I’m Back! A Winner & A DIY Hummingbird Feeder!

Hi friends! I am back from a wonderful week at the pond with my family, it was so nice and relaxing and I will share my vacation artwork (don’t get too excited…I spent a lot of time reading and relaxing, hmmm, maybe I shouldn’t have packed the corkscrew LOL!) in a day or two. Tonight I wanted to hop on the internet real quick and announce the winner of a jar of Plasti-Craft from last weeks Vintage Treasure Box post and it is…Marina! Please check your email for your prize info. If you did not win, don’t fret, you can still use the coupon code: TKTMI48N to get 10% off.

And now that my vacation is over and I have a couple empty wine bottles kicking around let’s make a bird feeder!



This was a segment I did for Home and Garden for Mere Mortals. Please visit their website for step by step photos and directions! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

10 thoughts on “I’m Back! A Winner & A DIY Hummingbird Feeder!

  1. Congratulation to Marina ( you are so lucky )……Thank for the opportunity to win Lindsay…… Love your bird feeder


  2. Good morning, Lindsay. I love this idea so much. I want to make some of these with my grandkids. Where do you get the clear wine bottles and/or can you use colored bottles. Thanks again.


    1. any will work:) But you can get them at a redemption center cheap or use any class bottle you can get a cork to fit.


  3. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    Welcome back from your vacation. Congratulations Marina!
    What a beautiful hummingbird feeder.
    Thanks for sharing!


  4. Wow! thanks so much Lindsay for this very cool giveaway! I can’t wait to try the Plasty-Craft out with my niece! Thanks. By the way, I love the birdfeeder, super cute!


  5. Welcome back! We missed you. Thanks for the pre-loaded videos to keep us from going into withdrawal. LOL
    I love your bird feeder. We have had bird feeders with sunflower seeds in them for over 20 years but we had to take them down when someone in the neighborhood let their cats have several litters of kittens. I think everyone in the neighborhood has taken in at least one stray. There haven’t been any new ones this year so maybe they moved. But the cats that are here are semi feral and stay outdoors much of the time, ours included, and they eat birds like crazy. We finally took our bird feeders down to prevent the bird genocide. It had changed from a bird feeder to a bird trap.
    Our cat likes to bring her treasures in the house and set them free. Hubz had to clean up bird feathers in the basement just a couple of days ago. She has brought in cicadas and dead mice too. I think she thinks our adult son is her kitten and she’s trying to teach him to hunt. 🙂


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