What can you do with a soda can?

You can make fabulous earrings!

And a card from the box the cans of soda came in!

Here is a video to show you how! You will also learn how to make your own jump rings. I apologizeĀ the vaguely obscene hand gestures I made when explaining how to properly open and close a jump ring, but I bet you won’t forget the right way to do it! šŸ˜€

Here are the earrings I made in the video:


If you have any questions about this project just leave a comment and I will get back to you. BTW I have a video on showing how to make beads from plastic bottles too, it’s a moldy oldie from a year ago with my old camera but still worth a look if you want to check it out here. You gotta love free beads!

Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!