Let’s Paint an Amaryllis!

Hi friends! I hope you are having a nice weekend. We decided it would be fun to organize all the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen today. Notice I said organize and not re-organize because it was never organized in the first place. I estimated the process would take an hour. “For that drawer?” my husband asked. “Nope, for everything, it’s not that bad.” I said. That was about 10 hours ago. I was wrong. But I must say it is my boundless optimism that allows me to tackle such project at all because if someone asked me if I wanted to spend my Saturday organizing my kitchen I’d tell them to go fly a kite. I would happy organize a craft room for 10 hours (that probably explains why my craft room is the most organized place in the house) and I am planning a “how to store it” craft/art supply video series this month so if you have any things you would like me to tell you how to store just let me know in the comments (and it better not have anything to do with kitchen utensils LOL!) Actually, the kids helped a lot and I was able to dodge much of the organizing…the silverware drawer though, that was all me. Wait, you came here to paint, not listen to my tale of woe so here is what we are painting today, a lovely Amaryllis!
I snapped a photo of the flower too so you can see what I was working from. I’m not much of a photographer but you get the idea:


Follow along in this real-time tutorial:

I mentioned I was using watercolor canvas by Fredrix. You might like it and (yay!) it IS still being sold (I am never sure when I use a product I’ve had a long time) it is good if you like to lift back to the white of the paper, it might be aggravating if you like to build glazes. I think it is nice to break out of your comfort zone and try something new…like organizing the kitchen…(NOT!) I hope you have a great rest of the weekend and have time to create something amazing, til next time happy crafting!