Loose & Easy Watercolor Roses to Paint!

Hi friends! I was in a bit of a painting rut so I thought I would play with some new paper and cheap paint and this is what I came up with!


Honestly I painted 4 paintings in one go, right after another and had a ball! (OK I apinted 5 and that 5th one was a stinker LOL!)I did record them so I will probably sprinkle them out during the next few weeks:) The key to this kind of creative play is to let go of expectations. I didn’t force myself to come up with something good enough to share, I just played and let the painting happen. Remember even if it turns out badly it’s only a piece of paper and making bad art is better than no art at all:) I kept the video real-time and narrated the tutorial, I hope you like it! Ironically I tried to do a similar flower while recording live narration and it was really hard to enter the flow state that this type of painting needs while trying to talk at the same time. Those darn right and left brain hemispheres conflicting LOL!


Supplies I used:

Want more in-depth instruction? Check out my Essential Tools and Techniques for Watercolor Course. Join nearly 700 students who are discovering the joy of watercolor while working through over 5 hours of real-time step by step watercolor lessons. Here is a comment just left this week by one of my students:

Yay!!! While there are lots of things I would work to improve, I NEVER thought I could do this before now! Thank you, Lindsay! -Diane Giarrusso


Learn more here or enroll today!


I hope you make time to play with watercolor today! If you don’t have any new paper or paint to experiment with try painting in a different size. Chop your paper into bookmark sized pieces and paint long skinny landscapes or long-stemmed flowers or anything else that strikes your imagination. These little bursts of play time are never a waste and when you take away the pressure of making a “good painting” you can relax and be free with your art. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

13 thoughts on “Loose & Easy Watercolor Roses to Paint!

  1. I love this! I like the colors and never thought cheap paint could look like this.

    After trying to do some detailed work I can’t wait to do something like this. I also like the way the paper got those stray dabs of water which resulted in random flow of paint in places. I prefer handing over the control to the paper, water and paint because usually it does a better job without me messing around with it too!

    I’Id have never dared to use cheap paints on precious paper like that but then – why not? ;D


  2. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m not working right now, raising a special needs child. Money is tight, so most of the time I’m using ‘cheap’ paint. Showing that you don’t always need to use the ‘good stuff’ to make beautiful art has made my day.


  3. I just love how you can make something beautiful out of nothing. When you start out, I think what is she doing? And I see you have a wonderful eye and imagination. I just feel like I have to be perfect, which holds me back. I need to be more spontaneous and loosen up.


  4. I agree with you! Sometimes I just need to be more free while painting instead of trying so hard! The book marks are a great idea for those that meet the fate of the trash can!!i am going to do exactly that but I love the roses and so I am inspired!

    Have a great day! Look forward to your next online tuitorial!


  5. What weight is this paper…looks like great texture. Also, is it true that 640 gr. hot press paper is best for portraits? If so what brand do you recommend…I am painting my niece & fiance in shades of Sepia for their wedding. Kind regards, Denise


      1. Thank you Lindsay
        !. I just love the loose, airy feeling of your beautiful painting! I have some cheap paints that I am definitely gonna put to use after seeing this creation!


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