a "Tempting Template"

Here are some paper shoes I made with a template I made:

Groovy paper shoes
Groovy paper shoes

And here is the template. Right click and choose “save as”. Print on a full sheet of card stock then cut out and trace on to whatever paper you want!

The template for the paper shoes
The template for the paper shoes

And for anything else you can imagine making out of paper check out these two sites: Mirkwood designs and House of Stir Fry (don’t let the name fool you there are lots of good templates here!)


PS I want to thank Jen and Melissa for their sweet blog awards this week, you guys are the best!

7 thoughts on “Do you want free paper-crafting templates?

  1. I had fun with the template, and took the time to convert it to scal. Would you like it back? I will be glad to send it to you. I posted a picture of two pairs of shoes I made this morning Do I need them? HEck no! But I had to try it, it looked like fun. If you wnat, you can post the scal version on your blog too. I would not mind, and it would make it easier for everyone to use.

    I got here from tyour surecutsalot user forum post.


  2. I am looking for a stationery box template. You lift the lid off, and it folds out. There are stationery supplies right there. Really cute, but can’t seem to find the template. Please help. Cheryl


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