Poppies anyone?

Hi friends! Time for a watercolor quickie! I took a few days off for the holiday and during that time I cleaned and rearranged our upstairs office so I would have an area to work and film during the cold months. I seem to be getting spleeny in my ahem…older age and I could not even make it till Christmas working all day in the cellar. So, for the next few months my basement studio will be my walk in art supply closet. Don’t worry, it is not cold enough to damage any supplies, just too cool for my liking.


I had to figure out a way to film in this new set-up, I came up with an amazing solution involving a shelf, gorilla tape and a selfie stick:


Oh and I taped a piece of white paper to the wall over the shelf to make a place to take pics of my finished artwork. I can also put my laptop on the shelf to look at reference photos (or binge watch Doctor WHO) while I am working LOL! So, what does this have to do with poppies? I did a test run filming here, I used the external webcam I use for live shows to film because I was worried about the weight of my normal camera. You will see the result below. It was OK but I prefer my normal camera so I tried it and it held up fine so I will be using that. Gotta love gorilla tape LOL! If you decide to do this do so at your own risk, I do not want to be responsible for your camera falling off a gorilla taped selfie stick into a pot of dirty rinse water. How’s that for a disclaimer?

Here is the poppy video!

OK, I know some of you don’t like the speed painting but I watched the long one and I thought it was a bit dull so I sped it up. Don’t worry long painting fans, I am planning either a long pastel or watercolor tutorial for the live show Friday:)

Other deets: I used Gansai Tambi watercolors on this painting on a 140# Strathmore watercolor greeting card. You can see the reference photo here. I hope you enjoyed this little painting. In other news, basketball season has started and the first games were tonight, both kids teams won their first games tonight and it was awesome, what a difference a year makes in a team! Thanks for stopping by and till next time happy crafting!

9 thoughts on “Poppies anyone?

  1. Hey Lindsay! I’m a native Floridian and so’s all my family, so I had to look up spleeny. What a great word! I always watch your vids on Youtube to get them faster, but I like to come over here pretty often and check for extra content, and I love reading your commentary. I notice you’re closing in on 200,000 subscribers on Youtube. That’s pretty exciting! Thanks for all you do. I so look forward to your new vids every day. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


  2. Congratulations on your new warm “digs”! I love the speeded up version and narration and now before you think that is a back-hand compliment…I caught so much detail changes! They seemed to jump out and I caught them right away! Crazy, huh?! 🙂


  3. Lindsay, I love your videos and now have my girls addicted to frugal crafting ;-). I KNEW intuitively that you were a fellow Dr Who fan!


  4. Hi Lindsay! I just bought the big pack of Derwent Inktense pencils, and I was wondering if you could do some more tutorials with them. I love them, but I need some more inspiration. I love your videos! Thanks 🙂


  5. Another great tutorial! It’s been a Frugal Crafter marathon weekend for me. I’m new to watercolor and so trying to soak in all your tidbits of information. I get my paints Wednesday and I can hardly wait!!! Thanks Lindsey!


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