Expressive Roses Sketchbook Sunday

How’s it going, friends? We are all good here. I just got back from a long, cold, sunny walk with the dog. I am glad at these times to live in a rural area with lots of space outside because with school closed and social distancing in effect the house can feel extra small. I encourage you to get outside if you can, it can really improve your outlook. I also think this is a good time to make things. I have seen many people online making bread. I love that people are taking their quarantine time to learn this art. I learned to make bread around the time we bought out house (20 years ago!) and there is always new things to try. I love the smell of bread baking and this comforting aroma is welcomed at times like these. I hope the smell of bread baking always gives my kids happy memories of home. Baking bread is like painting, for me at least because I rarely use a recipe. I know the rough proportions of Flour, water and yeast I need and to that I add seasonings, other grains and goodies until the dough feels “right”. Painting is like that for me too but it takes practice (not talent) to build the instincts.

You need to put in the time, try, experiment, make some bad bread, and even waste ingredients before to you become proficient and even then you might make a dud. It’s all part of the learning process. If you have the luxury of being at home for a few weeks why not give something new a try. We are in a challenging time and it can feel as if we have no control but you can control what you create. See how I created today’s painting in the video below.

I am still experimenting with Open Acrylics and this time I tried them with Aqyla waterbased alkyd resin paint to see if they were similar or compatible because the open acrylics remind me of the Aqyla paint. After this painting, I realized that they were not the same paint but they still worked alright together. Here is the review I did of Aqyla in the past. You can find out more about Aqyla here. Back when I reviewed the paint they gave me a coupon code to share (thefrugalcrafter) it might still work.

Other Supplies (affiliate links used)

I hope you learn something new today. Happy crafting!