My Quickest Classroom Valentine Ever!

Hi friends! Do you have kids in grade school? Valentines Day is just around the corner so it is the perfect time to whip up a batch of handmade Valentine treats! These come together so easily using a few supplies from our sponsor Papermart.


Now you have a good excuse to buy a box of large shipping tags or the beautiful washi tape you have been eyeing! Plus, if you have been following my blog, you know lots of other ways to put this versatile craft room staples to good use. Watch how quickly these favors come together:

I also used some 2 3/4″ wide organza ribbon to top it off. I hope you give this easy Valentines day craft a try. You can also save this idea and make it for other holidays by changing the colors and stamps (that big box of shipping tags just keeps looking better all the time right?) Thanks so much for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

11 thoughts on “My Quickest Classroom Valentine Ever!

  1. hey y’all Craftsy is having a blog contest for the best/favorite blogger and i nominated Lindsay and hope you will too and then when they pick the runners. they link is
    it is only for a short time and then the voting starts the 23rd i think! i think she deserves as much credit and exposure to the masses, lol 🙂 Good luck Lindsay!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. i hope she wins!! thanks! oh wait do you mean you nominated me??? if yes i really appreciate it, but i am not a blogger right now, just somehow, dont remember how, got a couple of blogs so that i could promote others! again, if yes, thanks so much for the lovely gesture, thought, but there are way better candidates that are true bloggers out there to nominate 🙂 good luck with your new blog and crafting adventures! blessings 🙂


        1. Oops… sorry for being unclear about this. I meant I nominated Lindsey as well :$ I hope she wins as well, she deserves it! again sorry for the misunderstanding…

          Liked by 1 person

          1. lol, no problem!!! i really hope she does too and thanks for nominating her!!! (and not me :D) i thought that is what you meant but wanted to be sure!!! have a great day and thanks again!


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